Gorgos is good mini (and even more - G's pilot is awesome), but Anaconda itself also good looking miniature :) And I didn't get Gorgos and pilot in time :( Probably, on ebay should be... PS Did we just lost...Kosuil Assault Pioneer from our army? Hope it's just a bug
baggage no longer adds +20 points, so no more starting with 380points on the board in zone control missions
Something about these prices doesn't make much sense to me, is SMG+Phero-Booster really more expensive than Breaker Combi SGL or GL. Really is SMG+Phero-Booster even more expensive than Breaker Combi?
With the change to targeted state the Pherobooster got buffed significantly. I can imagine it is correct.
It's possible for sure, but grenade launcher dropped 9 points and smoke 7. Also Phero-Boosters no longer gain fire team bonus, so give and take with that.
Granade Launchers also got Rangebands changed quite alot. they are far less reliable than they were since they entirely miss the +3 zone now.
To your credit is is in a separate rules document, we are kept away from the other children even with our rules.
Phero booster smg versus breaker match up first pherobooster you shoot under your wip. You target your ennemy if an attack pass. You ignore partial cover. Ennemy must reset against phero booster. So in active turn when your enemy aro if he resets go for smg if he dodge go for phero. In aro you have dam 16 1 burst. Do not underestimate pherobooster
Did the Pherobooster always only work against models with a wounds attribute, or did he get nerfed in that respect? Eraser also got a little worse because the Kriigel loses the -3 opponent mod.
pretty sure it was against everyone. Didn't realize the -3 was only with symbiobombs, that seems slightly more fair, though further nerfed because firewalls effect pheroware now as well.
Draal pay an entire swc + 1 pt for minelayer huh? I feel like I'm bringing a lot of negative stuff, but this is just odd.