There's nothing to add that hasn't already been said. Assuming that the points formula ever was as rigid as was claimed (and that seems dubious) it clearly has been changed. And if there are some units in the game which used the old formula (and there are) and some which use the new formula (which there are) then arguing that there isn't adjustment made to that formula is pointless and futile. Nevertheless we have some of the usual suspects here in this thread doing just that. Infinity won't be a living game, as it is intended to be, until the idea of a "finished" force is killed. Every time something new is released, skill, equipment, weapon, whatever, there should be somebody going back and inserting that new thing into older units which should also have it (like happened with the KHD).
Black Friar and Locusts both have their problems (in BF's case it's the bland and completely unnecesary sniper profile, in Locust's case is the CC bloat), but at least they're a breath of fresh air in PanO design. I actually hope CB will continue in a similar direction. New sectorials won't solve the problem, because even if Varuna turns out to be extremely exciting and fun to play MO will still be burdened with useless Teutons, pointless Father-Knights and Combi KotHS, and Auxbot_1 Iron Ball&Chain, Aquila will still be top contender for the "bland elite unit" award (and Rao will do the same for the "bland Character" category), and Bolts will still suffer severe identity crisis. Oh, and Singh will remain nerfed to the ground. Literally.
And Raoul doesnt score. So not him either EDIT: Raoul does score so hes straight better than sign for cheaper, unless you really really want that B5 over the Boarding Shotgun, Mines and nanopulser
Aaaaaand here come the sock puppets to tell you why you’re bad to be disappointed with a CB decision.
Well, he's a Specialist Operative, so... And yeah, Raoul's AD profile is pretty much everything I might want Singh to be. Comparing their points and loadouts only adds insult to injury.
I mean who are you accusing him of being a sock puppet for? dudes posted in conversion thread with minis, thats quite the effort to buy and convert a mini for a sock puppet account unless hes my sock puppet made to fool you and me pointing this out is to throw you off the fact it is my sock puppet.
lol Yeah. "but you can't compare profiles between different factions" say the same people who also say "the points formula is fixed and nothing is changed for any unit". I don't have a problem with Mary Sue self insert characters, like Mary Problems, as long as they are costed fairly in comparison to other equivalent units, like Mary Problems. As has been noted, Raoul Spector is just an insult in comparison to most other AD units in the game but ESPECIALLY Singh.
His AD loadout is Irregular, which explains this to the extent, but when you take game design into account - how AD reduces Irregular impact to pretty much zero - it speaks volumes about designer's tunnel vision.
Or about how they are deliberately undermining the role of their own formula. Its only ever going to be as good as the user after all
Surely if the Yu Jing fiasco has taught us anything, it's that this kind of dismissive snark only makes everything worse.
A point buy formula is always going to be wonky in a game like this. I personally feel being able to fine tune costs is to import to say x skill costs Y points.
Really, no. You are entitled to say everything is great. You’re not entitled to say that others can’t say everything isn’t great.
Because 2 of his 3 posts ever are in this thread. Same as the sock puppetry in the Uprising threads. The “photo” in the conversion thread is deleted, so where’s the evidence he isn’t? I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings by deducing that he was a sock puppet.