I took a long break form Infinity to play Wrath of Kings, but that finally died off where i live (and everywhere else, I think). I play Necromunda and Imperial Assault with some friends for long time. I bought Killteam but haven't played yet. Very wanted to try Aristeia!, but have not yet. Tried Warmachine but was so boring! Most boring game I ever tried.
infinity definitely is my main system. but I play some star wars imperial assault and might be interested in trying out kill team.
Friendly note for anyone interested in Kill Team: If neither of the two factions(Adeptus Mechanicus and Genestealer Cultists) in the boxed set interest you or a friend/potential opponent? Don't be afraid to just grab the book. The Rogue Trader set does not include the Core rules. There's a bit of misunderstanding surrounding that boxed set and I want to make sure any potential buyers know that it's essentially an expansion for Kill Team proper, not a standalone game like the forthcoming "Blackstone Fortress" set. Rogue Trader gave us an early look at the "Commanders" rules which saw a release of their own boxed set and expansions that give you a specific, named Commander based off the generic profiles in the book.