T2 rifles in links don't cost SWC anywhere else, I don't think we'll see it here. Unless there's a new veteran character or an MI added, then there just aren't enough options to justify limiting the veteran the same way that mormaers are, so there will be an option to get veterans in a core, but it might not be as simple as just giving them a core team... The other option is a different kind of fireteam, say one that only ever gets the 3 or 4 trooper bonus but can freely swap all eligible troopers in the same combat group, representing the ''kazak avalanche". Personally I'd avoid adding more fireteam types, but if CB did everything I'd do we’d have a sprue of conversion parts in plastic for each faction and sensible poses for all the HMG minis...
It's a very solid link and sits among the stronger options put there. If a 1.5W model with Mimetism and no BTS is enough to make people cry OP, because it gained some fire team bonuses then I feel bad for people who play against stuff like full Wu Ming teams, StarCo, JSA, and OCF. Finally some reason. It's really not as ridiculous as people make it out to be considering a Nikoul can silence the team. DTWs and WBs will kill that VKazaks poor buddies. If they can take VKazaks in a Haris, Core, and Duo then that is bad design. Yes, they are in the fluff supposed to be the go to guys in a firefight. Yes, they are the Ariadnan answer to things that liberal applications of Antipodes won't solve, but they don't need to be jammed into every fire team. Having them as Core and Core Special is plenty. TAK needs a linkable MI similar to Tankhunters. Maybe an amalgamation of Scouts and Tankhunters. Lots of gear and special rules. Hell I'd be happy with another LI that could link that possessed some interesting profiles.
the Ratnik is certainly an HI the size of the blackjack. The hammer is totally OTT 40k style, I am not happy about that. This unmentioned trooper with that huge rifle could be a tankhunter. Maybe it is a new rifle/adhl Tankhunter? I am mostly looking forward to the scout with the boarding shotgun. Much needed model, I love the cloak.
Definitely a Tankhunter, you can see her shoulder clearly at one point and she has the same red markings that the existing male Tankhunters have.
The hammer is the weakest thing about the Ratnik. Really not sure why it's there. I am super curious about that gun it''s holding. The blackjack was already pushing the absolute edge of S5 and this thing looks even bigger than that. Much as with that design I hope it would be a TAG [no clue how that thing can go prone] odds are the masses are right and it'll be HI. I'm expecting a profile very similar to the blackjack. Though likely with enhanced ARM 6-7 maybe it'll have 2 wounds before battle ravenged I was hoping for a new medium infantry, but on closer inspection that is really looking like a tank hunter with AP rifle. [I'm still hoping we'll see them do a scots guard and have half options that can link and half options that do camo] The new design for Ariadnan AP rifles looks excellent. Line and Vet Kazaks look great. Not sure when I'm gonna use the scout with boarding shotgun. But I'm definitely gonna convert one to have an ojotnik. no surprises that the wardriver was the exclusive. That has felt telegraphed for so long.
I think the boarding shotgun makes a lot of sense when scouts are your only infiltrators. This does not devaluate the awesome ojotnik in the slightest. i will see how much battlefield usage the boarding shotgun will get over the ojotnik.
From my post in the other thread, I believe it's a Boarding Shotgun (at least in design - could be something more interesting by the rules). Same design as the Garuda's. Drum that tapers toward the front, pic rail running the whole length forward of the optic, and large front sight post. Scout with BSG is a fantastic link killer due to Marksmanship L1. Motrin and water isn't going to make those Ghulams stand back up.
Don't think it's an ALEPH bsg since its an Ariadna unit, only Ariadnan weapon o can think of thatsthad a drum mag is the molotok
Molotok has a big box magazine, not a drum. I'm thinking it's a new Heavy shotgun, we've not had one since the Devil Dog and they've redesigned a lot of shotguns for different factions since then.
The Ratnik is asking for a weapon extration and a sickle sculption. I really like the new look of the kazaks. The new veteran is wanting me to give a chance to new veteran HMG miniature. The tankhunter looks good, but the reloading old one has a touch... I didn't like the new scout sniper, I think that despite the awesome sculpt the old one was better but this one looks gorgeus.
you are aware that Russians and Kazaks don't have a communist government since the 1990's? There is nothing in the Kazak background to support the idea that they are communists 175 years in the future. I think a sickle would have made that weapon even more cringeworthy.
Everything looks great, except perhaps the Ratnik's hammer. I'll see what I think in person and maybe clip it off.
I really hope that is a heavy shotgun and the rocket launchers mean 2xHeavy Rocket Launcher. I would be disappointed if the rocket launchers simply mean ECM.
It will be my miniature and I will made whatever I want :P . My kazaks are from the Union of Ariadnan Socialist Republics.
One small comment : every mini of the box is identified (with the name of the unit on the video) except the one that looks like a woman tankhunter AP rifle. Is it a mistake, or is it a sign there is still a surprise left ? A new unit, a new TH profile (maybe non-camo like the scots) ?
Two not named are the Tankhunter looking one with the AP rifle and the Scout looking one with the shotgun. I kind of feel like those are what we are thinking. There is another new kazak unit type shown already on 4chan. Not sure if that can be posted here because its a leak, but it sounds cool. I am guessing that and hopefully a RM-100 coming down the pipe for us eventually.
If the ratnik doesn't have an EXP CCW (or atleast DA) I will be dissapointed, now all those jokes about hitting people with a missile launcher in cc will make sense!