I'm liking that missile launcher - I do think I recognise some of the components you used for the kitbash.
Here's a change from the regular infantry... a big stomping robot! Very fun model to paint. I aimed for a gorilla skull on his helmet to match the intruders. I may re-do it in future and try to print out a decal instead.
This month's production are a couple of cheap warbands with hacking devices. I now have a full complement of 4x Morlocks and Jaguars each which is handy given how much game time those useful dudes get!
I can't believe the last time I painted something was May, time flies! I had a bunch of half-finished stuff lying on my desk so I wrapped it all up. Lunkvohod with his hugging buddies, 2x YJ remotes I will use as reaction and flash pulse (they look more modern than the nomad sculpts) and a random Tomcat. I don't think the DEP profile will ever get used but it's a neat model so I'll use him as an engineer. These are great utility models that I use very frequently, I can't believe I didn't paint them sooner. I have a massive bucket of painted minis that hardly get used like the Salamander :( but these gems were bare metal for many games. The YJ remote leg plates were awkward for NMM - I don't think I did it justice but good enough to get them out the door. I need to start painting hellcats for season 10!
@SuperD Welcome back SuperD. Your golden force is looking great as always and using the old Su Jian sculpt for a remote was a nice idea. If I ever come across one I'll be using it for the same purpose.
I set up my airbrush and did some terrain this morning. I have a nice one I bought but for learning purposes, I'm just using a $20 one I got off Amazon for now. Wow - what a tool! I can't believe I have never used one before. It almost feels like I'm cheating it's so fast. As my brush is called Harry, I'm going to call my airbrush Barry (for Bonds).
And here's McMurragh. Very interesting model to paint with neat textures and just the right amount of trinkets. He took 4-5 hours which is just the right amount of time for me. Not my idea for the conversion - I recall someone else doing it last year on the old forums but can't recall who...
Finished my second gecko with a picture of the duo back together, at long last! Comparing to the two, it appears I've simply done too much NMM recently I've actually forgotten how to paint the lighting on flat shoulder plates... I think the first guy I did a year ago was better!
Bit of a change of pace with some USAriadna. I'm trying to speed up my painting so these guys feature more airbrush than paintbrush and I've intentionally limited my colors to make that possible. The bases are another trial with crackle paint - I'm a bit mixed on the end effect but it's something different, at least.
@SuperD Nice and clean colors. Each model looks crisp and the Antipode & Devil Dog stand out thanks to their skin pigment.
Zondnautica, ready to roll! Really looking forward to using this guy next game with Nomads and I was glad to find another use for the Spektr model which is one of my all-time favourites. Unlike the new air-brushed USAriadna stuff, this guy is all paint brush.
Next group of Ariadna. I never thought I'd wind up speed/batch painting Infinity models but here we are! The tankhunter with autocannon conversion is not my idea, I saw it on the forums here first.