I just updated the rules a little bit, using the wording of the Uprising book. The missions Border Wars, Safe the Scientists and Emergency Evacuation are affected. Basically nothing has changed, just the wording is in line with CB.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z5Wp9zBZJiDDJ_upvLdh0mnbM238qqNb/view?usp=sharing I got a problem with google drive. this used to work fine. Now only this link should work. grmblfx
Just wanted to thank you for 20x20. Newer player and although I find ITS certainly fun, the missions I've played with 20x20 provide such a great narrative and feel of spec ops forces facing off. Has been excellent! Thank you! Now, all we need is some 20x20 narrative events! ;)
I realised that I got bogged down playing ITS and have not paid that much attention to 20x20 for a while. I am impressed with how many tournaments there have been worldwide using 20x20, yet I have never participated in one. As an introvert, it is a bit hard for me to get off my arse and organise a 20x20 narrative event. Should be no problem, there are some story arcs to be explored, eg. all the missions regarding prisoners. Maybe I should first motivate myself to do the diagrams for my new 20x20 Commando Edition. Very narrative indeed. I only need to do those diagrams, but they are so boring to do. And I probably need to design my own blog.
yep, I wrote down 20 asymetrical missions, with the attacker / defender element. Something you can 't have in ITS.
Ah. Excellent. Something I had wondered if it as possible. Obviously, some balance questions but would love to see these!
It is certainly possible, as you can see in Campaign: Paradiso. ITS is not the place for such scenarios, and CB has turned to ITS to tell their tale.
ok, here it is: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15Mmn-8ERPQJr-fMPTfjg8_kJS6mNGpjC/view?usp=sharing you can use this link to read and download the rules as they are until now. Note that those rules have not been tested at all. I would be happy if someone would actually play one or more missions of this document and give me feedback. Also note that there is no appendix with diagrams of the battlefields. I simply could not be arsed to do them yet. Not all scenarios need such diagrams, and I guess most of the descriptions are clear enough to figure it out without diagram. Please let me know or even better, make some diagrams so I don't have to do that.
I just changed the last mission to make it more interesting. btw, feedback is much appreciated, even if it stems just from reading parts of the document.
Looking forward to trying these! First thought that allowing anti-material weapons (maybe just CC) could shred razorwire might be appropriate. Perhaps might make it too easy to destroy, however.
that is a possible solution. I contemplated it at some stage but dropped it because e.g. multi sniper could then destroy a razor wire, which seems very odd. maybe just in CC would be a solution. As it is, the razor wire is pretty hard to get rid of, but on the other hand we are just talking about 12" in total. Admitted, that could be crucial.
Is the document missing the diagrams or aren't there none? I've cross checked and they should be on the end.
I think mostly it's a pretty good solution. That and the possibility of a trooper deploying in suppression give a good feel of defense without going way off the rails and adding in things like "improved cover" for prepared positions or moving around terrain and the like.
A quick note and maybe something I missed but when does the attacker in surprise attack decide what time of day the mission will be played?
The decision is made during the Deployment of the attacking troopers. Good find, I guess I should clarify that. Such as "The Attacker needs to declare what time of the day the mission is played before the Defender has deployed any troopers." What do you think of the special rules? Do you spot any grave mistakes there?