That was a good discussion. I agree that Naffatuns need a little something. With the creation of Patchers in Kosmoflot, I am hoping they can look at those for some inspiration. I would love for Naffatuns to maybe be made into Medium Infantry in the mid teens and distinguish themselves with Continuous Damage Grenades, dogged and either +1 Burst or Damage.
Has anyone got to try FTO Fiddler in a Khawarij Haris fireteam? She's the same cost as the cheapest one, same speed, has SJ to keep up. She brings some cool tools I think, probably worth losing the +3 to discover.
Just listened to it last night. It's great to finally put a voice to the words :) Also didn't know you were Finnish. Great episode, and great content. The only thing I disagree with entirely is that the new Rahman model looks better than the Defiance one. But I'm happy to hear there are people who like him ;)
I'm humbled and thankful for all the comments regarding the podcast - I'm so happy that it has been well received! <3 Those are exactly some of the types of changes I'd also like to see! Something like that would make the Naffatûns truly unique, without stepping on the toes of other RTF models too much... I really feel that there could be something there - I personally don't lament losing the +3 to Discover bonus too much, and Fiddler does provide the Fireteam with Burst 2 Dropbears, a Burst 3(!) Contender and a (for RTF) rare BTS Targeting lethal weapon in the Breaker Pistol! The only thing holding me back on playing Fiddler more as a part of a Fireteam is the fact that the Jackbots are soooo good - especially for Ramah! If you get around to testing your loadout, I'd love to hear how it went! :)
Oh, boy! Real life has really been kicking my behind lately in a way that has left me with no time to dedicate for the blog, sorry guys! I'm optimistic that things should be getting easier soon, and I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things in the near future! What type of content would the readers of the blog want to see next? My first order business is to FINALLY finish editing PandaBeastMode's IGL report part 2, but what then? I've been playing some JSA of late as my first real stint away from RTF in N4, would people be interest in some writings about them, or would you prefer some good old fashioned Ramah stuff? Have a great day everyone!
Glad to hear you're back! I would love some Rafiq analysis. How have you been playing it in RTF? What are your lessons? What are your recommendations?
All, the Sunduqbut was just added to RTF. It seems like it will help midfield presence and gives RTF some serious reactive turn capability. What are everyone's thoughts?
While I'm premilinarily sceptical of the Sunduqbut's value as a more or less purely reactive piece (the Neurocinetics profiles) due to the high opportunity cost involved, I'm looking forward to testing out the (non-Neuro) Viral Rifle profile tomorrow - maybe the "lunch box's" unique combination on deterrance/area control/offensive punch will turn out to be a truly valuable resource to the RTF going forward!
I hope you can write an article for boxbot in your forum @Grotnib . I think viral rifle can hace good potential against Ariadna, mainly against wolfs and bears. Ap spitfire maybe as active Hunter if you go first, trying yo capitalice surprisse shot? Cheers
Hey all! The start of the year hasn't been that great for the blog, but I still have hopes and plans for the future! I was also kindly asked to comment an IGL Satellite Event game, so there's some new type of content available!
Glad to hear you're back! Can't wait for some new content on your excellent blog. Just a quick note though — the second link is the same as the first. For anyone who's as curious as me, here it is:
Any chance of getting an article on the Sunduqbut? The neurocinetics profile seems very tempting for it's defensiveness, but it's so expensive you are probably giving up the ability to bring an active turn midfielder.
I'm currently playing JSA and prepping for a satellite event with them, but maybe after that I'll return to RTF so that I can write an article on the Sunduqbut! I've played the Viral Rifle version a few times, but I don't feel comfortable writing a piece on the unit without proper testing of the other options... Thank You for Your continued interest! <3
On one hand, when I have played RTF I didn't see the value of Neuro Sunduqbut. It's 1/6th of my list for a really obvious turret that can't be used actively, and normal Viral Sunduqbut is very good. On the other hand, I have had a Vanilla player ruin my day with a Neutocinetic Spitfire Sunduqbut twice so far, even though I knew it was there and tried fighting it smart, so I think I'm just stupid.
It is that good, and a Haqq engineer can revive it really easy so you must make sure it is dead after you down it, not an easy task, definitely worth its points.
Yo, I’ve changed my toon when it comes to RTF. I like this more simple variant of Haqq than HB being a seasoned enthusiast but still relatively new player. Anyone wanting to build a list in RTF I recommend building around the Zhayedan HMG. Of course there is more than that, but that’s a great starting point as a workhorse. And, I just ordered a large chunk of RTF miniatures with a professional painter soon to start work on them in mid July. So, my take away, is that if you are relatively new to Infinity and like Haqq I recommend looking into RTF to establish a shooting foundation. Once you are comfortable and confident then ease yourself into HB’s more abstract form of combat.