I wouldnt really class the Uxia profile so bad you actually handy cap yourself taking her as "access to MSV" lol
What about a new skirmisher with MSV ? Advanced deployment lvl 2, MSV1, antipode ghost synchro, mimetism and limited camo on both. Choice of profile between : - BSG + assault pistol - rifle/FO/AP mine - rifle/AP/mine/minelayer (0.5 SWC) - molotok (1 SWC) BS 11 AVA 1 in vanilla, AVA 2 in TAK Cost around 22/24 points for FO and 30 for molotok Add an antipode control device to that with the rule that the antipode get Imm-2 if the control device is disabled or the owner isolated It would be iconic because of the antipode, in the general Ariadna mindset because of camo and it would complete the scout
I, for one, would like to see three new profiles: - camouflaged unit (not neccesary infiltraiting) suited for close quaters gunfights with paramedic and FO options, carrying various shotguns, submachineguns, maybe combis? Notneccesary high arm and bs, but nice wip - i know it sounds like a hybrid between Specnaz bois and Scouts, but having the option to bring your doc closer to the frontline and safer is always welcome, suprise shotting on +6 in 8in is nice aswell. Hard to make 'em cheaper than their counterparts tho. - Conscripts, like Daylami. That would fit the "Fight for the Motherland!" fluff, and who wouldnt like shitty irregulars with rifles, panzerfausts and grenades (maybe molotovs?) - new character. Who wouldn' t like to deploy veteran Veteran Kazak? But in all seriousness, having character Scout with camouflaged trained antipode would be something i would fuck with
Well, with the Assault Pack, Spetsnaz, Scout and Tankhunter I think that TAK is well covered by CH: Camo troops. I think that new troops would hopefully explore that the TAK is supposed to be the most advanced Ariadnan force, with the most off-world equipment and training. Perhaps some sort of TAK Expeditionary Infowar officer? Basic hacking capability with a relatively elite combat statline to show that the TAK is sending their crack troops for off-world training in quantronic-era combat.
I think what we are missing here is MSV-1. It's just so weird that the spetsnaz look as if they had it but they don't.
The more i think of vet kazak mixed links the more i think its just the CHA volunteer link 2.0. Which seems to be not what i want
I think that a Line +Vet Kazak link is way too powerful. I would not be surprised if there is no Haris at all considering that there may very well be the option of having 2 antipode teams. I think the PanO Knights also don't have Haris if memory serves me right.
I have been thinking about your post. If not camoed, why not something like the moran masaai hunter (mimetism/infiltration on a scout-like profile) but with Ghost synchro antipode(or antipodes ?) instead of crazy koala and original loadouts : msv 1 for all and - DHD or WHD + rifle (maybe with AP or T2 ammo) - molotok or AP marksman rifle (T2 marksman rifle ?) - minelayer + rifle + AP mines AVA 1 in vanilla and 2 or 3 in TAK An idea of a new item for them : a deployable item that act like the kuang shi biolocator (targetable by friend and considered as being in the targeted state). It could be deployed as a mine or from a distance (like a pitcher or a drop bear). From a fluff POW, it would shows the ability of TAK to use their traktor for old school bombardment on key target, making Traktor mul usefull. From a game POW, it would bring a interesting new tactics without being too OP as you would still need to deploy it somewhere usefull.
I am expecting the hacker roll will be covered by access to a wardriver. Other high tech equipment would be cool though.
Special Fireteam: Haris, Laika + up to 2 Dog Warriors anyone? Also, I really like the artillery beacon idea. It's worth noting that Muls generally rely on multitude of cheap-ish FOs in other Ariadna armies, but TAK are too elite to do the same
TAK also has the 'Kazak avalanche', which if the mixed links are anything like we suspect will leave the option to feed a Veteran Kazak with orders from enough 10 point F/Os to cover the Muls' needs quite nicely too.
Not sure if it's mentioned, but word on the street is that one of the TAK units in the army box will be a "Redjack". Basically a TAK equivalent to the Blackjack. Then it's probably three new Line Kazaks and a new Vet.
I'm curious about what the kazak 'blackjack' would be like. (Gotta wonder what they'll do to make it different.) Though I'm a little dissapointed as I feel it takes away something that was very unique to USariadna.
Still pondering how they will make it distinct from the Blackjack. I'd like to see it scaled up to a S6 TAG and holding an autocannon or dual molotoks. MSV1 one and XVisor could be fun on it, and then have it lose both if it gets battle ravaged
Redjacks could perhaps be more seek and destroy based, with MSV1, Advanced Deployment L1, HFTs and a Molotok