the trend has been to add KHD to factions, not take away. If they remove Bit and Kiss, we are sure to get a Zerat KHD. I just hope they up the AVA.
Interesting about that, is the Zerat kitted so well that one could warrant 4 or more on the table? I'd argue not many units if any are except a fireteam, in which it's value is greater than the sum of it's parts... That being said, having an AVA limit is their to prevent any unforseen min/maxing that may occur. I wonder if CB ever runs tests playing lists with higher AVA or entirely built on a single unit to test whether a cost should be changed. I would start with the basic unit profile that costs like 1 point or what ever and run the whole games attributes, equipment, weapons, and skills and then their combination. It would probably take two guys a whole year of playing 5 days a week but they could really tune into what the true value of everything is and adjust costs across the board so the game is more fair.
Haha, that's pretty clever but also will you have all close enough and even 4, at those odds, a little hard to chew on.
I know that whole thread is more or less about MAF, but there is small Shas sneak peek in the 3rd offensive rules. Decoy example talks about Cadmus landing on the table (info from facebook page). So it looks like Cadmus will have this equipment, which is very nice. Full text from FB: The other one that I haven’t posted yet is Decoy. Quick overview is that it functions for the most part the same as HP Level 2. Except it has the additional cancellation clause of declaring an Order or ARO. I’ve had some others describe it as a combo of Limited Camo combined with HP 2. You do gain the surprise shot/attack bonuses if you started the Order in your active turn in the Decoy state still. You can’t join a Fireteam since it is a Marker state. The state is a deployment skill. Which applies even when you come in later, say via AD. If you have an additional Marker state, you do switch to that after being discovered as a Decoy. The additional parts are future proofing, except the example shows where it will come into play. Besides appearing on the Helot (Which was shown in a preview) the example talks about it in relation to a Cadmus landing on the table, so a slight sneak peek for Shasvastii players.
Decoy, hidden deployment, Regeneration, and such sounds like Shas stuff to me. They seem like they're supposed to be an infestation rather than an army. Can't wait to see how it works out.
Daturazi don't seem like the specialist type. But an impetuous hacker.... Hmm. Can you hack in an impetuous order?
Bit & Kiss are not in the AVA chart in the book sadly. I'll still wait for Army before being certain but it's looking like they are gone.
Interestingly Ko Dali has a fluff entry in the CA troop section. The only other entries are new units since HSN3 like the Pneumarch. I wonder if this is pointing to a rework of Ko Dali?
Ko Dali's fluff wasn't released in any 3rd edition book (her fluff is right now only in Campaign Paradiso), which is IMHO good reason to add her fluff into 3rd offensive, but personally I wouldn't be surprised if her profile will be adjusted.
Got my book, want me to share Special Fireteams? Will presume yes... Spoiler: MAF Core 4 Vanguards & 1 Suryat 4 Suryats & 1 Kornak Up to 4 Hungries/Gakis and 1/2 Oznats Haris Kornak can Fireteam Haris with Suryats Wildcard Raktorak Treitak counts as Vanguard Edit: Looks like the Kornak/ Sogarat link is gone.
I don't think the profiles themselves are being printed anymore. Which is a really smart move. They can change stuff without screwing wtih physically printed info. Less confusion that way.