If we looking at CB's current strategy to grow their sales, I think a card game would be the best bet. It wouldn't occupy production resources and perhaps open new markets. It wouldn't be what most core gamers would like to see but I understand the needs of CB. Drone race would be really cool, but CB puts huge effort(tm) into this new kind to play, therefore it has to make profit too, what I doubt with this.
I can’t help thinking of the RPG material bottlenecks when someone mentions a card game. Because it seems like they hit the same ones—content review. I’d rather speculate on “Adventure Mode Infinity”—no order pool, alternating Activations, rewrite or eliminate half the rules—or the bike game since that’s the sort of project that wouldn’t get in everyone else’s way.
I guess I don't play the Tohaa often enough, I forgot they don't have drones. (or anything else all the other factions have) Ariadna's drones are also kind of a poor fit for drone racing as well. However Ariadna has plenty of bikes! Maybe Tohaa will get a new symbio-bike? Monstruckers? Not just for Spiral Corp? Or maybe the Tohaa get left in the dust again? I could be way off base with the drone racing thing. Hopefully it is something more epic!
Micro skrimish / Combat RPG leveraging all the RPG stuffs and the Character converter from the RPG to Table top. Rogue Stars but with Infinity. I would shelve the Skrimish game for a while for something like that...
Beasts vs. Remotes the problem would be that it would rule out endurance based racing. From observed stats, a cheetah could do a one minute mile but probably couldn’t do much more than that without rest. If the Tohaa can engineer a cheetah comparable beast with speed and endurance, why aren’t they being fielded already?!?
Drone racing would be interesting, at least. Too bad it's hard to get the old editions of Formula De, there were some awesome tracks there! I'm not sure a Cheetah can run a full mile at top speed without a rest. They're insanely fast, but a human can actually walk one into heatstroke. Pronghorn antelope might be a better comparison, those damn things can run at nearly 80kph for long enough that you won't find a wounded one.
I'll throw my guess into something like Kill Team or Mordheim. With local mini production at capacity and the trouble getting new lore through for the RPG, a way to reuse Infinity SKUs under new rules for a slightly different market seems like a reasonable idea- especially with the "new way to play Infinity" comment about the black N. I don't think a card game is likely, on account of Infinity not being especially friendly to straight number comparisons and market saturation in the card game market.
google: Formula Dè track generator. Results: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=384389127 => game is in Steam, probably as part of the TableTop Simulator https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1588604/formula-design-modular-tracks-formula-d => Some predesigned tracks https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/359074/tutorial-how-create-your-own-formula-de-tracks Self explanatory ;) I remember to have played a track created around my wife's town nearly 10 years ago, so... XD
But that’s still basically the point, especially when you look at the sustained distances at each speed. Imagine a race taking place at residential traffic speeds with the occasional burst up to low highway speeds. That’s the sort of race beasts would end up in, and that might be slower than people are expecting out of drone races.