Asura, MULTI Rifle, in cover at 10" from a TR bot on her active turn. What are the chances that the TR bot will kill her on one order? About 0.5% ( Yes, half a percent ). I proceed to one order suicide the Asura on the bot.
Their target was 2 ofc. Guys with 13+ bs are annoying because you can't get them to 0 and if someone has any number with even 1 B my Intruder has like 75% chance of dying.
I've burned an Asura to the ground with a single LFT hit, and this was in N2 when they got the ARM bonus. I've also seen Uxia McNeill pass 6 ARM rolls in a row, 2 without cover!
In a game a few few weeks ago, I walked a Grunt fireteam around a corner to shoot a Squalo TAG in the back with a B3 Light Shotgun, at BS20 I knew I couldn't miss but wasn't expecting much outcome with Damage 13 going against ARM 8. His three armor rolls were all failures and the Squalo went down. Next order was to Coup De Grace the TAG, purely for style points. LOL
I *lost* an Asura Spitfire in cover to a basic Morat Vanguard in his ARO... The perp critted on three consecutive AROs on the lady...
I got a Cutter killed straight by a Morat Vanguard ML in FT ARO during the third order of the first turn of the game. My opponent scored a crit and a hit with the result just behind the crit value. I rolled a 4 and 17, 18, 19... I don't count the times I lose my Seraph on lucky ARO : put unconscious by a Irmandinhos Panzerfaust ARO at the first order of the game, critted three time in a row by a Reaktion Zond... Had my ORC HMG Lt critted to death in one burst from a Q-Drone HMG, my Tik critted in ARO on a 1 by a Xeodron Multi Rifle in the same game. I tilted a bit during this one.
Spent ten orders with an ORC Boarding Shotgun in good range taking down an out of cover Rudras. Never lost a face to face. I swear that damned thing passed 15 saves. And it got revived by a Sophotect in about four orders. Needless to say, I lost that game.
Oh I got a Squalo winning five FtF against a Muttah smoke. This bastard survived to four lost FtF against shock rounds from the MULTI HMG.
I survived 4 Szalamandra bare hands hits with a mighty caledonian volunteer and with the 5th ARO, i managed to wound it with a knife
Neoterra vs Morats. My friend deploys his Engineer behind a wall on the right side, where – with no doubt – there will also be his Raicho as the last drop. I don’t care, I deploy my hidden Swiss Guard HMG on the left. He then deploys his Raicho with a mighty laugh straight in front of the Swiss... In a V-shaped area (one side being a building, the other being the table itself). Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and 4 orders later, no more Raicho. The Swiss jumps off his building, kills a hacker, crosses the table, kills three more troops. 10 mn, game over. Bad deployment is a thing...
Oh, yeah, I got one more. Speculo. Going BtB with a Kamael, who was the enemy datatracker on frostbyte. I spend 4 orders in that melee to loose the Speculo. Won ftf 3 times, enemy passed the ARM all the times, lost on the 4th and got knifed.
Accordingly to CB +1 DAM easily costs 2 pts and maybe even 0,5 SWC, so you've probably got a bargain there :P
I dodge all 10 shots BS 16-20 AROs with my Hollowmen 3 days ago. Yep (It was several AROs with multiple dodges in different areas but i think its still count)
I walked a Tomcat onto the table behind a Swiss Guard. He didn't turn around. I walked into melee and put a D-Charge on him.