So what are you guys hoping for in N4 for our beloved moustache twirling artichokes? I have high hopes for the Chaksa long arms and that CB gives us some good anti arm with all this HI running around. I am also curious to see what they do about symbiont Armour and mates and the kielsann And anaconda if it will go down in price Or gain stuff .
At the end, many of us look for the same thing, which is still the case that Spiral Corps continues to have that flavor and way of playing so characteristic that it is not just another Na2, but unique. Without a doubt, if N4 allows us to make different lists, as well as interesting, then better than better As long as they follow the trajectory a bit so far, and that no matter how much they improve or worsen some profile, it continues to be a balanced and fun Sectorial, I am satisfied
Maybe being able to afford that Draal AP marksman rifle Ideally just give it Triad and not some Byzantine link restrictions.
Out of curiosity, what are you shooting with if it isn't the Draal? I can't even imagine what a list would look like without the Tricore Draal to punch through whatever big AROs get left up. Like, the Spiral SWC squeeze is real, but the AP MMR is often the only big active turn gun I have in a Spiral list, since everything else is going to Kiuutans (Jaan now), Taagma (MSR + Tricore in most lists), a Kriigel Smoke LGL (sometimes 2), and potentially an LRL Helot. Do you just play without any of the big fire superiority pieces and count on Tricore to even the odds? Or are you just doing work with upfield pieces like Kiuutan/Clipsos and ignoring the Tricore mechanic altogether? As a whole I feel that Special Triads need to get nixed in N4. The strongest combinations for links I can really think of if all the special triad units had triad would be letting the Kiel-San get tri-cored (which still doesn't even make it the best shooter) or dropping the HFT Chaksa Auxiliar into other links (which seems fine, but not really great).
As far as dismantling defensive links goes the Kiiutan/Jaan are super strong provided you're confident in your ability to play without CoC and go for the bug bombs instead of the mates. Get them to hide within mine range of the link, get a mine facing them, then deploy the bug bomb and ask the reactive player to decide whether to reset against the bug or dodge the mine.
If anything I feel like the Shotgun's utility has dropped a lot? Before he could easily get in on the weak links in a mixed team and blast everyone, and now that's much more dangerous.
it's early to say, because now the Kiiutan with e-mauler could also be more punisher if the lists come with more HI's or TAG's
Ok... overall I see bunch of improvements: Kerail got super-jump, bunch Chacksa Longfangs got some boost (even if they still dont worthy, they got much closer to it ), Kiel-Saan become freaking awesome (at least on paper). But Im failing to understand how new Kaeltar load-outs works, could someone explain this to me? And, I assume, rules for bombs and mates would be later available?
Diplomatic Delegate has Eraser now (!?) Armand le Muet got a CC buff and NBW Kiel-san, Draal, and Kauri special triad flavors can mix a little (this is decidedly meh) Tri-core now only costs 0.5SWC (huge change) Kerails are all 6-4 with Super Jump Draal now has Mim -6 instead of Stratuscloud Igao with Mirrorball Kaeltar are now 1 bomb and 1 mate or 1 bomb/mate and CoC (great change) Anaconda might be... dare I say actually viable?
You do, I suppose. AP Spitfire with +1 Damage, also Anaconda got 6-2 move, +1 ARM, +2 CC, AP CCW with cost reduction... Personally, now Im into buying her model
I never been a fun of the Impact Template, now you have B2 Small Teardrop without any need to roll. IMHO for me it's better fro ARO too.
Mirrorball is no longer white noise, now eclipse. Worse for Kriigel better for Igao. Aelis has proper wildcard, not that it does too too much, she's also expensive still. Kaeltar loadouts are all weird, lots of things need fixes atm.
Where I can read info regarding N4 pheroware and other Tohaa specific stuff, does wiki got update already? Regarding units, - Still Kriigel useful mate, does not render him to none, hopefully. - Aelis always where weird choice, but I had a lot of good outcomes using her - Kaeltar loadout need to be tested in field, there're a lot of changes and hard to tell for sure how good/bad those loadouts are now (valid for a lot of SC changes)
a bunch of the Tohaa stuff got thrown into the annex pdf in the N4 downloads.