I completely agree with both of these. As things sit there is not a good reason to take a Sogarat when you can get a better unit for 10+ points cheaper with the Suryat. The Sogarat can't justify what it does for it's cost within MAF.
The excessive application of force is a hallmark of Morats in general, but the application is for explicit purpose, the exception is the indiscriminate Raicho. MAF is lacking in command and control abilities. That is what Morat should do better than anyone.
The Raicho update was excellent if different to the original fluff which IMO fits FA 1/2 better, kinda unfortunately it blocks off a route the Soggy could have gone as some horrifying heavy shotgun totting storm trooper. As a raicho now does that probably more efficeintly than a Soggy ever could it's probably stuck on the FA track if it gets anything. I'd argue that the soggy does have a place as it stands, it's considerably more survivable than a Suryat HMG and comes with AP, I feel it's worth considering even just for the automedkit which is on a profile more likely to get use out of it than any of the shas or Maakrep ones and removes some of the dependancy morats have on Dr Boobworm. It loses speed but it's more likely to gain cover than a raicho, and it can deploy prone on a rooftop for potential fire lanes. If they have infact removed the haris option I'll be interested to see what they do with the feurbach profile. I've always had a soft spot for it due to the assault pistol and the ranges but it does lose out in direct obvious usefulness to the APHMG just like a standard plasma rifle charontid (no HD+) does to a HMG
Giving Soggy full auto would make him like a Kriza with automedikit. Strong yes but like ppl said boring and and clone profile. I'd like to see something different.
Kriza doesn't have ARM 6 (and Sogarat doesn't have BTS 6...), doesn't have AutoMediKit, doesn't have AP HMG, doesn't have a Feuerbach, etc. Other than being S5 HI, there are a lot of differences between the two. Having one skill in common would not make them total clones of each other. Eventually somebody other than the Kriza is going to get Full Auto, why not the Sogarat?
The biggest difference is the automedikit, the armor and the ap hmg doesn't make it such a difference in role. I'm not against it, I'd just like to see a more interesting solution.
I find the Suryat BTS is of far greater value than the extra 2 points of armor. SImply put I can take a Suryat HMG + tinbot and an Ikadron for less than a Sogarat. I have abused the crap out of the Soggy AutoMediKit in games, there is simply far more utility in two units over the single.
I am actually yet to run Suryats in more than, say 1 game? Because I felt exactly the opposite of the above. I've always felt that the Sog was much more reliable for only 10pts(ish) more than the Suryat HMG, who brought less to the table. Mind - I never ran Suryat pain trains and also haven't touched my MAF for a 2 year period until very recently. My old standard list was Anyat/Vanguard core and Kornak/Sog Haris...
I find a suryat haris with kornak a lot better than a sogarat by himself at the moment. And most of the time the solo suryat performs as good as the solo sogarat. Last time I used a sog was last year, even.
You know that's a terrible analogy right? given that potatoes are pretty much immune to any hacking attacks by being, well, a root vegetable and containing 0 electronic components
MAF needs some serious help in the trick department. They got subtle as a hammer to the face face and their tricks should emphasise that aspect. Morat is a jungle planet. Give Suryats Climb Plus. Give Zerats a Repeater like Morans has, eventually give the a CR+Pitcher profile. Sendt fra min VTR-L29 med Tapatalk
We've already been shown the Suryat profile, so expecting further changes to them is an exercise in futility...
Until the book is released thing can change. Bostria said that Dart would have even more abilities in the OSS sectorial. She ended up having the same. Also profiles have changed for gameplay reasons. An example is that suddently the Raicho had a Mine Dispenser. Sendt fra min VTR-L29 med Tapatalk
Much like Uprising, there will be no printed profiles in this book. It's all going straight to PDF and Army 6.
It still doesn't mean that there's time to change anything. Profiles were locked down before the book even went to print.