Could we be looking at new profiles for the Tankhunter and the Scout? Tankhunter LT (no ADL) 0 SWC? Scout specialist with Shotgun?
More than once here, I spoke of my hope of a human skirmisher with his ghost synchro antipode, now I have been heard and the Streloks My vanilla midfield will become even more dangerous with the addition of this. Let's hope he will be camoed someway (even limited camo).
Do we know for certain the Strelok is human? Because the only place we've seen a K-9 paired with a troop before is the Devil Dog. The term "Strelok" itself is fairly neutral on this point, translating to something along the lines of "shooter," right (though, yes, I realize it's the term for the protagonist in Stalker as well)? Don't get me wrong, human + K-9 would be groovy, just curious!
Terry Crews gets Full Auto level 5 though, don't expect the same performance on less charismatic troopers.
Strelok is the main character in Stalker - shadow of chernobyl. i hope he is based on him, just gutted wont be able to get one of the packs.
If previous years are anything to go by you'll be able to get Coldfront and the Con exclusives direct from CB during the Preorder period, they also did free shipping during the Uprising preorder so they might do that again, or maybe not as my order cost them as much in shipping as it did for the order itself :$
Wait Strelok? With a pet Chimera I mean Antipode? OK, so now I urgently need a Sidorovich HVT for my TAK army. I need this. It must be done.
Oh man I really do hope that it's a boarding shotty with full auto or a heavy shotgun... make my brawler blackjack a reality instead of another turret! Gotta get him set up with a market stall... makes me want to continue my search for a good Lord Tachanka to use for a second hmg spetznaz.
For the lord and savior Chanka the tank hunter hmg makes a great start point, after work tomorrow I can see if I can dig up my conversion of it(at one point I wanted the full r6 team for my Ariadna minis)
Y'all want Tachanka over the Grand Magistrate of Collateral Damage, Fuse of the Hostage Down? I'll never understand some people.
if any of the new figures look like any of the Siege characters will be super happy, already got Valkyrie - foxtrot with bsg. nice to see some fellow siegers out there, my friend and I try to play infinity like siege - demolition charges are a must
God that antipode looks stupid... time to slap some armor on a regular on and prepare for a weaponswap
From what was said in the video, these hammers can be thrown, so I guess removing them from the miniatures isn't a big deal, it's not like they are supposed to have these all fight long.
Looks like us plebs can get it early along with the other preorders. Well if every marauder can hide an entire rifle in their pockets, is not much of a leap to not have the hammer on the model.