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Speculate, Speculate, The Fifth Of... Wait, That Doesn't Rhyme With [November].

Discussion in 'News' started by Del S, Sep 12, 2018.

  1. Leviathan

    Leviathan Hungry Caliban

    Feb 6, 2018
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    Look you can always just preorder the book, leave the miniature unopened for 3-4 years, and then sell it for a profit. Look at all those $50-75 CSUs on ebay if you don't believe me.
    A Mão Esquerda, Abrilete and Stiopa like this.
  2. kanluwen

    kanluwen Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2018
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    And are you capable of discussing things without personal attacks?
    You were the one who implied that the model is what they're selling, not the book. That has been your whole point.

    If you want to suggest that I was "overly negative" to start with, sure--but I was making a point about the fact that the old forum actually had issues with the fact that we had to pass around screencaps via PMs. I was told I couldn't post a typed summation of the flipping Bandit lore when I got my book in hand back then.

    I understand the need to protect IP, etc etc...but it's past ridiculous when things become like that. Especially when someone like PsychoticStorm continually argues that the "lore is an important part" of why CB will do things.

    I'm not the person who was implying that the preorder models are needed to sell the book and then resorted to shifting goalposts and personal attacks when called out on it.

    If you have anything useful to add, feel free. But you don't. You just chose to dogpile on Alphz's personal attacks.
  3. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    And how about we all take a step back? Both kanluwen's negativity and other people piling up on him is getting overboard at times.

    Regarding preorder model; so far we've had HI Bounty Hunter, Druze Hacker, and Brawler. My money would be on another Bounty Hunter this time, maybe with Red Fury. Or an alien one, we have the Tohaa Cube Jaeger already.

    On a related note, I wonder if CB's method of being really tight-lipped about new content in the weeks just prior to release is really necessary. Getting some small doses of info - both fluff- and rules-wise out would do wonders for hype and give us something more useful to talk about.
  4. kanluwen

    kanluwen Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2018
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    I'll gladly tone down the "negativity" when I'm not given a reason to be cynical. They're already trying to drive preorders for this book via their social media, coupled with the usual nonsense of people saying "Trust us! We know it's good!" isn't going to engender confidence so soon after the "Uprising" book.

    It's funny you mention the Druze Hacker...she's not even a legal Druze profile! Druze Hackers have CR+Pitchers, the model has a PanO BSG.

    I don't know what to expect for the preorder model. Maybe an ABH with Sniper Rifle since the ITS one is long gone...the cynical me would say "Perseus". But I hope I'm wrong on both fronts and we see something that can pull duty as an HVT rather than a playable piece.
  5. Leviathan

    Leviathan Hungry Caliban

    Feb 6, 2018
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    If they're gonna leak stuff, a basic overview of what the book is about might be useful since it gives us a framework to speculate on.

    re: preorder model... merc is very likely. ABH red fury / spitfire, or a Brawler, or a new merc character. Guessing one of those three.
    For people suggesting its a xenotech.... you realise this would mean they'd already decided that xenotechs are a permanent addition to the game, not just a temporary thing for this season of ITS, right? So it's highly unlikely to be a xenotech, and if it is... thats a bad implication.
    Stiopa likes this.
  6. kanluwen

    kanluwen Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2018
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    I'm wondering if much of it is related to them tying themselves so heavily to partners for disseminating information. If there's actual contracts or things like that involved at this stage? Them letting stuff leak when they promised the 'exclusives' to someone could be a Bad Thing.

    That said, like you said "small doses of info" would do wonders for hype.

    I don't expect or desire them to tell me the entirety of the plot, with no details left out, and every single rule(but they might as well tell you the rules, since they're going to be free online anyways right?) but at the very least posting a few actual snippets from the book for the lore would go a long way towards letting me know the writing style for the book.
    xagroth and Leviathan like this.
  7. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    CB gave us a lot of reasons to see it both ways, actually. At this point being cynical boils down to repeating the same message over and over again. You have full right to have your opinion, but believe me, at this point we all got it. If you want to repeat it, please tone it down, as it really gets annoying at times.

    As for CB trying to promote the book and preorders - I fail to see the issue. They're trying to make a profit. The real issue is that whether we're getting a quality product here, and this can be speculated both ways.

    You're mistaken. It's a PanO Combi with an underslung launcher, presumably the Pitcher. BSG has a different front grip. Also, Druze have no loadout with BSG.

    Yeah, fully agree. Both on the reveals and preorder minis' case. I'm planning to make my own BH team, most likely using old Bagh-Mari and other spare models, but getting additional minis won't hurt a bit.

    You might be on to something here. No idea if such deals would include contracts with rules and dates regarding info policy, but it might be the case.

    I'm sure we'll get more info when the actual preorder period starts, but for now we're kinda spinning in circles here.
    xagroth, Lightforge and Deltervees like this.
  8. kanluwen

    kanluwen Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2018
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    There's a time to "promote the book and preorders"...and it's when they've actually started. I wouldn't have said anything if the message hadn't come across as kind of pushy IMO.

    I own the model. I'm going to have to agree to disagree at this point, I think, because CB has a habit of scaling down kit to fit the models...and flatout redesigning them randomly. Her weapon looks extremely similar to the Bolt with BSG that I own, especially when factoring in that the 'launcher' you're referring to could potentially be the same grip, just with the open gaps filled in.

    I'm aware Druze have no loadout with BSG. That's why I wondered why they just didn't call her a Wardriver and be done with it.
    Which, IMO, raises the question of why even announce the pre-preorder period. :P
  9. Alphz

    Alphz Kuang Shi Vet. Retired.

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Where is this personal attack? You literally just reworded my statement replacing all the key concepts with negative terminology.

    That isn't what I implied, at all. are you telling me you can't conceive any other reason to offer something with a pre-order?
    Right now, you're just putting words in my mouth, rather than actually engaging in a discussion.

    I'm not discussing about lore or the supposed ban around posting about lore. So I'm not sure why that keeps coming up in your responses. I'm not understanding how it connects to my point that you're not forced to buy the book and CB don't need to prove its worth your money, you can just wait until its released generally to decide that on your own. Like with most products.

    I've also not experienced this ban when sharing tidbits of info or screencaps. I'm not saying you haven't, but perhaps it was a specific event as opposed to a wholesale ban or policy?
  10. Alphz

    Alphz Kuang Shi Vet. Retired.

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Worth pointing out that Druze used to have a BSG profile when she came out. The killer hacker had a BSG i think.
  11. Sangarn

    Sangarn TRIUMcorp CEO

    Mar 3, 2018
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  12. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    That's possible. I don't remember all their old profiles, tbh.

    We can, though I own the model too and it looks more similar to CR+LSG. But that's actually the problem with current PanO weapons, BSG is too damn similar to Combi. I really liked the old design better and I plan using old Akal BSG for conversion purposes.
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  13. kanluwen

    kanluwen Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2018
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    I actually like it being similar--reminds me of some modern 'modular' frame designs.

    That's not the physical model. That's the dossier--and dossiers don't really mean much. We have had dossiers feature profiles that never actually get released.

    Additionally, if you want to get technical about it the Bolt's shotgun doesn't have a "vertical handle" but rather it has an angled foregrip...which looks fairly similar to that specific forwards bit when one accounts for a scale shift for a female model vs a male model and the fact that sometimes they leave stuff that's meant to be hollow with metal inside of it.

    That said yep, the dossier does actually seem to feature the weird bit from the front.
  14. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Oh, this I agree with. I just think they went a bit too far. The fact that I simply liked the old BSG doesn't help :P I'd really like it if they'd redesign the weapon's receiver, grip and stock in line with other new weapons, but left the front end as it was.
  15. Alphz

    Alphz Kuang Shi Vet. Retired.

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Or they could go full hog and redesign the shotgun like they did with yu Jing.

    I'm still not sure how I feel about it.

    On the one hand it looks like a bad ass shotgun.

    On the other hand it looks like a backward ass shotgun those Hicks on ariadna would use.
  16. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    You mean the newest one, same as on the Ratnik or Garuda? Or Shukra, for that matter? This one looks good, but it's definitely an Ariadna or Haqq weapon. It doesn't fit neither Aleph or PanO aesthetics.
  17. A Mão Esquerda

    A Mão Esquerda Deputy Hexahedron Officer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    It'll (at least on the Shukra) be likely either an FGA or an Italieri, both PanO companies.
  18. ThananRollice

    ThananRollice Your Friendly Neighborhood Locust

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Here's a side-by-side comparison I threw together. Boarding Shotgun, Combi, Combi.

    Attached Files:

    BLOODGOD, Balewolf, Errhile and 5 others like this.
  19. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The HSN3 limited Druze is 100% a plain PanO Combi, no underslung weapon at all. The BSGs have a forward thumbhole grip, and the combi+lsg has a gap between the magazine well and the foregrip, the rifle carried by the Druze does not. It looks a little different to the concept because the magazine is in the model's hand rather than the gun.

    I'm actually semi-convinced the model was never supposed to be a hacker, it lacks hacker-hand, the hacking device shown in the concept, bug-eye goggles, or even a Comlog, and was said to be one just to showcase the new KHDs that were in the book.
    Del S, Splod and Deltervees like this.
  20. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Rules, NO. Rules have always been free.

    I don't know if they have considered making eBooks of the fluff. (You can run into piracy problems with eBooks and/or PDFs)

    Crud, a table of contents would be good enough. just a simple "here's what is in the book." You can say that you have the story of (example) the Paradiso Campaign and the missions to replay it, it introduces the following sectorials [ list ] including fluff, and has a few new rules in it.

    Literally a single sentence. That'd be best for a Beasts of War video or something, though. Hopefully that is going to happen early in the Pre-Order period.

    Yes, that could be the reason why CB was getting massively bent out of shape and threatening bans. If that is the case, though, it'd be nice for people to say *why* piece X, Y, or Z can't be public yet, and when it can be made public.

    Street Dates are a big thing in the publishing business. Stores have been fined or banned from new product for breaking street date!

    Hopefully more than the snippets they posted for Uprising... All those did was make me regret my pre-order.
    Del S, xagroth and FatherKnowsBest like this.
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