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The JSA Uprising - Model Split Question

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by ThePlasticCrackBlog, Mar 2, 2018.

  1. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    I haven't taken part in those discussions, but my general advice would be to grow a thicker skin. For comments that are crossing a certain line, the mods will usually intervene.
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  2. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    If that's the case, CB isn't entitled to our forbearance either.
  3. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    Of course not. We are free not to buy their products if we don't agree with their release/marketing policies.
    FatherKnowsBest likes this.
  4. Aldo

    Aldo Spare 15

    Nov 23, 2017
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    1. I shouldn't have to grow a thicker skin, nor is those posts offending me the point. The point is it seems like laughing at yu jing has become a constant in the forums. I mean, we all hate Janzerker and Benkei, but laugh at them, not at the whole faction.

    2. You are greener than green onions my friend, the moderation team here works less than an extremely lazy person based on a racist stereotype.
    Then again, maybe I should use the report button more often.
  5. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    We're also free to criticize them, contrary to the ideas that you and others are presenting.
  6. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    Criticising something and demanding a statement from CB are two entirely different things. I'm not keen on losing the option to field my JSA in my Yu Jing either, but it's hard to voice constructive criticism if we don't know the full extent of what is going to happen.

    1. So people laughing at Yu jing is hurting you - my point still stands

    2. I've been a part of this forum (or rather the old one) for quite some time, so I've seen a fair share of heated discussions. Usually, the mods were there to stop discussions from crossing a certain line, but I guess everyone draws the line in a different spot.
    chromedog and A Mão Esquerda like this.
  7. Alphz

    Alphz Kuang Shi Vet. Retired.

    Dec 25, 2017
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    No you won't be entitled to an apology because people are saying those things based on your actions.

    This isn't an everyone ganging on yu Jing thing. I'm a yu Jing player and I find your hyperbole to be affecting my enjoyment of this release. The fact which seems irrelevant to those who feel "wronged" by CB
  8. A Mão Esquerda

    A Mão Esquerda Deputy Hexahedron Officer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    STOP TALKING SENSE! After all, it’s every player’s (insert higher power/deity of choice here) given right to have their every whim catered to, and to be able to natter on to their heart’s content about how unjust it is when a company makes a decision they don’t like!
  9. the huanglong

    the huanglong Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Some people have already voted with their wallets under pretences they thought to be true bit were not. eg. "If I buy this Raiden I will be able to use it in my vanilla Yu Jing list". To keep the voting analogy, it's like breaking an election promise, only CB never really promised anyone you could use Raidens in Yu Jing forever, it's just what almost everyone assumed to be true.

    I can't see how anyone could argue continuing to sell Haramaki up until now is a good thing, or that a person who buys a haramaki box for 40 bucks yesterday is getting equal value to a person who bought a Haramaki box for 40 bucks 2 years ago. I can understand how you could see it as not a bigger deal, you could say the early adopter deserves more mileage for being an early adopter, but if the guy who bought his haramaki yesterday intended to use his haramaki as haramaki for 10 more years, then he's been ripped off. Yes it's minor but it's not a positive no matter how you frame it.
    Aldo and Hecaton like this.
  10. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I disagree. The way you present it, criticizing CB for not having a statement on the topic and demanding they make one is just semantics.
  11. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    I'm not sure I follow, but in my view both of those, while not exactly the same, are equally pointless.
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  12. ThatThing

    ThatThing New Member

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Thing is, the Beasts of War Infinity: Uprising week may very well include a statement.
  13. A Mão Esquerda

    A Mão Esquerda Deputy Hexahedron Officer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Especially if those either criticizing or demanding seem disinclined to accept anything outside of their own narrow parameters...
    oren_dotan and FatherKnowsBest like this.
  14. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    It's foolish to not present a subfaction rebellion and not expect the response of "Will my minis that I paid points for on the pretense of them being used in a game together still be able to be used in that way?" They might include a statement next week; the smarter thing to do would be to assuage people's fears from the getgo, as anybody could have predicted it would be a reaction, given that rendering previous purchases invalid is a touchy subject in the wargaming community.
    Primo likes this.
  15. Alphz

    Alphz Kuang Shi Vet. Retired.

    Dec 25, 2017
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    I don't think we need devils advocates here, or people misrepresenting there viewpoints as that of all/most/some yu jing players.

    If you can't make a point about your thoughts without feeling the need to characterise it to a group, or extrapolate it to a hypothetical situation then maybe you should reconsider what you are saying, or whether you're personally feeling outraged but want more people to validate you.

    Heres a thought exercise, next post you write that includes phrases such as "yu jing players", "everybody" "the customers", replace it with "I", "me" or "my". See how it reads.

    Smarter to who? You?

    I think the teasing is cool, and so far I don't have enough information to feel like CB need to be assuring me of anything.

    What exactly are they assuring you of? Something you are hypothetically concerned about? If we include everything someone might be concerned about and CB were smart enough to make statements about them, there would be no hype for anything. Maybe some people like it.

    I like what they're doing right now, and find your need for personal apologies or appeasing statements just a little selfish.
  16. chromedog

    chromedog Less than significant minion

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Yup. "You can't please 'em all!" (because there's always going to be at least one who doesn't like the changes, or even one minor change that doesn't make a sparrow fart's difference in a hurricane.)

    OTOH, pissing them all off is a piece of cake.
  17. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    And I thought the teasers and general mummery by the WarCors and CB were disrespectful and felt like they were jerking us around.

    Nah, hype could still be achieved. Not all hype is based around withholding information.

    And I find your support of them just a little sycophantic.
  18. cazboab

    cazboab Definitely not Cazboaz.

    Nov 30, 2017
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    I'm gonna go out on a limb and/or take an educated guess here: We probably weren't supposed to know about it yet. I think possibly the announcement was intended to come on monday(or maybe even later...) along side the BoW week long hype train of stuff but with the leaks we're looking at the damage control now...
  19. sakurazuka38

    sakurazuka38 Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Too much haramaki on this post...is there any info about them ? I dived into infinity because of this unit (they'are space fucking samourai), please tell me it's just for the example and that they won't be Exrah'ed!

    #119 sakurazuka38, Mar 4, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2018
  20. REND

    REND Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2018
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    Any particular reason for focusing on the Haramaki for this example?

    Depending on how things fall (which we still don't know the full picture) Yu Jing may still be able to use some models associated with JSA, some new releases may fill the holes left and old models can be used to proxy these new profiles. We don't know about this and will have to wait and see. Regardless, if your JSA collection is big enough to feel seriously out of pocket for not being able to use them in regular Yu Jing then you probably have enough to field them as a stand alone force anyway.

    Not that this does anything to quell the irritation or frustration at being made to arbitrarily change my lists and how I play but it's not actually preventing me from using them. To dredge up the Ex'rah comparison again, in that instance a whole group of models where simply dropped from the game. Here they've been shunted to another part of the game forcing lists to change and players to adapt but the models themselves are still in the game. In this respect CB have been nicer to Yu Jing than they were to the Combined Army because they could have just said the state empire wiped out the Japanese for rebelling.
    #120 REND, Mar 4, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2018
    chromedog, Balewolf, barakiel and 2 others like this.
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