I also consider how to convert Raoul. At the moment I want him to be Nomad-ish while still being distinctive from the rest. Made a simple photoshop montage: Head: Nomads Vortex Spec-Ops Body: Croc-Men Sniper Sword: Nakadai (Outrage Box) Also considering a weapon-swap for the multirifle instead of just shorten the barrel. I guess this would be de "regular" version of Raoul, so I can skip on the jump-pack an go with the heroic but static pose of the Croc. Any other ideas or takes on Raoul?
I'm also thinking in using neither the fiday or the yuan yuan from red veil. Even the old yuan yuan mai be a good base for him with the apropiate arm swao. The problem I am facing is that none of them leave a nomad vibe, so I am still looking for more ideas The dual profile (with and without AD) is another reason why I'm still not sure of what to do with him
For my fantasy Raoul Conversion, I am thinking Beyond Icestorm Hellcat, both hands swapped for those of the BSG bandid, with the head of the general release authorised bounty hunter. Someone with good photoshop skills is welcome to mock it up and steal the idea if it's good.
I got my copy of Outrage from my bud today. Skimming through, apparently Spector is rather fond of his Escrima sticks. So one more similarity for all those who were thinking Moon Knight.
I'd just like to point out that the Non-Aligned Armies are about to kick converting in the Infinity game as a whole into high gear in a way that regular old factions really didn't. People are going to convert disparate units for a unified look, and/or want to fill in missing troops real fast, and it's going to be RAD. I've got a bunch of Myrmidons sitting around not getting played, and they are going to become Appleseed-Cyborg-style brawlers like someone else on the conversion thread did (thanks for the idea!).
In the end I used ghulams and the ITS MSR authorized bounty hunter as brawlers, with some green stuff to make them more similar, and Jethro with a beret to make a cateran. Now I'm primming them
Would Valeria and Bipandra be acceptable Uhahu and Emily replacements ? I own them already and rarely use them. What is the expected timeline for a new Raoul and a Brawlers box?
I supose they would be fine. As far as I know, there is no date for brawlers or spector... They can be next month, or next year
Brawlers I hope will come soon, they are vital to the Merc factions. On the topic of proxies, I want to convert up Caterans and Hardcases rather than use the regular ones. Slightly up-tech them a bit, as a kind of local scout/guide feel for StarCo. Not sure what to use! Ideas? Although if the next campaign is on Ariadna, having some Ariadnan troops could be very thematic...
I`m going with Jethro conversion as Cateran (+beret +upgraded to anti-material sniper rifle) and something for Hardcase. I have Hardcase body without any other bits so I`ll do something more hi-tech with him. As for Brawlers little GS work on old Ghulams should do the magic. I have both Emily and Uhahu, no need for proxies here, same for Knauf and Avicenna. Spektor... not sure yet what to do here. I guess I have some Myrmidon to be based on. Anaconda is too good to be proxied, but for now I have great Relic knight miniature for it.
Ninja with Tactical bow can be a high-tech Hardcase. Just paint it in brighter colors, or a bit like a Zero and it should fit in quite nicely. Also there won't be any confusion about it, since StarCo has no TO anyways.