While I don't think they're necessary for everyone, I get why some —especially newer players—might want them. The printed list is just the cards without pictures. Would be cool if CB could add a toggle switch to include an image with each profile. Keeping in mind, that not all units have models or even concept art yet, so that could be a bit tricky. But who knows? If Infinity keeps growing, maybe one day we'll see an outside company, like GaleForce9 partner with CB to make peripherals for Infinity like it does for 40k and AoS.
Of course, I was speaking to the printing of stat cards, but who knows maybe Jay (Warsenal) is also looking to get into more traditional printing.
CB does stat changes too often for this to be worthwhile. I played another TT Minis game that had stat cards...then they changed the stats. Then they reprinted the cards - which we got to pay for...again. Then they changed the stats...again. In fact, some stats changed before they even shipped the revised cards!!! As convenient as stat cards appear to be, the lists we currently have are far easier to deal with. Print 'em out, play the game, toss 'em. If stats change, I don't have to free hand edit a card or purchase a new batch of cards. If you want, you can make custom ones...but I have no desire for "official" ones. M.
The solution that I think would be the easiest to implement and appeal to the most people would be to add a print option in Army that would let it print the list in card format. So instead of weapons populating in a table, they populate under the relevant profiles. A side effect of this is that it would actually be easier to reference during play.
Super easy, barely an inconvience. Srsly, the data is all there, it's just a matter of formatting it differently.
Years back, there was a page that did exactly that. Something "Darkmaya". Cannot remember more details. Maybe someone can add up to this.
Malifaux uses stat cards along with a really good app, so you can use either one or the other or both together. The app is as good as or better than Army in a lot of ways, including game pairing where it lets you host and join games with your opponent so you can use it to keep track of mission, objectives, current turn, initiative, and point scoring. I like Army, but it’s not the top end of the curve for free mobile army builder apps for a wargame. I made some custom cards for demoing Morats vs Military Orders at PAX West recently and they made a huge difference for helping people try the game and learn how to read a profile. I’d like to see the Operations boxes include stat cards for the WYSIWYG loadouts of all the models in the set, since they’re frequently an on-ramp for new players. If CB did provide full sets of printed unit stat cards, I probably would still rely on the app, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea. If it helps more people play and enjoy the game, and it’s optional, I’m all for it.
i totally agree - the army app lost its place in top tier and would need a serious relaunch. Still good, but not excellent.
I know there's a lot of players who'd love to have them. To me, personally, the more cluttered the table feels with stat cards, tokens, rulers, dice, templates, etc, makes the table feel noisy (can't explain it better than that). Having a printed or digital list with all the necessary information on units and weapons ranges works well for me.
I like having the app and wiki in hand as I play; It is a huge relief not having to lug several books and a printed army list to each game. That said, I think stat cards are really useful for demo games; prospective players would not have the app, and demo games have fewer troopers anyway, reducing clutter.