not to forget that a Template is a way bigger threat for everything moving in groups, like Linkteams and Synch. You may not get Noctifier results in terms of multiple units under one template, but maybe force a linkteam to take another round or limit their movement. Biggest downside compared to the MSR is the rangeband from 16 to 24 inches. Thats a quite comon range to fight in and needs to be assisted by an additional ARO-piece. I am not that up-to-date with Starmada with no one in my meta playing it, but i noticed correctly that the roadbot is basicly a discount-version of the su-jian with 2 to 3-ish STR-Points due to the NWI + Remote presence combination? That´s, imho, an amazing thing to have. The Major downgrade is always thought about the battle-kittie was his high price. Having the nearly same mobility on a slightly reduced statline, but the options for a DTW-SynchBot, nice Link-options AND mimetism!, thats an impressive unit.