That’s the thing, they’re not running on limited pseudo-AIs, they’re piloted, with that integration you noted.
Because the Su Jian is piloted, albeit remotely? Not sure what the logic is about the Karakuri, though it may just be really sophisticated movement AIs to let them go prone if needed.
They can go prone, Dodge normally and use Cautious Move. The upgrade to HI probably just indicates those improved mobility options.
It's the information we have. *shrug* For whatever reason, CB decided that Karakuri need to be more humanlike in their mobility than Dakini, which were released at the same time. So Karakuri are HI while Dakini are REMs. (Though IIRC Karakuri were introduced when REMs were -6 to Dodge) Backfilling from that information, we are assuming that the Karakuri have more sophisticated movement programs (that allow them to Dodge on straight PH and go Prone) than Dakini. We know from Real-World human studies that even basic walking is done via a reflex cascade that is occasionally modified, rather than deliberate continuous control, so I could guess that Karakuri are using a more human movement-control model than the Dakini are.
Game mechanic-wise, it's not just about mobility; there's also supportware and whether or not you need a hacker to run them. From what you mentioned it seems they were just HI because back when they were released it was better to be HI than a REM, for power level reasons. Here's hoping that gets re-examined in N4, but I'm not holding my breath.