I mostly agree but with an asterisk, as (to my knowledge) ISS doesn't really have access to "degrade and annoy" order group, or rather not one I would define as a "degrade and annoy" order group. "Degrade and annoy" order group means, to me, something in the lines of 4 Mutts + 4 Daylami's + an ARO piece such as a TR REM/Lasiq Sniper or the Nomads Moran + Camo midfield or something in the lines of those things, which have the ability to waste an excessive amount of orders. This is semantics however, as nothing in this game is black and white and I'm sure you've found a configuration that works the way you described it, in the meta you're playing in. Also, feel free to PM me if you feel like wanting to further extrapolate your point, as I don't wish to go further OT in this thread. :) Kind regards.
You can often wait until after your opponent’s first Impetuous phase with Kuang Shi. Generally this will open up holes that AD can slip into. At which point a combination of Drop Bears and and 10-16” BSG shots give you a solid chance of eating through the order pool. Use your T1 to do something else: Bandits make a good alternative vector, or just spend the turn pushing buttons and setting up defence in the midfield.
If you know you're about to walk into direct template weapons or shotguns, best move is to chuck out both your drop bears first. Take the most number of dudes as possible in a blaze of glory, because for all his amazingness, Spector does not stand up to massed AROs from chain rifles or light shotguns.
Wow, I didn't think it was possible to make a disappointing Raoul, but they actually succeeded. Wow. Amazing.
It's extra weird that they went with the PanO AD backpack instead of the Hellcat's pack or even the Yuan Yuan/Bashi's wings for pure merc fluff. Also: Having just looked at every faction's AD packs, I'd like to vote for Rasyat having the coolest pack you'd actually want to use and Garuda having the coolest pack that falls apart as soon as you look at it.
Does anyone have cool conversion ideas that aren't Yuan Yuan or Bashi? I use those now, but I also use them as the real deal, so I want to avoid confusion among my friends asap. (its just more fun for us without too many proxies). BUT that sculpt is awful (imo) and I refuse to buy it.
I will use Bandit with boarding shotgun in Tunguska. Very similar outfit and cool mini.In Starco probably i will stay with Spektr with bsg.
I love the conversion somebody did based on the Ayyar! Slip some pack on the back (or not) change one or both pistols into sticks, done! Perfect Moon Knight! The other one with the rifle is also good and both dont look to much like a HI so that it could easilyepasspas an NWI trooper, and with the new YuJing pseudo HI out, it's even less of a stretch then before. ;)
I use Akhalis with BS from O:IS with a Nomad Hellcat Jumppack and without this Head-antenna. Didn't do a headswap because I am not that good at conversions, but for an experienced person that would'nt be a big problem, I think.
I love it! Now, I have to buy it and make some conversion. Maybe a unicorn costume (we've got one at home I can copy)? Thank you anyway.... (Man, I'm already thinking where to put the horn, painting the fin like wings,...)
Credits: W0rstC4se Here, good people, you can see Raoul putting the CA into retreat (unfortunately my opponent won the game thanks to that) during yesterday's tournament. Other amazing stuff he recently did: singlehandedly eradicating a Celestial Guard + Crane Fireteam, a Sophotect and a Ninja whilst hacking two antennas and controlling the opponent's console in a game of power pack.
The Pikachu conversion was super tempting given I had already put Uhahu in Ash's hat, but had to stick to the Moon Knight scheme. Ended up going with something based on his Ultimate Spiderman cartoon appearance, and I think he looks a lot better with dark pants: https://forum.corvusbelli.com/threads/further-nomad-wanderings.980/#post-218554