I read it in spanish and there sais: Arma Arrojadiza. Esta arma se puede utilizar como Arma CD, empleando el Atributo de FIS en vez de CD. Con esta arma se aplicará al Atributo FIS cualquier regla o MOD referido al Combate a Distancia o al Atributo CD. The marked part is translated as "This weapon can be used as BS Weapon. So now, if you play in spanish, you can. If you play in english, you can't. I freaking love translations.
So, 4 Streloks, 3 Dogwarriors, 2 Antipode Packs and 5 Dynamos? Well that´l be a fast game one way or the other xD Besides that, can someone read the link options of the Vet? Core:Special and Duo? Also Special Link on the 112 but not on the kazak Doc? WTF? And no second Tankhunter Regiment or Special Link options :( And a Scott Character And a new Traktor Mule Type. Special Link on old man Voronin but not on Vasily? Interesting times we live in ...
4 spetsnaz, 4 strelok. It's borderline evil. The massive amount of camo spam it can bring is crazy : 2 HMG, 1 sniper, 1 AD + 3 minelayer and 1 FO strelok => 15 Camo marker and still around 80 points left. Enough for a cheap FT for orders. Also, having stelok AVA 4 in Kazak make having them AVA 2 in vanilla likely. I think having 2 Strelok FO/2 chasseur FO will be my basic mid-field loadout in vanilla from now on.
I think I see somethinh looking like a second traktor mul profile. Any guess on what it could be ? I still hope for some artillery - mul FT
I would very much welcome it if the muls would get some development. They are not exactly my favourite unit to field atm.
4 spetsnaz, 4 strelok, I'm just wondering if the starter will be worth even picking up... Maybe for the new line kazaks... But will the other models even get a look in?