I'll get more down in time but I am very tired and the creative juices are not flowing. Perhaps after food and coffee. I'll have more character backround details that we can look in to and perhaps draw relations between players if possible.
MINOTAURS ASSETTS: BASIC DETAILS The first Post Exchanges will be PROBABLY almost all Your Roleplay Answers to my first descriptions of the Home Base and the more important N.P.C. of the Officers High Command (Your Characters are "Middle Tier" Officer Status as an AUTOMATIC perk of being a Player Character; comparable to a Junior Lieutenant or Veteran Master Staff Sergeant; any significant "V.I.P." N.P.C. with whom You'll interact often with will be comparable around a U.S.Army Captain or Major). . . About Rank an important issue is that @inane.imp's Character is the most VETERAN Mechanic / Engineer of a Mercenary Company that owns more or less 5 / 6 Gecko T.A.G.s (some of them dismantled and in state of "Heavy Repair" or stripped down to "Skeletal Frame" for a lot of Customization) and that the other THREE Veteran Gecko Pilots (P.C. of My L.G.S. but, for THIS Game, will be considered "Subordinate Allies WITHOUT Plot Armour" !!) will pester Him for a lot of Personalization Issues. . . The other comparable "Field Mechanic Veteran" of EQUAL Rank, is the responsible of the 8 / 10 slightly "Vintage Surplus" Guijia T.A.G.s; it is an Yujing Expatriate with a rabid hate for the State Empire (but is NOT a Japanese, is rather a Chinese Oppressed Minority) called colloquially "Brasshands" as it is heavy cybernetized with enormous Industrial Prosthethic Arms able to fold T.A.G. Plating on their own. . . While is a gruff and no-nonsense Mechanic that practically OWNED the T.A.G. "Motor-Pool" before Your arrival is a very competent "Racing Team" Engineer that will immediatly recognize Talent when He see it (and beside is far LESS expert in Direct Combat than You) and has been thoroughly debriefed by the High Command Staff; its grumbling about "Spacer Tin-Cans" stealing spare parts and workforce from its "Heavy Duty Assault Frames" is more or less just "Roleplaying Fluff" and not an obtuse Rivalry with an N.P.C. If You still have some doubt about the "Combat Performances" of Your Character of the efficaciousness of the T.A.G. Loadout don't worry, the "First Combats" will be On-Site Training with Your new peers, within & without the Exoskeleton, with Simulated Battles against Allies armed with Paintballs Ammunition or Live-Fire against cheap "Vintage Drones" and "Discount Karakuri Replicas". . . Any potential issues will be fixed "In Game" without risks, but still You will achieve X.P. Results and "Roleplay Obejctives" before starting to risk REALLY the Skin of Your Character (and the Minotaurs Brigade offer nice Assicurative Packages for Resurrections for Deaths "On The Line Of Duty"). . . I expect that Your first Rolls will be just to Assess the local situation with Social Skills / Awareness and some Repair / Tech to start properly "Organize" the parts of the "T.A.G. Pool" that will belongs to You. . . As for whatever could interest Your Characters outside Combat and Mecha-Repair the Mercenary Brigade is based on a very large Island that is OWNED by them (as "Sovereign Territory" of a Caledonian Clan the Heir of whom is one of the "Shareholders / High Command" of the Minotaurs); while is Ariadnan Territory on Planet Dawn (with an Ariadnan Infrastructure and the relatively "Primitive" Ariadnan Atek Stuff) a big part of that "Extranational Mercenary Brigade" Crew is composed of Nomads and Haqqislamites with their own brand of Specialties so You'll find many Hi-Tech amenities, especially in the Research Labs, Medical Wings and the necessary "Civilian Leisure Places" necessaries to unwind for a very big Merc Firm. . .
MINOTAURS ASSETTS: GARRISON TROOPS AND MERCENARY SPECIAL OPERATIVES As for a size I still have not decide for SPECIFIC DETAILS but is more or less 400 / 500 Active Mercs: +/- 150 Ariadnan Professional Soldiers from all Nations of Dawn with a small but lethal component of Wulvers and Dogfaces; who is a "Normal Ariadnan Human" is anyway a tough-as-nails grizzled, hard "Frontier Colony Militia" that happily will go toe-to-toe, in close combat, with an Antipode Alpha Chieftain (or whatever Elite Special Forces the Human Sphere Hyperpowers / Aliens Xeno-Armies will throw them !!). . . +/- 100 Nomads Specialists evenly divided between Corregidoran Meteorheads, Tunguskan "Submondo Veterans" and Bakunin "Mad Circus" with all manners of Chimeras & Weirdos (comparably a smaller "Kennel" of Pupniks than usual, but they are "Improving" in new innovative ways with the rather large "Packs Horde" of Antipodes that they "Owns"); many of them have extensive Biotech Implants of Praxis Black Labs, rugged / practical "Industrial Cybernetics" from Corregidor or "Brand New Tunguskan Wetware Chips" (such as the Implants of the Character "Tony", whose Neural System is enhanced to offer 100% Synergy with the "Special Geist" and FLAWLESS Synchronization with the Gecko T.A.G. Operational Software !!). . . +/- 100 Haqqislamite Piracy / Anti-Piracy "Specialists" (some of whom so HEAVILY modified with Silk-Based Implants or "Runihura Supersoldier" Genetic Enhancements to be comparable to a "Fully Organic Version" of Combat Lhosts of A.L.E.P.H. so essentially "Veteran Versions" of Khawarjis, Odalisques and Djanzabans !!) with a sizable portion of whom OPENLY sworn allegiances to the Hashashin Bahram (some of them will be "Open Faced" and some will be "Always Masked" and probably "Hide-In-Plain-Sight" between the Support Staff and Civilian Crew !!). . . +/- 50 of an "Irregular Biker Warband" that is an Unholy Crossbreed between Ariadnan Desperados (whose Boss, nicknamed "King Mynos" is a Veteran Desperado of Cretan Origins that come with all the weird "Minotaur Stick) and a Kum Horde that found "Prudent" to TOTALLY relocate from Bourak after a botched "Smugglin Op" gone bad too many; the "Mother" of the Kum Clan, the fearsome Layla Bey, had found appealing the crass, boorish manners of "King Mynos" and so they officially married and produced healthy offsprings to cement the "Biker Family Fusion"; they are the more indisciplinate part of the Minotaurs Mercs and often does not go very well along "Professional Soldiers Of Fortune" but they are anyway very useful with their Bikes for Scouting / Flanking Ops. . . Of relevant note is the fact that the "Minotaurs Biker Gang" (when it was JUST a "Desperado Posse" !!) have an old enmity, predating the Founding of the Mercs Brigade, with a very weird J.S.A. Bosozuke Gang that parades as "Ninjas on Offroad Bikes" and claim to be all under order of the LAST "Shinobi Jonin" to claim the "Title Name" of Hattori Hanzo; those crackheads (many of whom aren't "True Nihonjin" but rather "Adoptive Japanese" !!) likes to raid Ariadnan Frontier Settlements and while not VERY proficient in "Ninja Martial Arts" are ENOUGH crazy to Jump, with Chainrifles / Chaincolts blazing, WITH Bikes from low-flying "Stealth Vtols" arriving from an undisclosed "Hidden Base" well outside the Ariadnan Sovereign Borders. . . The rest of the Merc Troops are not so defined as to be “Culturally Segregated”; it should be considered they are “Brawlers” generic Ligh Infantry Mercs with Kevlar Shirts & Flak Jackets enhanced by Metal Plates, Basic Gasmasks and very Light Wargear (Assault Pistols, S.M.G., Civilian Contenders, Light Shotguns, and ESPECIALLY lot's of Chainrifles and Smoke Grenades); the typical “Generic Officer” should be considered akin to a Mercenary Wardriver if Nomads-borne, a Generic Paramedic Lieutenant if Haqqislamites or a Bounty Hunter Sniper if Ariadnans. . . There are also some other +/- 15 "Oddballs" that does not figure amongts the Rosters of Official "Minotaurs"; they are rumored to be either "Expatriates" from the other Hyperpowers such as a Nisse Hacker with a pending "Final Death Sanctioning" by the Hexaedron on its head, a Pan-Oceanian "Renegade Knight" that claims to be "Saint George The Dragonslayer" reborn, and even WEIRDER Stuff; it is almost an "Open Secret" that a Morat Krakot "Blademaker" is working amongst the more expert of the Teseum Blacksmiths, and that there are One or Two "Tohaa Medical Advisors" rummaging around the Haqqislamite Medical Labs. . . . .!!! But also even MORE Sinister "Wild Arachne Gossips" such as imprisoned Chimeras so mad to have Shaasvastii Organs transplanted into them, a "Renegade A.I." inhabiting a "Hive Mind Collective" of Surplus Karakuri Dolls, Giant Pupniks created to resemble "Fantasy True Minotaur Bull-Men" big and brawny enough to wrestle with Full-Form Dogwarriors and even some sort of "Fully Organic Living Bioweapon" created to destroy T.A.G.s in Melee and result of a JOINT project by Haqqislamite Genetechs, Praxis "Doctor Moureau" Biogenists and even a Tohaa Genengineer "Triad" so "Radical" that was OSTRACIZED by its own Race / Culture. . . Completing the Inhabitants of "New Knossos Island" there are around +/- 200 Civilians that caters as Support Staff or "Leisure Specialists"; many of them are the descendants of the Old Ariadnan Miners of New Knossos Island that were destitute and desperate when (more than 10 Years ago) the Teseum Depots ran dry and now are VERY happy to works for an Up-N-Coming "Space Mercs Firm" (some of them forms the "Core" of the veteran expert "Teseum Blacksmith" Engineering Team) and ALSO the Civilian Spouses, Young Children and Relatives of the Mercs Crew's Families that are NOT interested in DIRECTLY working for the Mercenary Brigade (many of the Haqqislamites are legally married with Families, and their Non-Combat Siblings work in the Kitchens, Nurse Stations and Greenhouse Domes). . . To complete the issues there are a lot of "Drone Force" to support the Human (Humanoid !) Mercs; while there are a lot of Traktor Muls that doubles as "Light S.A.M. Mobile Batteries" deployed in strategic locations around the Island, there are quite far modern ones available for specific situations; Vintage "Army Surplus" Japanese Karakuris (both Female Gynoids and rarer Male Android Frames) that could help with ergonomics and range from "Walking Junkheaps" barely good to act as Practice Targets to customized ones that could double as "Tinmen" Palbots for Field Medics / Combat Engineers or even "Droid Infantry" sophisticated enough to have raised the "Urban Legend" of a "Rogue A.I. Hive Mind Warband". . . Recently also one of the more weird arrival from Bakunin, a Chimera Uberfallkommando "Cat Boy" that worked undercover as Male Streetwalker (nicknamed "Gigolo Tom" !!) arrived with in tow an Ex-Panoceanian "Tech Bee Specialist" (that is claimed to have been seduced away from Army Drone Research Team by Tom, and convinced to undergone "Partial Chimerization" as a Bunny Girl) that started to try to modernize even further the "Drone Pool" by integrating Custom Software Protocols of "Personalized Bulletters" with rugged, robust Haqqislamite "Recon Kameel" enhanced with salvaged "Nomads Zonds" spare parts. . . That last Character will be probably a recurring figure in the Mecha Bay; often pestering "Brasshands, the Guijia Mechanic" to have JUST some "Itty Bitty Teseum Alloy Bars, pleeease !!" to further reinforce Her "Tech Queen-Bee Swarm" and litigate with allotted funds. . . . . and now that Your Characters has arrived to further imbalance the situation, WHO knows what could happen. . .?? While the Minotaurs practically SITS on enormous depots of "Confiscated / Liberated Smuggled Teseum" and it is enough available that the "Standard Custom Currency" on New Knossos Island are small discs shaped like old "Gold Crowns" of the Ancient Cretacean Kingdom (!!) the Teseum Smelting / Refining Labs and Foundries, and their expert Personnel are a limited availability. . .!!
MINOTAURS ASSETTS: NAVAL VESSELS AND SUBMARINE CRAFTS To spearhead the "Resource Pool" of the Minotaurs they have an ENORMOUS Air Carrier built with "Linking" two Basic Navy Fregates of the Kazak Interdiction Coast-Guard with a Nomads-built "Carrier Poontoon" made with the best Orbital Habitat engineering techniques; that "Chimera Ship" (with Armour Plating made of Teseum-Steel Alloys !!) is further enhnanced by hyperadvanced Marine Tech of the Bourak Sea Navy, such as "Hydromagnetic Caterpillar Drives" that allows navigational speed unparalled by any other Seacraft on the Ariadnan Oceans that is not some sort of experimental Pan-Oceanian Varunan "Trimaran" A-Grav Hydrofoil Cruiser (USUALLY a kind of Hypertech Ship that will NOT be available on Planet Dawn, even if it is RUMORED that a VERY enterprising "Irmandhino Smuggling Ring" is pestering its Contacts amongst the Druzes and the Yuan-Yuans to acquire somehow one to do "Pirate Battles" with the Minotaurs). . . The main purpose of that Carrier Ship, dubbed "Black Sails" as an Operational Nickname (not only for Caribbean Buccaneer / Piratish tradition, but also reminding far ancient legends about Prince Theseus and the Minotaur of Cretae !!) is to carry & support Troops and Vehicles for long ranged operational theathres distant from New Knossos Island; should some Naval Fight will be necessary there are specialized Anti-Missile Vulcan A.P.E.X. Turrets (shooting Ariadnan Rifle Cased Ammunition), armoured emplacements of Ariadnan Autocannons in x2 or even x4 multiples and even Traktor Muls in fixed position carrying unusually Heavier Ordnance. . . Is rumored that if a “Teseum Pirate Ship” is needed to be captured intact, rather than sank, is rumored that has been repurposed old fishing technology employed on enormous “Dawn Giant Bloodwhales” (in reality a Selachean Apex Predator reminiscing of the Primordial Megalodon Shark of Old Earth past); those "Mark Two" Whalehunting Harpoon Guns are being enhanced with 100% Pure Teseum Barbed Ballista-Bolts (with limited steering in Air due to “Smart Winglets”) and Nomads Orbital Tether-Wires. . . Propelled by hyperadvanced Haqqislamite “Compressed Biogas Cartridges” these experimental “Giant Whale Guns” could be also fired without the Tether-Wires and maybe fitted with some nice old fashioned Explosive Warhead as to better sink unnecessary Naval Targets. . . There are some other non-specialized Ships at harbour in New Knossos Island, but many of them are Large Fisherboats or Small Leisure Ships that are added with Teseum Plating and T2 H.M.G. “Nests” to have some “Sea Patrol Coast Guard” duty; when expecting SERIOUS Naval Opposition some of these are “Improvised Teseum Dreadnought / Ironclad” levels of Plating and sports One or Two “Hydraulic Turrets” with twin-linked Ariadnan Autocannons with a rather large Rate of Fire. . . When something quite “Stealthier” is needed a surplus, decommissioned Bourak Navy Submarine is hidden in a secondary harbour of the Island, but was intended as a “Military Cargo Sub” (able to deploy 3-4 Luziges, 5-6 T.A.G.s or a single Military Aircraft nearby a Target Location; along with 15-20 Non-Crew “Infantry Passengers”) and not a Frontline Combat Unit; Caledonian S.B.S. Veterans and U.S.Ariadnan Ex-Navy Seals found “Deep Insertion” with this craft an unsurpassed tactical advantage; a family "School-Clan" of “Free Helots” of Varuna (whose cybernetically enhanced Patriarch, nickname “Dagon”, was Vat-Grown from stolen D.N.A. in Haqqislamite / Praxis Labs) are fixed crew act as Bosuns and Deep Sea Repair+Sabotage team. . . The "Underwater Combat Role" is taken by the most weirdest “Submarine Vessel” imaginable; “Free Willy, the Ceta-Cyborg” is essentially a Cybernetically Integrated Techno-Organic “Whale T.A.G. Suit” that one of the “Uplifted Dolphins” (in reality a Cloned Killer Whale of Old Earth) of Bakunin could “Wear” as a sort of “Hydrospeed Armour”; while very lethal with Teseum-Edged Razorfangs and Pods of Smart Mini-Torpedos was AT THE MOMENT never deployed against an Enemy Vessel, but had faced (and triumphed) against many of the worst “Apex Predators” elements of the Megafauna of Dawn's Seas. . . The manovrability and nimbleness of “Free Willy” is unparalled and is also able to “Swim 100% Stealth” by disengaging, for a limited time, the Microdrives of Hydromagnetic Caterpillars propulsion and just employ “Techno-Organic Muscle Fibers”; for this special purpose the “Ceta Cyborg” body is fitted with a rather claustrophobical “Jonah / Pinocchio” hold bay, where a SMALL Squad of Elite Scuba Incursors could be hidden and deploy from the benthonic depths towards a moored / anchored vessel, a fortified sea-platform or an enemy coastal installation. . . “Free Willy” is a smart, spirited and amusing “Whale Joker” (playing “Splash Pranks” to friendly Minotaurs chilling at the various beaches of the Island, when tired of “Catch The Ball”) when outside mission, and find the dangerous waters of Dawn very appealing for its predatory istincts; His only fear is to be captured ALIVE from a “Bounty Hunter Squad” dispatched by Varuna High Command that smuggled an elite Crack Team of Kamaus & Croc-Men (supported by 2-3 experimental “Cutter Mark 2” prototypes) that has the specific Mission to capture the “Cyber Fish” and cut it into pieces, to “Reverse Engineer” a similar treasure trove of Nomads / Haqqislamite Sea-Tech. . . "Father Dagon", the Patriarch of the small Helot crew of the Submersible (and that regards “Free Willy” as a sort of “Living Clan Totem”) has proudly declared that ANY of the “Blue Sea” Team that will be caught ALIVE will be (roughly translated from a Bastardized Form of Helot “Bubblespeak”) “Disassembled, To Reverse-Engineer Mad-Humans Phisiology and Understand Why Varunan Panoceanians are so a School of Dastardly Muckracker Fishes !!!”. . .
MINOTAURS ASSETTS: FLYING (AND AEROSPACE) VEHICLES The main purpose of that Flagship "Black Sails" is to act as Forward Mobile Operational Base for Advance Recon Teams that aims to intercept ANY Teseum Cargos smuggled outside Ariadnan Borders; the Merc Flagship could hold, and quickly launch a big part of the Minotaurs Vtol flying fleet. . . These enormous "Novy Sikorsky Ospreys" have been thoroughly tested by the Merovingian G.I.G.N. ("Group d' Intervention Gendarmerie Nationale" the ELITE S.W.A.T. Rescue Team of Merovingia, selected amongst the BEST of the Metros and "Loup Garous") and has large operational range and very good tactical capabilities; could easily carry TWO T.A.G.s in holding cargo position, ONE T.A.G. fully operational with a complement of a Tactical Squad (8-10 Infantrymen and / or Drones) or ONE Haqqislamite "Luzige" wheeled A.P.C. with an Assault Squad, 2-3 "Armoured Armed Buggy Cars" with crew or a 10 Bikers "Gang" with their Desperado / Kum hybrid "Beasts". . . If these Ospreys are needed to carry JUST infantry it depends on many factors, how many; Light Infantry Specialists with few armor and wargear, disciplined to stay immoble during small deployement could be in the 20+ numbers, more comparably heavier Armour or "Wilder Specimens" (such as Drug-Addled Morlocks, Chimera & Pupniks, Antipode Packs and so on) will need narrower numbers. . . Those "Novy Sikorsky" models are easily modified for very high altitudes; they arrive very distant of heigh over the vertical vector of the Objective and release pressurized hatch cargo to unleash some of the few Minotaurs that are either Ariadnan H.A.L.O. Paratroopers, Nomads Hellcats or Hashashin Ragiks; the infamous "St. George Knight" Ex-Pan-O "Rogue Templar" employ salvaged "Crusader Jetpacks" to launch along with its own squad of U.S.Ariadnan "Dragonslayers" squad of Airborne Rangers. . . The Mercs of the Minotaurs Brigade own +/- 21 of these relatively advanced "Atek Vtols" and the "Black Sails" Flagship could hold comfortably almost 2/3 of them with relative cargo; there are some other flying vehicles, but are far rarer Patrol A.V.Jets of Nomads origin or Haqqislamite Attack Gyrocopters usually reserved for the Aerial Defence of New Knossos Island. . . The Stats / Dimension of these "Secondary Flyer Vehicles" will be comparable to the “Semi-Official Vtols” that Corvus Belli Partners have created in the Years; in particular I'm thinking about Heavily Armed paramilitary versions of Topo Solitario / Bala Perdida “Chickenhawk” and Antenociti's “Azure Dragon”. . . A very interesting (and PARAMOUNT Important) part of the Flyers Fleet of the Minotaurs is done from specialized Orbital Shuttles created in dedicated Corregidor Space-Docks, slightly reminiscent of Old Earth Space-Shuttles (and so relatively compatible with the extant, meager Ariadnan Space-Tech, based on “From-Planned-Obsolescence-To-Reverse-Engineering” of vintage, outdated N.A.S.A / E.S.A. / RKA [Российское авиационно-космическое агентство], Rossijskoe aviacionno-kosmičeskoe agentstvo, the old Russian State space program). . . These Vehicles are able to reach the Upper Stratosphere and Near Orbit of Dawn Planet by departing immediatly from the reinforced Hangar-Bunkers and Private Airport Lanes of New Knossos Island; they usually employed to move precious Merchandise (very often Teseum that is NOT yet smelted in more useful ingots, and have difficult-to-cancel Markings from Foreign Minecorps) to-&-from the “Stationary Temporary Space Station” parked directly in Geostationary Orbit above their Main Base. . . Is rumored that Corregidoran Techies are developing "Boost Afterburners" that could further enhance the Range and Speed of those "Dawn Shuttles" to extend Deep Space Patrol and Insertion Operations. . . As the State of the half-destroyed Ariadnan Satellite Network and of any Dawn Orbital Habitat is still debated on O12 Courts then the Minotaurs found more expedite to have ALWAYS a Friendly Allied Spaceship parked DIRECTLY on their heads; should some enterprising (and well-funded) “Space Corsairs” decide that a nice Orbital Bombardment could solve the issue of the “Fucking Horny-Bulls Interlopers” then they will found that these vessels (either an Haqqislamite Merchantile Cargo or a Corregidoran Orbital-Repairs Tender) are UNUSUALLY well Armed with racks-upon-racks of “Anti-Asteroidal” Laser Batteries and Swarm-Hives of “Retrieval Mini-Drones” (that are just large Disposable Robotic Missiles). . . Also, to fend off potential boarding attempts the Crew of these ships is reinforced by Ragik Paratroopers, Nomad Hellcats, Meteor Zonds and VERY SOON also some dedicated Gecko T.A.G.s Optimized for E.V.A. Combat. . .
MINOTAURS ASSETTS: GROUND VEHICLES There are roughly 30 repurposed "Luzige" Haqqislamite A.P.C.; two of them are technically "Frontline Ambulances" able to recover safely Cubes on a Battlefield and even perform Cryo-Stasis of recovered Corpses, one is a Mobile Mechanic Toolshop to service T.A.G.s during prolonged engagements afield and a small number are heavily reinforced with Teseum Plating and Weapons heavier than the usually twin pintle-mounted H.M.G. to act as "Wheeled Light Tanks" when very SERIOUS Hardware is known to be deployed by the Enemy. . . Haqqislamite Luziges are not very detailed described by their entries in the “Halqa Mechnized Infantry” but I consider them an “Hybrid” between a Heavy Truck with a lot of Armour and a Wheeled A.P.C. of the “Paramilitary Light Class” (so not so absurd for Police / Anti-Smuggling Purposes in respect to a “True M.B.T.”); surely the ones of the Minotaurs are able to carry an Infantry Squad of 8-10 Light / Warband with small arms (Assault Pistols, Chainrifles, S.M.G. and Light Shotguns) OR carry 6-8 M.I. with Combirifles, Riot Grenade-Guns and Boarding Shotguns OR carry 4-6 H.I. with H.M.G.s, Spitfires and Light Antitank Guns (for that last case a Mormaer / Veteran Kazak with an Autocannon is rather quite bulkier than a Nomad Mobile Brigada / Bourak “Spartan Suit” with a compact Vulkan Autoshotgun !!). . . There are a lot of “Small Compact Armoured Cars” that are freely available for the Minotaurs (in fact are the “Choice” vehicles for driving around the Island) ranging from relatively larger, “Reinforced Humvees” (20 - 25 in number) that hold 5-6 Soldiers and could have a SINGLE T2 H.M.G. (or comparable Ariadnan Gun of similar size and mass) on a semi-shielded Pintle Mount to “Ultralight Buggies” (roughly 15 - 20) without relevant armour and PERHAPS armed with a compact Spitfire or a Drum Riot Grenade Launcher, and that safely carry 3-4 human sized soldiers around. . . Lighter than these there are the Bikes of the “Warband Gang” side of the Kum + Desperados “Branch” of the Minotaurs; basically Desperado Off-Roads enhanced with the best pieces that Kum Mechanics could scrounge; some “Low Chiefs” of the Biker Gangs (amongst whom Bikers that are Wulvers / Chimeras / Morlocks) have started to add Low-Alloy Teseum Platings and forward mounted Rifles when expecting heavy battles; registered Kum Bikers & Desperados of the Minotaurs range in the 50 Active Membership, but some of the Sub-Boss Chiefs owns more than 1 "Custom Hybrid" Bike and also sell Old Models to other Mercs interested in Two wheels (assume more than 75 - 80 active Bikes on the Island, in various states of Customization). . . The Krakot Renegade “Bladesmith” TOTALLY LOVE the noisy, brutal “Human Groundpounder Jetsleds” and own a HEAVILY customized one, with Teseum Shards / Scraps welded ON the reinforced chassis and sharpened to ALMOST Monomolecular Razor level. . . Some Haqqislamites of Desert Tuareg Tribes have imported some choice "Bourak Sand Stallions" (Gene-Enhanced to resist the hard conditions of Planet Dawn !!) for still practicing their excellent traditional cultural heritage of "Horsemanship Pride"; these range on the rare 15 -20 Number; a small group of tiny, small, childlike Chimera Support Team have started the psychotic, crazed ideas (suggested by a Morlock very, Very, VERY HIGH on Nitrocaine during a Biker Rave Party !!) to start to Train and "Ride In Battle" cybernetically modified Antipode Alphas; the resemblance with a popular Arachne Holomovie about Fantasy Goblins riding Dire Wolves is PURELY Coincidental (Yeah, Right !!!). . . . .
MINOTAURS ASSETTS: EXPERIMENTAL PROTOTYPE ANTI-T.A.G. MOBILE GUN-PLATFORM When something is gone VERY wrong and the "Teseum Smugglers" are rather a comparably equal P.M.C. (or even "False Flagged" Black Ops Wetwork Teams of other Hyperpowers with HEAVY Support) with Heavy Artillery / Fortified Bunkers / Vehicular + Multiple T.A.G. Support then the Minoaturs have a last “Ace In The Sleeve” that could be carried in Battle by Two or Three of their Vtols. . . Recently the Haqqislamite Branch of the Minotaurs have acquired one of the few functioning prototypes of the experimental "Panzerkraken" (Armoured Crab) heavily armoured "Spidertank" walkers; an unsuccessful attempt to reverse-engineer the Maghariba T.A.G. Frame to act as "Mobile Garrison" for Silk Bank-Vaults that enormous, Six-legged arachnoid monstruosity was considered too slow and cumbersome, and needed THREE synchronized Pilots (One Gunner, One Pilot and one Comm-Tech / Anti-Hacking / Sensors specialist) to operate at full capacity. . . Dubbed a failure on par of the German “Maus Tanks” of WW2 it needed JUST some personalized touches by Praxis Black Labs specialists to become a fearsome, fully functional “Death Machine”: 1°) A Slaved-Semi Autonomous “Virtual Intelligence” (a degree lower than truly “Smart A.I.s” such as those Rogues banned by Bureau Thoth) to help each pilot synchronize better and operate quicker their allotted roles. 2°) Substitute the Six slow and ungainly wheeled “Hydraulic Legs” with sturdier, but lighter and nimbler Eight “Industrial Myomars Fibermuscles” such as those employed by Corregidoran Orbital Repair Teams, able to better survive damage and spread better the legs (also each “Feet” is fitted with Miniaturized Tank-Threads more sensible for Ariadnan Rough Terrains, rather than Paramilitary Urban Wheels). 3°) Ultralight Reinforced Teseum alloys were employed not only for the inner endoskeletal frame, but also the Armour was reinforced by Ablative Plating made with discarded scraps of Teseum Smelting welded together and able to reduce damage even by Anti-Tank Heavy Weapons; the cost is far reduced than the one of similar Ablation on smaller T.A.G. Frames as the rough scraps could be far larger and less anathomically ergonomy-shaped. 4°) An array of A.P.H.M.G., Autocannons and Riot Grenade Launchers were put in reinforced “Smart Turrets” along the large frame; the main Tank Turret hold some choice “Smart Reactive” Flare / E.C.M. Countermeasures against any kind of Missile Ordnance and holds the “Panzekraken” main gun, a monstrous Three-Barrelled “Vulcan Gatling” that shoots the enormous Teseum-Tipped Cased 12,7mm. Bullets employed by the giant Mk12 T.A.G. Rifles so diffused amongst the Minotaurs T.A.G.s (far more useful against Heavy Armour than the standardized “Puny” 7,62mm. A.P. Rotary Six-Barrelled H.M.G. that was considered in original). That last monstruosity is currently ALWAYS on “Developement Prototype Stage” and will need continuous updates and reworking to better synergize in a “Big Battle” (would act in regard to a T.A.G. Squad as a T.A.G. act as “Heavy Support” of an Infantry Squad !!); a significant part of “Post Mission Downtimes” in the Mecha Bay will be with the “Panzerkraken Crew” (it is the “Brainchild” of another of the G.M. of My L.G.S. enamored with the “Multilegged Gun-Platforms” from the various iterations of Appleseed !!) will be to either help the perfection of this Heavily Armoured Engine of Destruction or even partecipating in “Mock Paintball Battles” ALONG or AGAINST it (after all is a “Dedicated T.A.G. Killer” and so of paramount importance for three Pilots !!). . . Just be careful You three are not "Voluntereed" for Pilot Duty, especially when Your personal T.A.G.s are down the Mecha Bay for repairs. . . . .!!!
MINOTAURS ASSETTS: LEGAL STANDING Why a similarly very limited in size Mercenary Brigade have so much weird stuff, especially considering the relatively limited technical capacities of Planet Dawn. . . . .??? Simply put there is a sizable Portion of the Ariadnan Government and selected concerns from the Nomad Motherships (most principled Corregidoran Meteorheads, most sane and rational of the Modules of Bakunin and the least “Organized Crime Family” of the Tunguska Data-Vault Bankers !!) and the Haqqislamites of Bourak (mainly Merchant Princes willing to exchange fairly Silk By-Products with 100% Pure Teseum AND the Hashashin Bahram, for the “Inscrutable Purposes of the Old Man of the Mountain” !!) to give “Payback” to Hyperpower Thieves. . . They all have decided to throw its lot with this Mercenary Venture as a mean to LEGALLY confiscate ANY Teseum that the Thieves (Pan-Oceania unscrupulous lobbies, Yujing Industrial Cartels, Human Edge “Space Pirates” and greedy Metalworks Megacorps) happily “Smuggle” outside the Dawn Star System. . . The Extra National Territoriality of New Knossos Island (in contemporary a Sovereign Holding of a Caledonian Clan, the “Greywulfs” / a Military Base to train “Foreign Advisors” for the Matr Secret Service of the Stavka / an Haqqislamite Caravanserary / an Embassy of the Nomads Motherships / an Extranational Lodge of Syndacated Workers-Union for Orbital Miners !!!) will make an headache for filing ANY complaints for grieving foreigners at the O12 Courts (fact worsened by suave and honeytongued Courtesans from Bourak, Tunguskan Lawyer Firms and some choice Local Native “Partisan Arachne Blog-Journalists” !!). . . The idea is that once Pan-Oceania and Yujing wil feel more profitable to excavate Teseum on Svarhalheima (or whatever OTHER ELSE Place !!) rather than risk continual harassement on Planet Dawn (and very soon, on the REST of the Asteroid Belts and Planetoids of the Ariadnan Star System !!) ANY OTHER FOREIGN CONCERN will be soon relocated away from the “Motherland” !! Not only their Haqqislamite and Nomads Allies will profit from this, but also SELECTED Pan-O Lobbies and Yujing Commercial Concerns that FRANKLY COULD NOT CARE LESS for the Planet Dawn are subtly encouraged with discounted Teseum (and other far less traceable “Homages”) to influence their own Hyperpower Cultural behaviour to change quite from “Let's Steal The Ground From Under The Ignorant Ateks”. . . . .!!
@stevenart74 Wow! Great job. Let your writing friends know we appreciate their help. There should be enough there for just about anyone to find a spot to fit in.
Indeed, I'm interested in participating but I'm torn between a Lasiq Sniper or a TAG pilot. For the Lasiq I have the character concept done (it's my Lasiq Call Sign: Silverfish). She's not the most sociable individual, but I want to give her a go at the RPG Life Path.
@Danger Rose. . . Why not a Lasiq Sniper that is ALSO a T.A.G. pilot. . .?? A Gecko Frame is nimble and advanced enough to mount Non-Standard "Cutter Styled" Thermo-Optic Camouflage and choice of specialized Armaments (such as a Long Range Precision Grenade Launcher with the possibility of shooting "Viral Payload" Warheads; along with large sized Hashashin Blades). . .
@Danger Rose it is a pretty high power campaign it seems so you can get creative. Unless you want to save Silverfish.
Lol, have you seen my Pers stat? [emoji14] I'm chuckling soo very much right now :) I'm sure we'll sort it out, but a good opportunity for RP I think.
A relationship based on mutual respect.... for alcohol. Quick... Hold my sonic screwdriver I'm building a still :)
Oh! I kinda like the Gecko with TO Camo. Maybe with a HRL and Smoke Grenade Launcher? Call Sign "Balrog" and now I'm leaning towards a Pyromaniac Catgirl from Bakunin. If approved, I roll the character tonight.
@Danger Rose. . . Go for it and roll the Character that You like more, don't stress overmuch on Resources and Equipement, as this will be a "Heavy Gear Mechanized Warfare" kind of Game. . . Whatever Points / Resources that You'll spend on "Signature Gear" will have BETTER Stats than Average and usually are linked with some important part of the Past Life of the Player Character and are often "Built In Stuff" (for an example the first created Character, @inane.imp 's Gecko Mechanic-Pilot has a Hyperadvanced Geist Assistant AND an Accellerated Neuralware that synchronize perfectly with the T.A.G. Guiding Sofware, as a LINKED results of horrible burns suffered in the Past Life Events, along with other stuff !!). . . So You can have some choice Biograft / Genemods to further reinforce Your "Combat Catgirl" idea; NOT on the level of a Veteran Uberfallkommando (those are reserved for Players that are NOT T.A.G. Pilots !!) but surely a "Competent Young Chimera" in Her chosen field of competence. . . That this field of competence is stealthily piloting a silent / invisible Gecko (necessarily Lighter and Lesser Armoured than other Standard Models) near a foe group and then jumping at attack (scorching with Flamethrowers and Vulkan Autoshotguns) is JUST a "Character Personal Shtick". . . . . Just be careful around "Tony the Mechanic" as it will be a persona rather. . .Wary. . .of "T.O. Camo Mechas with Flamers" for serious reasons linked to His historical background. . . And will be the P.C. that will repair Your T.A.G. when it get wrecked. . . . .!!!
Last question - My last idea is to have a TAG pilot very similar to the pilots from Titanfall. I can have my character fully made with background and all that by tomorrow afternoon, just wondering if a Haqqislamite (titanfall-esk) pilot is reasonable? What career paths do you think would work? Note: I think this a maghariba Guard-type of TAG would still be cool. Give it gecko or guija stats depending on how heavy it is and size accordingly. There are several references to insectoid TAGs in the RPG book and I think it would be awesome to have climbing plus, flame throwers, and a smart missile system. MAYBE adhesive launchers instead of flamethrowers. Even give it a “heavyweight” clause saying it can’t reach small/narrow areas if you feel it’s necessary. I just really like insect walkers because insects are so much stronger, faster/agile than any bipedal organisms. And it would be cool to drive the bike into/out of the TAG if I went the Kum route. If I went the titanfall route, a TAG dropping from the sky and landing above my character with legs protectively around me would feel pretty awesome.