A Zerat model that has her visor pushed up to reveal her face or make her be helmetless. I would like to see CB's ideal of what the female Morat face looks like. Alot of others on this forum are curious about that too.
I can guess that they are also ugly like the males, so they will not show their faces yet so we can keep fantasizing that they are beautiful behind those masks. We are males and we are attracted by female beauty, if they take that away then the minis are devalued.
New stuff for CA... like maybe a chunky armoured S2 sized HI-dron with G:Autotool. Or some S5 combat remote spider-bots, with a CC variant.
not all of us are Males, and most of us are absolutely okay with aliens not looking like hot human ladies.
I mean, yes. But there's marketing, there's typically skewed gender distribution among wargamers and there's the notion that sex sells. On the other hand, it's not like anything stops CB from diversifying.