The definite N4 Comments, Suggestions, Ideas, wishlist's and Bugs that need fixing thread

Discussion in 'Access Guide to the Human Sphere' started by psychoticstorm, Aug 6, 2019.

  1. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    I think I opened a can of works here lol.

    On a totally separate thing, my biggest irritation with Infinity: The weapon chart.

    I HATE that weapons are not listed in a more unified way. I don't want to look under Shock for a Shock Rifle!!

    My proposed changes:

    Pistol, Assault
    Pistol, Heavy
    Pistol, Multi
    Rifle, Combi
    Rifle, Marksman
    Rifle, Multi

    Any gun that only has a difference of Ammo shouldn't even be on the list! We don't need to look up AP Rifle! All Rifles have the same damage, same ranges. The ammo is a separate thing. Something like a Multi-rifle makes sense because it has several modes of use. We don't need Shock Combi Rifle for instance. We would need a new name for Panzerfaust/Flammespeer/Blitzenk/Akrylate they are all the same damn weapon but with different ammo!
    #2741 Space Ranger, Dec 30, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2023
    LadleOfWar, Drakefall, Lesh' and 9 others like this.
  2. Muad'dib

    Muad'dib Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2021
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    That one is on me, I skimmed back through the speculative fire rule before posting and didn't see any mention about markers and forgot that it would count as declaring an attack, which violates the camo state rule. It wasn't my intention to broaden spec fire to target camo, so just ignore that part of the proposed language.
    Errhile likes this.
  3. Grotnib

    Grotnib Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2019
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    Thank You everyone who’ve liked, commented on discussed my suggestions for changes to Ninjas I posted previously! To my surprise I’ve noted, that after posting the comment I’ve been able to move on from my frustrations on the units in question, and hence I chose to make another post – sorry everybody for being more or less forced to being my Infinity therapists! :D


    Everyone who knows anything about me, knows that I’m a RTF player first, second and third. I’m not saying that the wishlist that follows is necessarily the best thought out one out there, nor do I claim to able to propose points costs or the like, but at least what follows is based on experience… A metric ton of experience in fact! So, in an effort to improve my quality of sleep, here’s my wishlist for RTF! Please do remember, that what follows is my subjective take on the subject, and I welcome any discussion and critique, let’s just do that in a constructive and friendly way! Let’s go:

    A Faction wide change – cut Bioimmunity.

    - Since the latest update on how Bioimmunity works, the rule has lost all relevance in all other situations, except when rolling it as a result on the Metachemistry table (which in and of itself isn’t relevant in RTF), when compared to simply harmonizing a unit’s ARM and BTS values on their profile. As such, in the spirit of the N4 “denesting” of rules, I heavily advocate for the removal of Bioimmunity from Khawarijs and Yara Haddad and giving both units ARM3. Curiously Tarik Mansuri ALREADY had matching ARM and BTS while lacking the Bioimmunity skill, so this should just be a case of simplifying things, right?

    Units I’d argue not requiring any updates:

    Beasthunters, Fiddler, Rahman Rouhani, Monstruckers, Mukhtars, Najjaruns, Narmurrs, Tarik Mansuri, Warcors, Wild Bill, Hakims, Yara Haddad, Hortlak Janissaries, Sunduqbuts, Remotes, Carmen Johns.

    As one can see from the rather extensive list above, not only are the vast majority of pieces in RTF pretty much where I’d like to see them at ruleswise, I’ve also repeatedly made the point that the Faction as whole is in a great place! So let me reiterate it here – Ramah Taskforce is a great Faction as is! As You are about to see, most of the things I’m going to advocate for next are going to be more quality of life improving than world changing! Who knows, maybe the changes might help CB sell some more models in the meantime…

    Ghulam Infantry

    - Cut the Grenade Launcher profile without NCO.

    Okay, this one is a nitpick, but in the spirit of controlling profile bloat, I’d just cut this profile. There’s no real excuse not to pick the NCO, who for just 2 points also gets Smoke Grenade Launcher. That’s it – at ease soldier!

    Leila Sharif

    - Give Leila a Minelayer profile.

    While Leila is a useful piece, she doesn’t make it into that many RTF lists (of mine) because she just doesn’t do enough (of things that can’t be relatively easily accomplished otherwise), so giving her the OPTION for further utility would be very nice, and we might see more of our favorite femme fatale on the table!


    - Cut BS Attack (+1 DMG)

    - Give Khawarijs BS Attack (AP)

    - Give all Khawarij profiles Grenades

    - Give the Khawarij Doctor’s Boarding Shotgun (+1 Burst).

    Oh boy, to me the Khawarijs are the unit that I find requiring the way most work to get to a truly competitively playable level. As things stand, the Red Turbans compete in the same points bracket as the Zhayedans (who are way, way better gunfighters, and also crucially count as Ghulams for Fireteam construction) and the other super soldiers (who offer way more combat power, durability and utility), as well as in the case of the Mk12 variant, Yara Haddad (who’s cheaper, hits harder against high armor, has better secondary weapon and is a Wildcard).

    My take on how to fix the problem, would be to lean on the identity of the unit as a deadly assault force, while keeping their signature relative frailty. The BS Attack (AP) is intended to refocus the Khawarijs as the extremely hard-hitting RTF troopers (as opposed to the extremely accurate Zhayedans), while adding Grenades to the profiles without would allow for additional utility to any Fireteams that the Red Turbans are a part of. Lastly, the Burst bonus on the Doctor would be intended to incentivize sometimes bringing him/her over the 18 points cheaper Ghulam Doctor, who slots into the same Fireteams!


    - Give Naffatûns ARM3

    - Give both profiles Grenades (Continuous Damage).

    As things stand, the Naffatûns compete with the cheaper and more utilitarian Ghulams, who end up eating the flame thrower troopers’ lunch, by virtue of being better close assault troopers than they are. By making Naffatûns tougher and providing them with a dangerous utility/forking weapon, I’m hoping to re-establish them as useful line trooper assault units, and even potential Lieutenant options.


    - Give the Breaker Rifle profile Breaker Rifle (DA)

    - Swap the Doctor profile’s Boarding Shotgun for a Vulkan Shotgun.

    The heavy weapon wielding Zhayedans are the bread and butter of RTF Fireteams, but sadly there’s little to no competitive reason in bringing the other two profiles. My solution would be to lean on the unit’s access to more exotic weaponry, by rehashing the N3 era deadliness of the Breaker Rifle Immortal, while upgrading the Doctor’s BSG to a VSG should also make her more viable.

    Al Fasids

    - Give the HMG Al Fasid HMG (+1 Burst).

    The lack of this upgrade has seemed like and oversight from the day the first N4 profiles were leaked. The HMG Al Fasid costs almost as much as the Shakush, so I think it’s fair to say he/she deserves more bang for his/her buck! If somebody is worried about a B5 HMG in a Janissary Fireteam, fear not! First, such a Team is prohibitively expensive and “unpure” (punintended!) and second, we aren’t exactly seeing Kriza Boraks dominate the meta, now are we?

    EDIT. Janissaries
    - Give Janissaries Cubes.
    The lack of Cubes effectively neuters the Janissary Doctor (2W), because there's little reason to risk trying to recover two wounds at a high risk of losing one's Janissary, when the option for extremely high likelyhood of recovering one wound (and thus avoiding the adverse effect) is available. The current (revamped) backstory of the Janissaries doesn't even support the lack of cubes! Thank You to @Brokenwolf for helping me remember to write this change proposal!

    Maghariba Guards

    - Cut Religious Troop

    - Rearrange/edit the secondary/tertiary weapon loadouts to be 1. AP Heavy Pistol (+1B) + Heavy Flamethrower (+1B), 2. Heavy Pistol (+1B) + Heavy Rocket Launcher + Grenade Launcher + Heavy Flamethrower and 3. Mine Dispenser + Heavy Pistol + Heavy Flamethrower.

    First: the bug where Religious Troop overrides Courage has been present and accounted for from day one of N4 – for goodness’ sake remove one! Secondly, I’d rearrange the loadouts to spread out the “enticing” weapon options between the profiles… As things stand, the Mine Dispenser Maggie gets pretty much everything! The new loadouts would effectively mean one would have the choice between a “close assault”, “Swiss army knife” and “mine dispensing” scorpion TAGs!

    Murabids Tuaregs

    - Give the unit an additional profile with Doctor (+3) and a Nasmat A3 [the Nasmat A3 would be an Infiltrating, Hidden Deploying Nasmat].

    I love, love, love Tuaregs in Infinity! The unit is well designed, too cool for school and plays excellently as part of RTF… I even applaud the unique choice to substitute the more traditional Forward Observer option for the Doctor one… But as things stand, the Tuareg Doctor profile just doesn’t work… Ramah Taskforce has access to as good (or nearly as good) Doctors in the form of Hakims (cheaper and more flexible), Ghulams (cheaper and Fireteamable) and Khawarijs/Zhaeydans (fightier and Fireteamable), which unfortunately leaves the Tuareg Doctor very much looking for their niche. By including a Nasmat A3 profile, the Tuareg would be allowed to both act as a healer and an active Specialist at the same time, they could manage the occasional Inoculation Classified, or even hide the fact that the RTF player has a healer all together until the time was right! What harm could a (realistically 4 or 5 point) Nasmat do in the midfield? (Shhhh – nobody mention mine clearing!)

    And that’s that folks! A few quality of life upgrades and one more drastic refocusing of a unit, and Ramah Taskforce could be as good as new!

    Phew! Hopefully this subject will now leave my mind and I can focus on other things! :D

    Have a great 2024 everybody!
    #2743 Grotnib, Dec 31, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2024
    KedzioR_vo, tacos, Cadwallon and 3 others like this.
  4. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    The Naffatuns fix would be perfect and solidify their use as close assault units. The new models have the bulk for it.

    All I want for Jannisaries is to bring back Doctor+3, even if it is a separate profile.
  5. tacos

    tacos Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2022
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    I actually really love that Khawarij idea. The points would def have to be tweaked around with, but BS Attack (AP) would make them a lot more compelling and distinct to troopers like the Mukhtar.

    Personally, I might even go further with the Naffatun, maybe taking some inspiration from the Patcher - maybe a Viral Heavy Flamethrower for a bit of Haqq flair? I giving them NWI and introducing a bit of close range durability to the Ghulam-Zhay-Naff team would be really nice.

    I have a lot of opinions on Maggie lol. I def agree with the idea of changing the loadouts as you described, but I still don't think it changes a lot of the fundamental issues with her at her current price point. Still, would be a step in the right direction.
  6. AntipodeanBolt

    AntipodeanBolt Bureau of Colonial Affairs Spokesperson

    May 4, 2020
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    With the inclusion of Blockers into Fusilier fireteams. Were good here
    #2746 AntipodeanBolt, Jan 8, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2024
  7. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    I understand but It's good to have NCA different from ISS.
  8. AntipodeanBolt

    AntipodeanBolt Bureau of Colonial Affairs Spokesperson

    May 4, 2020
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    Disregard this post
    #2748 AntipodeanBolt, Jan 8, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2024
  9. csjarrat

    csjarrat Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    My main wish is that the game gets a good thorough balance pass through all factions, not just the modern sexy ones. There's plenty of factions with poor internal balance, blatant auto-takes and stuff that has no role or is outcompeted in its niche
  10. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Also a bunch of missions that are severely unbalanced towards a particular turn order. Progressive scoring should probably happen.
    csjarrat and Space Ranger like this.
  11. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Other than the weapons list here are some more pet peevs with the game.

    NBW should not be on troops that also have Marital Arts. Better yet, get rid of it.

    Frenzy. I HATE troops that get this thing to make them cheaper and then get to ignore it in a fireteam.

    Spotlight should allow a BTS save. It's just too easy to get off. It should also be a Active turn skill as well. not ARO.
    Stiopa, LaughinGod and csjarrat like this.
  12. StephanDahl

    StephanDahl Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2022
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    There should be Martial Arts (CC+3) and Marital Arts (CC-3)... Hot fighters get both.

    I'll get my own coat...
  13. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Simplify even further and not have any Martial Arts and just make it CC (+3/-3). Simple is better to me.
  14. StephanDahl

    StephanDahl Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2022
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    But that would ruin the risque pun :)
    Space Ranger likes this.
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