My guess is that the TAK release will contain a Missile Launcher Tankhunter, rounding out the line. Any other guesses for what might be in there? If it's a double release... Vet Kazak T2 rifle. Aforementioned Tankhunter. New Unit. 3x Line Kazaks. Bonus: New unit or Spetsnaz rifle?
Bostria mentioned the adhesive launcher coming soon so its going to be in that starter probably. The missile launcher seems unlikely right now.
*Points at Scots Guard with a heart filled with hope* Still got my true hopes pinned on a new kazak MI though
Problem with that train of thought is only some of the Scots Guard profiles have camo, and they're explicitly not allowed to join fireteams; given that all Tankhunters have camo as standard, I'd say Tankhunter fireteams will never happen.
Unless they add non camo profiles to facilitate fireteams. Even if they did, i'm not sure I'd run them as a team anyway, a single camo trooper gets way more of your opponent's attention, especially in the LT shell-game...
It would make as much sense at the very least, but if we're only expecting CB to do what makes sense and is easy I think we'll be surprised on a regular basis...
Tankhunter fireteams were never ever going to happen, my goodness. I imagine that the TAK will get a MI or more capable LI to link though, currently it's just Vet Kazaks and Line Kazaks who I expect to be linkable.
I wouldn’t be too certain. CB seems to try to limit the extend of their catalogue while giving us more playable factions e.g. the new NA2. It would fit the pattern if they‘d have to only release one MI unit as models. So I think we can hope for them, even if its not the most likely option.
Still, new sectorial means at least 1 new unit to act as the posterboy/girl of the release so I have some hope for a new reference. Not sure it will be a MI through, SK are more Ariadna trademark than the MI
It does seem tough to guess what we'll get, since TAK has an extensive range ready to go with plenty of it being N3. Links aplenty is the running trend of sectoral releases, but at the same time some of Rodinia's most iconic forces in the faction are the elite low ava units (vets and spetznaz anyone?) So who will we link besides vet/line kazak, our other units seem to be either low ava special snowflakes or camo tokens. I for one am hoping for the MI, something to bridge the gap between the cheerleading line kazak and the expensive murder machines like spetznaz and vet kazaks. I'm also expecting a lot of new molotok profiles that we can use in exchange for hemorrhaging SWC, any thoughts on the kazak doctor being linkable with his line buddies?
I'm expecting the Kazak doctor to linkable with his line buddies. Otherwise what's the point of him existing anymore. Him and 112 are so similar. Only reason I ever thought he actually exists is they didnt want to put a 13pts doctor profile in total availability line Kazaks. I'm still hard in the new bridging MI camp, but I'd love to see the Doktor be ava 1 or 2 and have the option to join any core link in the sectoral. Also would love to see Molotoks on Line Kazaks, Spetznaz, and the new MI. Also love to see the ojotnik in that MI unit as the sniper option for .5 swc (It won't happen but I'm sick of it only being on one guy, maybe we'll get a character with one.)
Look at JSA - they received two new units AFAIK (Daiyokai and Kuroshi) while receiving several new profiles (Haramaki --> Tankos, Raiden --> Ryuken 9). If TAK gets similar treatment, we can expect 2 new units (I'm expecting a MI, and something else) as well as a couple profile changes. I'd like to see more Spetsnaz profiles at the very least. Based on the proposed link structures, units, and WB I expect them to play like a mix between ISS and SAA - mixed links with heavy hitters (ISS), but the cheap order providers (i.e., SAA Regulars) are our only cheap access to Regular orders (Line Kazaks) outside of cheap remotes (Dozer & friends). Outside of that, midfield board control will be very expensive (Scouts).
Also a question is are we going to get a shiny new big guy? Or are we just going to be sticking with the dog warriors we already have. The box has to have the TAK equivalent to the Daiyōkai Dengekitai or the Boracks. I don't know how fond CB are of doing crossover tech in sectorals, but I for one would like to see a Kazak flavor of blackjack. Whereas the usariadna one is a semi mobile turret, give the kazak one a close range brawler role with something like flamethrowers or shotguns.
If there's an S5 HI, it probably should be a more close-in leaning one. After all, there's already a fair few shooty TAK units that exist, and adding a second shooty S5 HI really seems odd. But thing is, TAK's possible pool does already have some very similar units, and the impact on basic vanilla Ariadna to have two Blackjack-like units available might be something to consider. Also, TAK might be where Ariadna finally gets a TAG, so that might mean no S5 HI for them, and a starter set of the Vet Kaz, 3 Line Kaz, a Spetz, and maybe some new MI?
True but 2 blackjack style units in vanilla can also be solved in the same manner as dog warrior + devil dog, where the two unit choices share an ava of 2.
Not necessarily for TAK. Yu Jing got cool centrepiece HI models but nothing actually big, in either red veil or beyond red veil. Meanwhile Haqq got both Tarik and Al Fasid. I remain pretty confident TAK are coming in a new starter box with another faction as the big Gencon thing (we know there were 4 releases dropping 5 new armies), even more so with the recent trailer for the new campaign featuring the Russians prominently. I do agree though, if they were going to go down the route of the Blackjack I'd like to see a close in brawler, maybe even something that can get up people with a scary melee weapon to give an alternate answer to TO troops.
Somewhat, but a midfield brawler who uses suppression or a shotgun from cover as a defensive tool with the capability to deal with visual mods via melee is overall a very different unit to double chain impetuous Dog Warriors. I think it gives options without inherently invalidating the role of a Dog Warrior. And as it stands TAK is the only Ariadnan army with no access to MSV1 so more answers for visual mods (other than throw a spetsnaz at it) wouldn't go astray.