Also note. Ss1 troopers are able to delay aros in ZOC against markers using SS1 rather than camo. As such if they do this they can declare discover after the markers second movement skill. Ware the ss soldiers
I think he asks delaying ARO with sixth sense while the enemy is in the models LoF. The books examples are clear on how SS L1 works I think.
Sixth Sense is a mess and should be removed or rewritten completely. There are confusing and contradicting requirements and effects all over. In the example if the enemy declared another move, the SS1 trooper was allowed to change facing. If the SS1 trooper was a Chasseur instead, they could use their flamethrower instead. However, if the Chasseur is attacked in the back, it can't use it's flamethrower because then it's not a face to face roll. The whole skill makes no sense in it's function. TL;DR: Chasseur is not attacked, can use flamethrower. Chasseur is attacked, can't use flamethrower.
First sorry for my english. I normaly used the rule like you @Icchan , if I delay my ORA and the enemy move I eat my ORA, or I can try change facing. But I don't agree with you in this: The example I think it's clear: The Alguacil declares a BS Attack as the second Short Skill of his Order. Now that she is the target of an Attack, the Maakrep Tracker uses her Sixth Sense L1 to react as if she was facing towards the Alguacil. The Tracker chooses to declare a BS Attack so the Order is resolved with a Face to Face BS Roll between both soldiers. She can react as if she is face to face with the Alguacil, and she choose to declare an BS attack. I think if was a chasseur he can use his flamethrower.
Was it SS1 where @ijw said we should just ignore the part about f2f rolls in response to an attack (i.e. allowing a template weapon to be used as a reaction)? I seem to remember something like that. However, it does look like the "regardless of facing" effect is tied to being attacked, and so you couldn't attack with a FT in your back arc if you were never attacked in the first place.
If Chasseur is in camo marker state they have a 360 arc so they can draw LoF to shoot when they delay their ARO, if they were revealed they have an arc and if they are not attacked from the back, they cannot respond with an attack so they can only do non LoF ARO.
Sorry for that, the camo marker state has 360 LoF so a model with sixth sense having delayed their ARO can draw LoF so they can fire. A revealed model usually has 180 arc so they cannot draw LoF to an opponent out of their arc, except if they get attacked were the first dot of SS LV1 effects kicks in.
A hazy memory is not a substitute for an official ruling in written form, either in the wiki, faq or rulebook. There was also a discussion that troop Dodging in ARO wouldn't become transparent, but it's not an official ruling yet.