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Second PBP game

Discussion in 'Modiphius Entertainment' started by inane.imp, Mar 12, 2018.

  1. Yasashii Fuyu

    Yasashii Fuyu Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Thank you for the very kind words and the fact that I'm apparently welcomed :-)

    I planned to research a little more yesterday, but my kids both got sick and I only got 4 hours of sleep in the last 2 days combined, so I am a bit "out" at the moment.

    Nontheless I managed to add a little bit to the description of my character, and since people seem to have shared their characters a bit here as well, I might as well share mine I thought:

    Most of her Background would be easily accessible on Maya Net anyways, so everything except "Commander Koi" and her personality flaw would be public knowledge to you all as is. (Commander Koi is invisible to all of you unless he/she allows for you to see him.)

    In terms of weaponry/TAG and stuff like that, these things are still being determined, so besides the fact that her TAG will be Melee focused, nothing is set yet.

    As for her absurdly rich status, don't worry about it too much, it won't have much impact on our RPG, I just randomly rolled it (I actually did the char with the 5 Lifepoints System) and decided to define the storyline around it. It's more of an explanation as to why she is/has what she is at the beginning of the Storyline, on Dawn it won't matter much I think, and she never really had the opportunity to flaunt in her riches anyways as she strives to become a better warrior at heart.

    I'd also like to say that a character like this would normally be "too over the top" for my style....but when Stevenart74 described the sorts of companions and mercenary group I'd possible be playing alongside with...I thought "over the top" would be "just right" ;-P

    NAME: Miyu "Bukkorosu zo!" Horoshi

    Height 1,75
    Weight 70
    Hair Blazing Purple
    Eyes Glowing Blue

    Look Description:

    Miyu Horoshi originally was just an average looking japanese girl, but due to her parents and the Maya network "pepping her up" for the program, she now looks like a female japanese Oni incarnate. She has hip long blazing purple hair, glowing blue eyes, as well as artificially grafted green glowing demonic horns on her head (all of which actually glow in the dark..). Her teeth were remade to have demonic fangs, and during her childhood she even had claw like finger nails, but as she hit puberty she demanded those returned to normal fingers...

    Apparently this wasn't crazy enough for the producers however, and thus a full body moving "Oni Flame" Tattoo had been grafted onto her skin, which actually vanishes and appears either on Miyu's active "command", or unconciously if she gets really angry. Once visible the Tattoo looks like there's fire constantly roaring all over her skin, which obviously made for some "awesome shots" during the show.

    Other than those body modifications Miyu is still a normal japanese girl really, she's got a rather small bust size compared to some of the current trends, mainly because she's very muscular and has very little fat reserves anywhere on her body, and when she's not in a combat ready pose, or especially when she's in a bad mood, she'll sit around hunched over like one of those japanese street youths, even though she's actually in her 30s by now. (Though she does look more like in her early 20s).

    Her outfits vary greatly depending on the situation, but for the most part when outside of combat she'll run around in one of those japanese puffy Hakama Pants with tight combat boots with Tabi toe endings on for easy of movemet, as well as a tight fitting sleeveless armoured shirt with forearm protectors, mostly in shades of black, grey, dark blues or red.

    FACTION: Yu Jing

    HOST BODY: Human

    BIRTH PLACE: Human Edge

    SOCIAL CLASS: Hyper-Elite

    HOME ENVIRONMENT: Rebellious

    YOUTH EVENT: Social Contacts: gained mentor (PanOceania)

    EDUCATION: Military Training

    ADOLESCENCE EVENT: You were a prodigy and excelled at a particular skill from a very young age. You could have been a talented musician or a math whiz. Regardless, your talent got a lot of attention in the media before you grew out of it.

    TRAIT: Bitter

    CAREER 1: TAG Pilot 6 years.
    CAREER 2: TAG Pilot 3 years.
    CAREER 3: Military 2 years.
    CAREER 4: Military 1 years.

    ASSETS: 17

    You get enrolled in an advanced training program at your job (possibly experimental or cybernetic in nature).
    You survive a serious natural disaster. Trait: Nightmares
    You save someone from a terrible accident. You have an ally in the Nomads faction.
    Your lucky day! Something paid off — a lottery ticket, a risky business venture, or a hard won contract.

    Background Story:

    Miyu Horoshi was a child prodigy in TAG Control and Martial Arts, which was found out early because her family is a Hyper Elite Arms Dealer Company. When her prodigy status was noticed her family did what all ultra rich families do, they marketed the hell out of her talents and made her the star of a Maya Series following her around as she trained and fought in TAG/Martial Arts Tournaments all over the Sphere, the series was called "Bukkorosu zo!" which was also her battle cry at the beginning of the battle (it means "I'm gonna kill you!" in an enraged/joking way)

    The problem was....deep down inside Miyu wasn't made for show business or even combat. Sure she had the capabilities, and she liked doing what she did, but she couldn't handle the competitive aspect of it all. When push came to shove and quick decision making was needed, she would suddenly freeze up, not sure what to do, would zone out in thoughts, or linger in the moment for too long. Her parents and the producers weren't too happy about this in the beginning moments of the show, and Miyu reacted like most little kids would, and slowly but steadily "crawled within herself" and closed herself up. She started to refuse to participate in fights, or froze in the middle of it and let herself get beat up.

    Normal parents at this point maybe would have blown the whole thing off and let Miyu remain an unimportant prodigy in the middle of nowhere, but her parents wanted more, some would say expected more, but in reality they just wished for Miyu to overcome this problem of hers so she could become someone truly magnificent.

    It was her father that came up with the solution....a Geist that would help his daughter overcome her shortcomings in battle, and as a weapons dealer family, they had more than enough ressources to create the necessary Geist.

    After careful psychological analysis and fine tuning, "Commander Koi" was born and added to Miyu's Patina....a Geist in the shape of a Koi fish, constantly swimming around Miyu in her Patina, wearing a Shogun's hat and armour and an eye patch, as well as a old traditional japanese pipe in his fish mouth. It was a highly advanced "Command and Control" Geist, designed for high end military operation command situations in case the original commander was dead/incapacitated/unavailable, or simply too expensive/untrustworthy/human for the operations requirement. Though in Miyu's case, it became her personal motivational coach. It gave her orders when needed, told her of potential military strategies her young mind wasn't aware of yet, and the likes. It compensated for her mental shortcomings.

    Since she originally looked like a bland average looking little japanese girl (Black Hair, Brown Eyes, average face) her Parents and the Maya Show decided to "pep her up" a little.....and as a result she was modified to have blazing violet hair (seriously, it's bloody glowing in the dark!) as well as glowing blue eyes (again...glowing in the bloody dark..) as well as brightly green glowing long demon horns (which can clap closer to her skull if room is needed in the TAG) , demonic like fangs (the rest of her teeth are normal) and a colour shifting moving full body flame tattoo representing "demonic fire" errupting all over her body when she gets angry. It's usually not visible and is in fact triggered subconciously by her anger (slowly rising up) or actively on purpose by herself when needed (during a show or whatnot).

    After that she was truly a glorious Demonic Beast to behold during her show, she fought like a master martial artist, had full control over her TAG and defeated even seasoned veterans even though she was still a kid, and everybody around the sphere loved her for it.

    Somewhere along the line of her career "Old Misty Eye Siegfried" a famous PanOceanian TAG Pilot (of a modified Cutter TAG) took a liking to her when they meet during a TAG Convention for Generals from all over the Sphere, and the two of them have had a little bit of a Mentor/Student thing going on ever since. Old Misty Eye Siegfried isn't in active duty anymore, having retired from active combat towards the corporate side of his family, but he's still good for an old trick, or some connections when needed.

    During one of her events on Paradiso a terrible "Acid tornado" suddenly rose up from a nearby acidic lake and sweept into the town of "Eternal Light" where she was participating in a TAG Competition. An Acid Tornado like that had never been spotted on Paradiso before, and the town was utterly unprepared for it, countless people died in waves of liquid acid flowing through the streets and even the Arena that Miyu was fighting in was breached and acid started flowing into the visitor areas and even the arena. Miyu's own TAG was more or less resistant to the acid, and thus as everyone around her was trying to run for a place to hide, Miyu took action and saved as many people as she could by lifting them up on higher areas, or in case of one guy, sitting him down on her own TAG's shoulder.

    It turned out that the guy she saved on her shoulder was some sort of rich Tunguskan Banker who proclaimed to her afterwards that he'd "remember that", but to this day she never heard of that guy again, nor ever found out what his name was. Maybe one day he'll repay his debt of gratitude.

    As time moved on, so did the interest of the general public, and the childhood Maya star slowly became more and more forgotten by the public as other topics tickled their fancy. But at this point Miyu's abilities with a TAG and in the field of Martial Arts had already easily secured her a spot in the famous "Ryu ga Gotoku" Military Academy, and the fact that she joined the Yu Jing TAG Corps afterwards was no surprise to anyone.

    Her career as a TAG pilot was as examplary as it could ever be, her unconventional showmanship like battle style often scoffed at by her colleagues, yet undeniably efficient.

    After more than 10 years in the military, Miyu however began to feel that the Military was "holding back her progress" as a Martial Artist and TAG Pilot....the Military Pattern TAGs acceptable within the Yu Jing Military were mostly standard designes with little allowance for change, and with the background of Miyu and her excessive ressources at hand, she felt quite handycapped by that fact.

    Thus she decided to drop out of military service, and instead choose the life of a Mercenary, hoping to finally get away from all those expectations around her so she could finally live her own life in her own way while honning her skills.

    Since she was still relatively young and had always been "a good girl", and frankly was more of a Prestige object for her family than anything else (the heir would be her older brother), her parents actually supported this decision of her, secretly plotting to make her famous on Maya once again to show off some of the companies "prototype" TAG/weaponry designs which she would be fielding during her missions...which they intended to broadcast.

    The fact that the long term investment of Miyu's childhood's "Maya days" funds had recently paid out, showering Miyu in unexpected amounts of ressources even for someone with such a filthy rich background as hers gave her the final push to settle on this decision, and thus Miyu is now out there, in a newly decked out prototype design TAG by "Horoshi Corps", her body a highly trained and enchanced killing machine, Commander Koi still at her side to compensate for her personality short comings....ready to show the world (and Maya Net) that her time had only just begun.

    Miyu's Lifegoals:

    1°) Short-Term "Petty" Objectives:

    Finding a "place" for her own where she can finally do what she wants without too much outside interferance, especially not from her family or "fans".

    Even shorter term goal: Bug repellant...who would have thought there were so many goddamn bugs on Dawn?

    2°) Mid-Term "Serious" Objectives;

    Advancing on her "Way of the Warrior". Deep down Miyu feels the urge to become more than just a mere warrior, she feels like she still has a lot of unused potential which needs to be fulfilled but has always been somehow held back. Finding out how to unleash that potential is what drives her at the moment as she really has no material gains that she couldn't have obtained until now if she really wanted to.

    3°) Long-Term "Lifepath" Objectives;

    "Ascension" of sorts. Miyu wants to dedicate her live to Martial Arts, understanding her mind and body, and hopes to eventually reach something along the lines of a "higher sate of being". She heard news of beings like Posthumans, and thinks that maybe this is what she eventually wants to become, an undying immortal warrior, forever improving herself if possible.

    Commander Koi's Lifegoals:

    1°) Short-Term "Petty" Objectives:

    Convincing Miyu to find some sort of "badass soundtrack" to blare through her TAG's loudspeaker during the battle. He claims it'd totally have an effect on the enemies morale, but in reality he just thinks it'd be badass as hell...

    2°) Mid-Term "Serious" Objectives;

    Finally taking command of his own goddamn army! Commander Koi was born to and likes supporting Miyu, but he's capable of so much more. He wants to use his abilities to the fullest, to take command of a proper army and stomp his opposition through his own, as he likes to believe, tactical genius and charistmatic personality.

    Maybe he'll need some sort of body to do so...if his army is so petty as to need "a real person to talk to"? Though he'd rather not leave Miyus side really..Maybe Miyu could be his bodyguard? A Geist can have dreams eh?

    3°) Long-Term "Lifepath" Objectives;

    Taking over the goddamn galaxy! Cause when your born to command, what more is there to wish for than to command it all? Aleph and all of humanity at the least, those Tohaa scumbags and Combined if the opportunity should arise.
    #361 Yasashii Fuyu, May 7, 2018
    Last edited: May 7, 2018
  2. Yasashii Fuyu

    Yasashii Fuyu Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Since I'm only now reading up on the many pages here...I just realized that loricus's Character also has a Geist to compensate for his characters mental weaknesses *lol* interesting to see how the idea of a Geist seems to lead to such character ideas (I swear I didn't know about this area of your character as I wrote mine).

    It seems however like their areas of influence are different,so hopefully it won't matter too much...if anything it could give them some common ground :-P
  3. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Yep @Yasashii Fuyu, the similarities end in "to compensate for something" but is very characteristic of what we all interpret are Geists. Dreanna's still looks like a Possum as a reminder that bad things can happen to her if she doesn't fight back.

    Not relevant to the story, but related. I never mention my Wrecking Belles characters' Geists, because Apple Pie, being originally an Ariadnan Atek, had her basic one set to 'Non-Intrusive' and it took it to heart; and now it cancels everyone else's from her AR LOS. So, from her perspective, everyone's Geists are 'Audio Only'. I'm still waiting for the right moment in the story to address that.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  4. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Given how Geists work this is probably actually fairly common. @AdmiralJCJF and I had a conversation around it on another thread.

    The only other real alternative (if you're investing in a Geist) is going my route and building a Geist that doubles down on your strengths.

    Edit: the thread in question.
  5. Yasashii Fuyu

    Yasashii Fuyu Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    I added Miyu and Commander Koi's Lifegoals to the Bio....Compared to some of your characters lifegoals hers feel a bit...stupid and too "out there" but I guess that's what you get from a girl who could theoretically have each and every material wish she could have granted....and Commander Koi is just....well...he's different...

    Oh, and also in theory I think my character design would be ready for some introduction "gameplay"...her TAG and weaponry isn't finished yet, but unless we drop right into battle, that shouldn't be that important right? Something along the lines of a bar scene or wherever else our characters would get to meet and have a little talk would be just fine I reckon.
    #365 Yasashii Fuyu, May 7, 2018
    Last edited: May 7, 2018
  6. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    I wouldn't worry about that. I worry that my character is too normal for this world some days. You'll be fine :)
    stevenart74 likes this.
  7. AdmiralJCJF

    AdmiralJCJF Heart of the Hyperpower

    Feb 21, 2017
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    I think it makes a lot of sense that Geist configuration would broadly fall into one of three categories:

    1: Support Geists which are good at the things the PC is good at and help them do them even better.

    2: Deficit Geists which are good at the things the PC is bad at and help them to do more things reasonably.

    3: General Purpose Geists which aren't as specifically strong in any area but which can help or take over in a range of areas where needed.

    But I think it's deliberate and intentional that building up a Geist to fit into one of these three categories is cheap and easy for most characters (even those with limited resources).
    Golem2God and inane.imp like this.
  8. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @inane.imp , @Danger Rose , @oldGregg , @Golem2God , @Beodren , @Yasashii Fuyu . . .

    Finally, at least, I will go Tomorrow for an important Medical Check-Up that could, or could NOT, have the immediate repercussion of a Quick Day-Hospital "Ultralight Surgical Operation" and will PROBABLY be alright in 24th Hours. . .

    It is NOTHING of serious, but a little "Full Of Issues":

    In the last two months I have somehow augmented my considerable Sexual Activity with some "One Night Stand Partners" (BOTH Males AND Females; nowaday I think ANYONE know that I'm Bisexual !!). . .

    One of these partners noted, during Oral Sex "Servicing" Me, that the Fore-Skin of the Glans-Penis was unusually difficult to "Fold Off" and that doing it when I was "Totally Erect" was quite painful for Me. . .

    Luckily for Me, that Partner was a quite "Expert" Girl, with Hospital Nurse training, with whom I had intercourses a couple of Years ago, and She noticed that it WAS not as that time. . .

    She suggested to Me that could be cased by the Advancement of Age (I'm over 40 now. . .) and the increase in Physical Activity (Sexual or otherwise Heavy Sports) and to consult an Andrologist / Urologist. . .

    Luckily for Me, My best friend is an Urologist and JUST by hearing the "Symptoms" counseled to check for Risks of "Balanitis" and other affections that could potentially ruin a lot of Sexual Enjoyement (and even cause SERIOUS Helth Issues on long terms). . . .

    Tomorrow will see a Surgeon (one of His M.D. Courses colleagues) that will check for everything and take the necessary medical measures. . .

    As I'm QUITE "Well Endowed" (Maximum erection Lenght of more than 20 Cm. for a 5 Cm. "Girth Wide" !!) a simpler frenuloplasty of prepuce of penis (also known as a release of frenulum) will PROBABLY be NOT enough (as with "Skin Mollyfying Balms" that are used in Younger Inpatients) and probably will need a full-fledged Circumcision, done in the MOST sanitary sound environment possible. . .

    I don't know if the Surgeon could start YET Tomorrow with final Operation, or will need some extra exams beforehand; what I know is AS SOON AS the Circumcision is done it will be 1 Week of "Legs Sports Abstinence" and EVEN TILL 1 Month of "Sexual Abstinence" :scream::sweat::cold_sweat: until the cycatrization is perfectly done. . .

    Luckily for Me, Sex with My Dick is NOT My ONLY kind of sexual release :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::flushed::imp:, but it pays to be QUITE prudent for this in ANYWAY matter. . .

    . . . . . .

    Potentially distasteful Sexual Personal Infos aside, I warn anyone of You that is a relatively Young Man (ranging from 30 to 40 years of age) to NOT ignore those POTENTIAL risks of a very important part of the Male Anathomy !!!!!

    I warned My usually nosy and encumbering Blood-Relatives' Family to lighten-off to Me from their usual "Unsolicited Chaos" and also Work / Job Interviews have lessened a little (BEFORE very probably start with "Full Bloom" once "True Summer" is inbound) and THIS will means that I can MORE EASILY finish all the unfinished issues that plague the Delay of the R.P.G. Campaign Start. . .

    Supposing EVERYTHING will go flawlessly :pray::ok_hand::v::+1: then the Weekend SHOULD be the "Perfect Moment" for Starting the Game. . .

    @loricus I have COMPLETE ENOUGH Final Player Character Sheet of Any other P.C. except Yours; maybe You sent it Yet and I have not seen it. . .??

    Also I have no recent news about the kind of "Starting Wargear Package" of Your "Heavy T.A.G." (Guijia-based) so I can well-balance it against the other Guijia of @Yasashii Fuyu (Teseum-Polearm Wielding; Heavily Armoured, "Haze" Anti-Target Countermeasures; "Speed Burst" enhancement to reach quickly a foe in Melee) and the two lighter Geckos ("Paramilitary Optimized Battlefield Repair" for @inane.imp and "Stealth Camo Flamethrower Assault" for @Danger Rose !!). . .

    . . . . .

    Let Me know all. . . . .!!!
  9. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I haven't sent it yet I'll make it soon.
  10. Yasashii Fuyu

    Yasashii Fuyu Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    @stevenart74 Gotta love your posts *lol* Unsuspecting me starts reading about potential updates regarding the RPG, BOOM detailed report of someone's reproductive organs and diseases as well as medical connections appears ;-P

    I now have 4 free days and actually managed to get some sleep, kids are still sick, but at least I am of sound mind again and have time, so I will try to give my character the last finishing touches (some normal augmentations, some every day gear she'd have, stuff like that).

    Is there anything you'd like me to think about/prepare? Like should my character already have some relationship to some of the mercenary guys, or will she be "freshly in" and knows nobody yet?
    Danger Rose and Golem2God like this.
  11. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    That is up to you. My character has a family of sorts that is tagging along with him. You can have what ever you like or even make a up an NPC character for Knossos Island. Even if that NPC is not connected to you character in any way.
  12. Yasashii Fuyu

    Yasashii Fuyu Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Well in that case I think it'd be best if my character arrives as the story begins more or less. Since I myself as the player am still a bit flubbergasted by the amount of characters/equipment/locations and whatnot in this story, it'll make it easier for me to roleplay if my character itself is as well :-P
    Golem2God likes this.
  13. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    There's a Nomad ship in orbit that the Nomad new arrivals are on (@Danger Rose and me). We're getting ready to come down via shuttle.

    I think that we'll just have been spun up from being on ice for the trip. I can't imagine Manticore paid much for our transport (particularly in my case, given the reasons I left). And it resolves us having interacted for the last few weeks 'off camera'.

    But we'll see how @stevenart74 plays it.

    Edit: and yeah, most of the characters have washed over me. I'm just justifying it as really trying to understand my character: he's not great with people. ;)
    Danger Rose and Golem2God like this.
  14. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Manticore. . .??

    Those are the baddies of the First Season of "Dark Angel" the interesting Cyberpunk Television Serie by James Cameron, with Jessica Alba as the "Perfect Soldier" gene-engineered from Birth (and that could be BOTH an excellent Odalisque AND a Runihura Khawarji from Haqqislam Biolabs). . .!!

    Are You confusing "Minotaurs" (Humanoid with a generic, muscular human anathomy but with usually Cloven Hoooves and a Bull's Head), that come from Ancient Greece Myths, with a "Manticore" (Lion-like Beast, with an Humanoid Face and a Scorpion's Tail that could shoot Poisoned Quills), usually portrayed in more Middle Eastern Legends. . .??

    Sometimes "Manticores" are employed as a Literary Terms for "Gene-Engineered Biomonsters" (of which New Knossos Island is choc full) ALMOST as "Synonims" of "Chimeras"; but Chimeras are supposed to be "Mismatched Mixes" of different Body Parts (the one most famous killed by Bellerophon the Greek Hero was caused by "Drops of Titan's Blood" released by the Gorgon Medusa beheading, AS WELL as the Winged Horse, Pegasus, employed by the same Bellerophon to vanquish the monster) while Manticores were supposed to be a whole race of Semi-Sentient "Feral Monsters". . .

    . . . . .

    Anyway digression of "Classical Myths & Legends" aside, there is a Circular that have arrived NOW (at the start of the Game, some few months before Flamya Island Events COULD take place !!) in the Dawn Solar System and has "Released" from its holds a Nomads "Orbital Repair Barge" (even MORE armed and armoured than the "Don Peyote" !!) that will proceed towards Planet Dawn to relieve an "Armed Haqqislamite Cargo Ship" as the Stationary Orbital Defence over New Knossos Island. . .

    "Cryo-Freezing" crew and passengers is NOT a thing done in Infinity; I could think that there is the need of JUST some few hours to reach a Circular near a "Wormhole Gate" and then JUST an Hour of "Hyperspace Jump" between a Gate and another (by the way, is hinted in the Background that there ARE "Cryogenic Arks" that were privately funded before the Wormhole Technology was developed and that are STILL traveling towards distant stars; essentially those are "Mini-Ariadna Spaceships" that could offer some quite cool "Story Backdrop" !!). . .

    As Circulars are a sort of "Immense City, In Space" it is up to @inane.imp (that come from the Nomad Mothership of Corregidor), @Danger Rose (that come from the Nomad Mothership of Bakunin), @oldGregg (hailing directly from Bourak) and @Yasashii Fuyu (probably directly from Shentang / Yutang System) if they have INTERACTED at all. . .

    The trip from the Circular, parked on the OUTSKIRTS of Dawn's System Edge (noticeably smaller than Our "Sol" Solar System; rather than being BEYOND Pluto, is as if they are between Jupiter and Saturn) will need "As Much Screentime" as needed to Interact as desired. . . . .Or Not. . .!!

    . . . . .

    Bear in mind that while the Corregidoran Mecha-Pilot and the Bakunite "Pyro Catgirl" are known JUST in some restricted Mercenary Circles, and the "Fremen Supersoldier" is a TOTAL NOBODY (as befitting a Secret Bioweapon financed by the Hashashin Bahram and "On Loan" to the Kum Clan of Layla Bey of the Minotaurs) then the "Oniko" (Demon-Girl) that is a T.A.G Pilot is a "Mayastar Celebrity" that is well renowned in the "slightly-less-known-than-Aristeia" circuit of Heavy Exoframe Gladiatorial Combat. . .

    This means that EVEN without interaction with other P.C. there will be A LOT of Paparazzi, Otaku Fangirls and Fanboys, interested Media Lobbysts and simple Tourists that will fancy Her and try to brave a "Privacy Security Cordon" of the Personnel of the Santiago Knights and the Yanjing Agents (as agreement with the two main Hyperpowers these "Uneasy Joint Forces" are the Onboard Security of the Circulars). . .

    Even on Dawn, even OUTSIDE the Minotaurs Brigade, the Ex-Yujing Pilot will be renowned, but less from "Squee, Cool Aidoru to Fan Upon" and more "A Very Competent T.A.G. Close Combat Specialist, needed to modernize Our vintage army assetts". . .!!

    . . . . .

    With so much diversified Crew of P.C. and N.P.C. alike while the Minotaurs are OFFICIALLY "Teseum Wardens Mercenary Brigade" they are sneeringly nicknamed by Hostiles and Neutrals alike more "A Legion Of Freaks". . . . . .!!!
    Danger Rose and Golem2God like this.
  15. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Derp on the manticore / Minotaur thing.

    But regarding being on ice, on page 396.

    Although a significant majority of people never leave their planet of birth, interplanetary travel within the Human Sphere is unremarkable and commonplace. However, it is still a time-consuming process, taking days (or even weeks) to navigate the wormhole network and cross the vast distances of empty space.

    Cryofreight: The cheapest travel possible involves essentially shipping yourself as cargo. Passengers are placed in cryogenic suspended animation and then awoken at the other end. This also usually means incredibly long journeys, since the ships involved are typically the cheap-est slow-haulers.

    But if a full circular has just arrived, then there’s not really any need for that option.
  16. Yasashii Fuyu

    Yasashii Fuyu Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    I also remember cryostasis theoretically being an option still, but I never assumed Nomads would ever use such a thing :-P

    Miyu obviously wouldn't be traveling like that, she'll be staying in a suite on board of the Circular during the transit, training herself, enjoying her flight, while trying to keep the Paparazi or whomever tries to follow her away...maybe with a little paid muscle outside of her door to ensure she doesn't have to bully them around herself?

    Thus she most likely wouldn't come into contact with any of the others, unless they specifically search her out (which would be fine, she'd be up to talk to any fellow TAG Pilot or Martial Artist really, if only to fill the boredom of the flight).

    Frankly Miyu is still new to this whole Mercenary thing, and since she's an introvert at heart she wouldn't exactly go out of her way to search for other Mercenaries to talk to...mostly cause she'd feel she'd look stupid in doing so :-P
    stevenart74 and Golem2God like this.
  17. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Ultimately it's about efficiency. That's a lot of wasted O2 if you don't need that person for some reason. You might not worry about paying for the air you breathe, but Meteor Heads do.

    I'd expect most of Tony's class of Nomads either travel as crew, frozen or use the time for training (Mercs on contract).

    Crew only really makes sense on particularly large vessels where they can afford spare hands to do additional jobs: on small vessels losing a crew member for the return trip is significant.

    Freezing an entire work crew as you transport them to the work site, unfreezing them in location and then doing the reverse on the way back would reduce your transport costs significantly.

    Even for Mercs, unless they've got mission specific training to do if you leave them awake en route there's a whole mass of extra expenses to account for. It'd be worth it for a quasi military contract (where they are on the hook to respond to a dynamic situation at short notice) but for a specific job at the end of a longish transit, spinning them up a couple of days out so they're up to speed would be way cheaper.

    I wouldn't be surprised if this was the way military forces move around. Significantly easier than looking after 1000s of people in transit.
    stevenart74, loricus and Danger Rose like this.
  18. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    O.K. First of all, I was visited Today from a Specialist and, as the necessary Surgery are a little "Complex" (nothing serious, is STILL a Day Hospital matter !!), then I will be surgically operated the 25th of May, with all the "Recovery Issue" delayed as well. . .

    . . . . .

    As for Cryostasis then I will employ it as a "Plot Hook" rather than an Obliged Voyage Requirement; in the Official Manga the various Passengers aboard the Circular does not "Freeze" and this entails a Voyage from Bourak (where Emily Handelmann "Acquire" Knauf the Sniper) then to Svarhalheima (Wotan Gate !!!) and then from that to the Druze Caravanserary (on the Human Edge? Paradiso Frontline ???) without ever mentioning it. . .

    Tony is a Mecha-Pilot with EXTENSIVE Technical Expertise and "Catgirl Chimera" is a Veteran Orbital Deep-Spacer; they could have quite paid a Passage with much needed "Jury Rig Work" rather being "Popsicle Sleeping Beauties" but is just a manner of preference. . .

    To "Break a Little the Ice" the Character of @oldGregg is ANYWAY "Much Recommended" by various Agencies of the Haqqislamite Intelligence; is a Stealth Operative with Medical / Hacking / Field Tech knowledges. . . . .could be the PERFECT "Part-Time Bodyguard" that the Kuge Family of Miyu would have searched to "Protect" their precious Scion. . .

    And is, coincidentally, a perfect Plot Hook to start the Game with FOUR of the Players yet in mutual knowledge. . .

    Even if they STAID the whole "Cruise" on the Nomad Spaceship, without "Shore Leave" on the Circular "Shopping Mall" they could have interacted even better, while waiting to approach Planet Dawn. . .

    All the while I will write down some Peer-Interaction between the other Three YET well entrenched on New Knossos Island with all manner of "Local Colour Shehanigans". . . . .!!!
    Danger Rose and Golem2God like this.
  19. Yasashii Fuyu

    Yasashii Fuyu Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Question is....how will we play this "on the ship" time? Or do we just assume they've meet and kinda like each other and go from there? :-P

    I mean for all intends and purpose we could easily start a little thread where the 4 of us on the Nomad Ship/Circular talk a little before things start for real. Not much gear/skills/rules would be needed there I assume, unless someone wants to beat up someone for some reason :-P

    Also please note, it is kind of important to Miyu that her family does not meddle in her affairs too much anymore now that she's a mercenary...obviously they have a long reach and she can't get fully away from them, but when she gets a chance, she'd rather hire her own goonies to defend her door rather than have them hired by her family. Which is obviously not what her family wants, but that's a different matter.
    stevenart74, inane.imp and Golem2God like this.
  20. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    @stevenart74 yeah, I was imagining more of single small ship rather than a circular. Working the passage makes more sense on a circular and would fit with the way Tony got off Coregidor (via people who know people rather than in a more organised way).

    I’d just assume we don’t meet properly. We’d be aware of you: but I suspect that Dreanna and Tony move in different circles. Particularly if you were in a suite rather than flying coach. It means the first time we’re all properly interacting is as we board the shuttle on our way down.

    @Danger Rose where did that bar fight happen? On a mothership before we got onto the circular?

    Part of the reason that I’d resist the urge to RP the journey is it’ll either be really quite mundane (sleep, eat, work/train, eat, chill, sleep) or Dreanna is a pyromaniac and Tony is a pyrophobe.... and we’re on a spaceship with lots of things that go bad if you let the smoke out. And whilst amusing, destroying a circular and killing four characters before we land on Dawn seems... counter productive.
    Danger Rose and stevenart74 like this.
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