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Second PBP game

Discussion in 'Modiphius Entertainment' started by inane.imp, Mar 12, 2018.

  1. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    @inane.imp Very true and good points. Hope to see how he fares with the whole group.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  2. Beodren

    Beodren Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Still keeping fingers crossed for starting soon!
    stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
  3. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    And suddenly I have the sinking feeling my Catgirl's TAG will never get repaired T_T
    inane.imp, stevenart74 and oldGregg like this.
  4. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I'm sure someone will and if not she can "flame" them into doing it.
    stevenart74 and Danger Rose like this.
  5. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    First of all, FINALLY I seem to be ABLE to lastly CUT the crap of all that “Shitstuff” that kept Me from starting the P.B.P. when I intended and continuously made Me postpone the Deadline; BUT I will not daresay a SPECIFIC Hour Time as AS SOON AS I do it then some shit happens (even for an Italian I'm not particularly Superstitious, but “Suspicious Coincidences” start to pile up !!!). . .

    No "Too Serious" Problems, just some continuing issues that pushes Deadlines back:

    Family that is a burden; in Italy there is this WEIRD idea that Single Relatives have “More Free Time” and so should be “On Call” when a Married Couple with Offspring need help, and then there is offended faces and mortified tones when You “Just Say No, I Can't Come There”. . .!!

    An ailing Mother that is wisely taking care of Her health; She is STILL spry and active, but as an 80 Years Old that USED to be sportslike and active sometimes forget what is Sane and what is Risky. . .!!

    My Ex-Bethrothed from Austria that weirdly do some "Passive / Aggressive Catcalls"; seriously, I don't know what do “Head Or Tails” of Her, sometimes it seems She want Us to be back together, some other times seems to Just “Web-Trolling” Me. . .!!

    Some VERY IMPORTANT Healthcare Exams to take care to still being perfectly fit; nothing serious, just that I have to be careful to be still very sexually active (probably I will need a Circumcision to keep in perfect physical state). . .!!

    Many interesting Job Interviews that happen at a weird conjuncture and that have to be thoroughly pursued and followed; but some of them are “Interesting Difficult To Attain Goals” and some are JUST “Red Herrings”. . .

    I'm now working FEVERISHLY to put EVERYTHING in place (that is “Everything That Is Necessary”; I sometimes fear that I'm too perfectionist and that I'm delaying for UNNECESSARY Side-Stuff !!). . . . .
    Danger Rose, Golem2God and inane.imp like this.
  6. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    I'm thinking to put there a “Comprehensive List” of the Officer's Cadre and “Decision Makers” that constituted the “High Command” of the Minotaurs; MIND that those N.P.C. (roughly “Mercs Captains” as Infinity ranking goes) will be the ONLY Superiors of Your Characters, ANYONE is either a Same-Rank (either Lieutenant or “Master Sergeant” for Technical Specialties !!) or an Inferior Subordinate that SHOULD heed Your orders nonetheless (but the Minotaurs are quite a “Loose Cannons Bunch” with some Squads that are heavily militarized and rigidly organized, some other are just “Unpaid Hanger-On Civilians” such as the Bikers that usually “Do Their Thing” !!). . .

    Also understand that Your Characters are the “Prime Movers & Shakers” of this specific Game Campaign World; it will be Your decisions and Roleplaying that will make things stay AS THEY ARE, the Minotaurs become an effective “Big Private Army” or anarchically devolve in “Privateer Corsairs that fancy hunting Pirate Smugglers”. . .!!

    I'm thinking to allow EACH and ANY of You to keep the High Officers Cadre as perfectly neutral towards You or decide to have a “Prized Sponsor” (that will favour You in their schemes, and grant some Bonus or “Extra Requisitioned Gear” for important ALIGNED Missions !!) AND at the same time a “Grumbling Naysayer” (that, for somehow motivations, is developing a “Bitter Rivalry” with Your Character; NOTHING to impair / jeopardize “Mission Status” but continuosly reviewing Your efficacy parameters, always spouting that “Their Own” would have performed better and generally becoming a Nuisance). . .

    It will be Your choice if staying a well-balanced “Neutral True” that will act on its “R.P.G. Results” or play the “Dangerous Game of Thrones” with Favours and Undermining of Rivals; something could POSITIVELY affect the Short-Term personal goals, by then complicating non-immediate ones or vice-versa. . .

    Officer List will follow soon (it will be the last “Campaign Source” to be kept there, in this “Recruiting Thread”; I will then “Reprint” them all, with some re-tweaking and slightly better characterization, in the dedicated O.O.C. Thread that will go in the “Active Game Subforum”). . .
    Danger Rose, Golem2God and inane.imp like this.
  7. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I deal with this all the time. I'm literally my father's caretaker and he needs help alot. So I'm on call nearly all day. It does prevent me from relaxing or getting stuff I planned on doing done but I care for my dad and want him to live as long as he can.
    :thinking_face:I can't make head or tails about that. Your guess is as good as mine.
    Please don't rush yourself into a frenzy. The last thing you or we need is for there to be another active individual in your family not taking care of their health. Your mother is doing great so don't take her place in that regard.
    #347 Golem2God, May 5, 2018
    Last edited: May 5, 2018
    Danger Rose and inane.imp like this.
  8. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I'm liking the sound of this. I wonder what these officers are (character wise) and what areas they preside over?
    Danger Rose likes this.
  9. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    “LaTigre Balam”; 30-35 Years of Age (does not know precisely and DOES NOT CARE!!); Corregidoran Jaguar Gang Boss, slowly turning a Feline Chimera on the “Uberfallkommando” Threat Level; born in the worst pits of Lazareto Slums and forced by very early start Prostitution by a suicidally stupid Father (NEVER do Hull Repairs when Drunk & Drug-Stoned. . .) and a destitute Junkie Mother (starting soon to be a Streetwalker for Drug Money; at least the “Little Balam” sold Herself for Food & “Oxygen Tax”); had the incredible Luck to find a Pimp that was principled and treated its “Stable of Orphans” as a sort of Surrogate Father; She started to be “Cyber Modified” to be a “Perfect Hooker” but when Rival Gang started to muscle in their territory, the “Stable” were forced to become effectively one of the most vicious “Jaguar Gangs” (the fact that they specialized in B.D.S.M. kink-fetish made them quite “Inured to Pain” !!). . .

    When She understood that She liked more to “Fuck For Free & Be Paid To Kill” then She become a fierce “Protection Racketeer” with a dire Aversion to Slavery; Pimps should be like Her “Second Daddy” (named “Tezcatlipoca Tex”, a Mexican Aztec with an Obsession for the “Dark Obsidian Mirror” Rituals & Legend; quite weird Character; imagine Thanos as a Pimp and Gamora as a Dominatrix Prostitute and You could have an idea of their very warped “Father-Daughter” relationship, particularly considering Tex NEVER “Sampled Its Own Wares” !!). . .

    She really become an Important Nomads Crime Figure when building stable realtionship with Corregidoran Jaguars and Bakunin Chimera Gangs, and then. . .She became the REAL “Catalyzer” of the Minotaurs Creation when “rescuing” an hapless family of “Ariadnan Tourists” that risked to be captured and enslaved by a Praxis Black Lab specialized into furnishing “Chimera Slaves” to Bordello Modules. . .

    A fearsome Tiger-Amazon with excellent physical attletics and Limited Regeneration, She even ENJOY Pain (an heritage of Her B.D.S.M. “Cyberwhore” Past) becoming a relentless “Fury Berserker” in Frenzied Melees (even She is Sub-Par with Close Combat; where She truly excels is with “Brutal Guns” like Chainguns, Shotguns and Riot Grenade Launchers); She has JUST one “Itty-Bitty Tiny Flaw”. . . . .She wants to fuck EVERYTHING that moves & breathes, and is so “Improper & Insistant” (REALLY She does NOT understand that “No, Thanks” does NOT means “Not Now, Dear !!”) that She is NOT part of the Officer Rank as to not being accused of “Excess Fraternizing” with Subordinates and Superiors. . .

    . . . . .

    "Moonsweeper", 53 Years, (a weird Corregidoran "Mobile Brigada" Veteran cybernetically fused with its Heavy Infantry Powersuit, after an horrible accident); is an infamous O12 "War Criminal" that favours destructive techniques and maximied violence even in "Covert Wetwork Black Ops"; while its main adjutants are a Corregidoran “Bonny & Clyde” couple of Hacker and Demolition experts (sometimes referred as “Its Beloved Children” and sometimes as “Submissive Fucktoys”) its real stick is the fact that is a consummate Mercenary Veteran Commander that is able to draw together disparate Expats from any corner of the Human Sphere (He was the sponsor of a daring “Prisonbreak” from a Yujing Mining Asteroidal Prison, that freed a Morat Krakot Teseum-Smith, a Top Hacker that was an Ex-Nisse of Pan-Oceania and an Ex-Odalisque that become a Lasiq for revenge!!). . .

    Lieutenant-Major Thomas Sylvestri (nicknamed “Tom the Cat” or “Sylvester the Cat”); Chimera Moderator of 45 Years of Age; Veteran of the Vice Squad of the Bakunin Moderator Police, is an Ex-Gigolo and “Streetwalker Boytoy” that NEVER really stopped “Walking The Hood”; He managed to rescue an hapless Pan-Oceanian Drone Programmer with a “Rabbit Chimera Fetish” from being enslaved by a Prostitution Ring and then they subsequently married; with the help and pointers of the “Ariadnan Tourists” and their Jaguar “Local Guide” dismantled one of the worse Chimera Pitfighter / Furry Whores “Slave Rings” of Praxis. . .

    The Moirae Observance "Holy Trinity"; Mother Kitsune is an Ex-Oniwaban "Sniper Kunoichi" (and a Japan Milf too !!) converted to the Bakunin Ways, Syster Lacryma is a young, demure, mute Reverend Hacker that LOVES "Asymmetrical Warfare" and Brother Scapegoat (47 Years) is a Ram-Chimera Sin-Eater that redefines the terms of "Masochistic Suicidal Bodyguard" to new heights; while “Fringe Radical” even for the Moirae Observancers, they were instrumental in discovering the TRUE Horrible Depths with which the Praxis Module “Malfeas” was involved (harvesting Morats and Shaasvastii Corpses on distant battlefields of Paradiso, cryostasis them and sending to Bakunin, where the Malfeas “Doctor Moureaus” would “Harvest” them to create incredibly powerful Combat Drugs for their Morlock Sidekicks or even TRANSPLANT them into choice “Chimera Enforcers”, first of them the “Local Boss” the dangerous Chimera-Morlock “Dominatrix” known as “Dark Queen Callysto” !!!). . .

    Weirdly enough it transpired that it was the “Rogue Artificial Intelligence Criminal Mastermind” known as “Svengali” to have orchestrated that sick stuff, to acquire cheap but reliable and powerful thugs to compund its “Army of Cyber-Clones”; the operation in Bakunin was successfully dismantled with an astounding 75% of perpetrators caught alive (even Cube-Less ones, such as a couple of Non-Ariadnan Dogwarriors kept as “Caged Berserkers”) but analysis felt that Svengali papertrail brought directly to Planet Dawn, where the criminal A.I. Renegade seemed hell-bent to acquire the MOST 100% Pure Teseum possible. . .

    Soon the Minotaurs were created as a “Joint Mercs Task Force” to solve this (and many others issues). .

    "H.I.V.E.M.I.N.D."; Tunguskan EXTREMELY illegal "Rogue A.I." that is so paranoid to NEVER have a "Mind Core" put in a SINGLE physical frame "Server Farm" but rather distributed BETWEEN every possible Robotic Drone, Karakuri Gynoid / "Chappie" Android and Computational System in New Knossos Island; created in Tunguska to counter the random; chaotic assaults of "Svengali" is centered around TWO "Core Principles": The Clients Confidentiality is SACRED and ANY Minotaur should have a % Share Stock-Option based on commensurate Rank & Efficiency; if “LaTigre Balam” is the “HEART” of the Minotaurs (in the sense that She wants TRULY to befriend AND fuck You, and if You are NOT interested will act as chaperone towards another “Perfect Mate”, and ANYWAY still believe to be Your “Best Friend” !!) then H.I.V.E.M.I.N.D. is the “Brain” behind the Mercs Outfit; normally cold and detached when “Speaking from Holoscreens” becomes far more relatable when “Incarnated” in a Physical Body (for a Virtual A.I. has serious “Body Fetishes”) or when “Symbiotically Interfaced” with the Ex-Pan-O “Bunny” that is affectionally called my “Queen-Tech-Bee”. . .
    #349 stevenart74, May 5, 2018
    Last edited: May 5, 2018
    Danger Rose, Golem2God and inane.imp like this.
  10. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    The "Hapless Tourists" described in the Nomads Officer section, are a Human Male and a Dogface Woman, along with their twin Wulver Daughters, that were lured to "Malfeas Module" in Bakunin, by Praxis Scientists that wanted new "Fresh Genetic Samples" to enhance their "Gene-Pools"; what is the worse is that they duped an Ariadnan Wulver Scientist (a Kazak called Doctor Hannah Trofymov) to REALLY believe to cure Wulvers genetic inflicted sterility; "Dark Queen Callysto" also REALLY wanted to have FERTILE Wulvers, but ONLY to have a self-perpetuating "Slave Race" of Warrior Beastmen. . .

    The "Tourists" were:

    The Caledonian Noble Lord Grey Graywulf (45 years of Age), Earl of Little Scone, Mormaer Duke of New Knossos Island; an Highlander Veteran with the right arm totally replaced by an Antiquated Cyberarm of 100% Pure Teseum and with the right side of the face covered by a Teseum Half-Mask (think "Kano" of Mortal Kombat); it is rumored that was a battle damage inflicted by its actual beloved wife. . .!!

    Katya Volkova Strelnitsky, a Stavka Veteran Agent of 40 years; She is a Dogwarrior because Her Mother, Katryna, was involved in an attempted assassination by Stavka Rivals by sabotaging an Antipode Pack Control Device, who failed because she was indavertingly pregnant; She is the archetypal "Russian Spy Movie" cold and uncaring bitch, Aryan Icy Blonde, as a superficial aspect, but in reality is a caring wife and doting mother, who happens to be a Shapeshifting Werewolf Assassin (typical modus operandi was to enter, disguised as an "Escort Whore", a Target Environment totally unarmed and almost naked, and then morph in Dogwarrior and tear everything and everyone apart). . .

    Their twin Daughters are Siobahn and Shawna, technically 13-14 Years of Age, but due to Wulver scrambled D.N.A. they are PHYSICALLY more Mature (apparently very fit and muscular 16-18 years of Age "Olympic Athletes") and very less mature from an intellectual / emotive P.O.W.; they mixed the fiery red hair of the Father with the pale blonde "Mane" of the Mother with a sort of Sandy-Blonde fur everywhere. . .

    Siobahn is quiet, intorverted, shy and reserved and VERY imbarassed by Sex and Sexual Things (problem is, Her "Berserker Rages" are far worse than the Sister; She actually ripped arms off enemies in blind fury, and technically "Raped" a Nomad Cyborg during a stupid Beer-Drinking Contest; the Cyborg, nicknamed "Max Steel", did not mind, care deeply for Her and is actually trying to help Her "Exit the Shell" !!); she has inherited the Father's side deep, emerald green eyes, Her fur is less intrusive and her features are SLIGHTLY less "Wulver Lady". . .

    Shawna is instead totally the opposite, extrovert and gregarious and ALWAYS ready to "Party & Brawl"; not only She is a far more controlled warrior than the sister, but also manage to balance a lesser "Inhuman Strenght & Endurance" with more disciplined "Combat Training"; but while away from Battlefields and Firing Lanes Her discipline "Melt Away" and She has taken all the "Wrong Cues" from "Auntie" LaTigre Balam in the most LITERAL sense possible; about Sex this sensuous, animalistic Humanoid (who inherited the Icy Blue Eyes of the Mother, and the heavy freckled complexion of the Father, and whose lustruous fur-tufts have a weird alluring charme) has an attitude more or less of "I will NOT Fuck My Father, My Mother and My Sister. . . . . Everything else is fair game !!!". . .

    The ONLY issue that LaTigre have with Her "Prized Star-Pupil" is that Shawna SHOULD be a little more sober when choosing passing bed companions and had awoken in filthy bunks with "Less Than Classy" one-time pick ups TOO MANY times; also for Her the Wulvers' Sterility is FOR NOW a Boon rather than a Curse, otherwise She would have had YET multiple pregancies (but there is an Haqqislamite Nurse, Hajiidah, specialized in Advanced Techniques against Sexually Transmitted Diseases, that technically see Her every Day or Two). . .

    Technically NOT a member of the Family, but there is wandering around their fortified walled fortress still "Grand-Father Wintercoat" a monstruous "Artic Antipode" Alpha Chieftain of 85 Years, that has been submitted to countless Genetic Experiment; Artic Antipodes are larger and more massive than usual Natives of Dawn, but they are also more mindlessly savage; this fearsome Apex Predator is a GENIUS if compared with its siblings, but still could go "Berserk" (such as when had bittern Katryna Volkova, the Mother of Katya) and will calm down JUST when Katya is in Dogwarrior Form, the Twins physically grapple Him or a Guijia T.A.G. stare it down the Barrell of a T2 Antitank Rifle (while immensely powerful that monster learned the hard way that even Teseum-tipped Claws are NO MATCH for Teseum-Plated Heavy Armour !!). . .

    Another member of the Household is Wayah "White-Ghost", an U.S.Ariadnan Dogwarrior of indeterminate age and of clearly Cherokee Native Amerindian heritage; quiet, reserved and silent, act as another "Caretake Aunt" to the unruly Wulver Twins, TOTALLY counterbalancing the "Pornstar Aunt" antics of LaTigre Balam; considered one of the most lethal "Scouts" of the Minotaurs, display even in Dogwarrior Battleform, an eerie, creepy "Silent Hunter-Stalker" behaviour. . . . .until a Target is in Range and She cleave down with Her "Giant Teseum Cleaver" shaped like a Native Tomahawk. . .

    . . . . .

    The rest of the Ariadnan Officer Corps (Sir Grey is the Caledonian representative, while Katya the Kazak one, and also the "De Facto" Spokeperson of the Minotaurs and Unofficial Leader for Ariadnan Concerns) are:

    "King Mynos", an U.S.Ariadnan Desperado Biker Gang leader of 50 years (with proudly declared Cretacean Heritage on Old Earth); loud, crass and boisterous, was TOTALLY smitten by the visiting Layla Bey (Chieftain-Leader of the Minotaurs' Kums) and managed to wind Her hand with the promise of untold riches; while a competent "Road Warrior" He clearly acknowledge the Wife being the sharpest stick in the Couple and defer to Her judgement; He is TOTALLY into Alienism and Chimeras, to the point that when two of their offspring, Karanos and Pasyfae, suffered from Genetic Desorders inflicted by Abuse of Combat Drugs DURING PREGNANCY had paid extensively for a mix of Haqqislamite Medicine, Tohaa "Biotech Magick" and Bakunin Biografts to not only save them but also transform them into powerful Hybrid Chimeras. . .

    Karanos ("Monster" in Ancient Classical), 23 Years Old, is what an Uberfallkommando could be if it was a FANTASY MINOTAUR (2,5 mts. Bull-Headed Humanoid with Cloven Hooves, enormous muscular physique and a BAD attitude) that is ALSO a "Son Of Anarchy" styled Biker (that fights with an ENORMOUS Teseum Waraxe) and created / inspired the WHOLE "Aegean Mythology Brand" of the Minotaurs; also terminally, stupidly "Berserk Aggressive" and currently are developed a lot of "Bull Pupniks" for Him to act as "Meatshields"; his sister Pasyfae (25 Years Old) is instead JUST a beautiful Mediterranean Woman with Cow Horns and an ENORMOUS Breast size, while a drunkard and a lecher is ALSO the "Unofficial Leader" and smart-enough commander of the "Motley Crew" that surround the "Minotaurs Bikers" (Morlocks, Furry Chimeras, Wulvers, Cameronian Werevolves, Psychotic "Juicer" Combat Drug Berserkers and cybernetically-enhanced Pupniks and Antipodes); Pasyfae is the originator of the "Biker Clever Idea" of matching Guns with paired Underbarrell Attachements (Chaincolts under Chainguns, Riot Grenade Lauchers with Underbarrell M203 attached and Boarding Shotguns with a "Masterkey" underneath !!). . .

    G.I.G.N. Colonèl-Gèneral Marianne Labory (62 Years), is a Veteran of the "Merovingian Gèndarmes" Military Police and the counter to the more "Savage" attitudes of the Minotaurs; weirdly enough She and King Mynos were the bitterest of enemies BEFORE Katya and Sir Gray brought to them factive proofs that their "Crimeboss Vs. Police Commander" rivalry was fueled and fanned by Foreign Concerns interested in smuggling Teseum outside Planet Dawn. . . . .She is an EXCELLENT Military Officer "By The Book" about the Tactics of LoupGarous, Metros and "General S.W.A.T. Agents" and is funnelling the BEST "Police Tactics" in the daily training regimes of the Minotaurs. . .
    #350 stevenart74, May 5, 2018
    Last edited: May 5, 2018
    Golem2God and Danger Rose like this.
  11. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    "The Scarlet Crescents" are a group of Khawarjis "Red Turbans" that are tasked more or less with the managing of the more "Military Minded" of the Haqqislamite Branches of the Minotaurs; dour and rigid, always spouting some Al'Quran citations they are nonetheless flexible enough to understand the "Price of Efficacy"; they range in Number between 3 and 5 (based on the needs of the Kapu Kalqi and the Sultanate), but Haadijah Al-Shazam "Crimson Scarf", one ofthe FEW Female Khawarjis, a wise "War Widow" (40+ of Age) and very learned "Sufi Teacher" is usually resident in Dawn. . . . . .fo Her WHATEVER happens CONSENSUALLY in a Sanctioned Marriage is NONE OTHER PERSON BUSINESS (but had nonetheless needed to PHYSICALLY chase away, with a Shotgun charged with Nonlethal Slugs, from Her bed "LaTigre Balam" when the Corregidoran Lech did not understand "Please Go Away !!!"). . .

    Mistress Jasmyne; the Odalisque Veteran Teacher, a woman of 60's / 70's of age that seems a VERY beautiful Milf of 45 Years; She has eschewed the more “Standard Battlefield Bodyguard” kind of Silk Biograft Implants for Anagathic Anti-Age treatment; not only She is a very competent Trainer and Principal for the tiny “Odalisque School” of New Knossos Island, but is also gladly extending some “Basic Courses” to interested Ariadnans (especially Merovingian Waifs and many of the Daughters / Wives / Sisters of the more unruly “Desperado Biker Gangers”) and Nomads to “Spice Up their Skillset”; also because She has a DEEP FETISH for “Young Prettyboys” (Her ONLY openly admitted "Flaw"!!) the School is not open ONLY to “Potential Odalisques” Females but ALSO to “Catamite Wannabees” Males (the Catamite was the Ancient Asian equivalent of Boy Prostitutes !!). . .

    “Grand Master Assassin" Kindjal Shilat, (Age Indeterminate; currently on 4th or 5th Reincarnation on a Young Cloned Body of APPARENTLY 20/30 Years) one of the few Hashashins of the Bahram that goesaround usually unmasked (but often cloaked) is the DIRECT representative of the "Old Man Of The Mountain" Alliance with the Minotaurs; proud, arrogant, aloof and haughty is anyway a VETERAN MASTER of the Hashashins and has made practice with EVERY of their specialization (was a Farzan, a Fiday, a Ragik, a Lasiq, a Muyib and an Ayyar during itslenghty career) and make WEEKLY "Vintage Mind Recording" to not risk lose a precious trove of Skills. . . . .Imagine "Altair" of Assassin's Creed 1 ported into Infinity and You will be not so far off. . .

    Layla Bey; a Kum WOMAN Chieftain that chafed a little under the too "Patriarchal Society" of the Kums of Bourak and found Her calling in between the Minotaurs; while a cruel and vicious "Chemical Combat Drug Expert" and with the typical sadistic streak of ALL Kums is ALSO a doting Mother of many sons and daughters (and paid extensively Anagathic Gene-Therapy to appear a gorgeous Arab Woman of 30's, while She is nearing 55-60 Years of age) some from previous stints and some more had after the marriage “King Mynos”. .

    She was ALWAYS miffed by the “Antiquated Patriarchial Attitude” of the traditionalist Kums of Bourak (Her family Khan was desperate to find a Good Prospective Husband strong enough, and honourable enough, to do a well-done “Taming Of The Shrew” !!); Here in Planet Dawn has found finally a Partner that was savage enough for Her Tastes and caring enough to understand that is SHE the Dominant of the Couple; a vicious developer of “Custom Combat Drugs” that She sampled personally, took a more stable reigning in when their Oldest Offspring (Karanos and Pasyfae) took “One Sample Too Many” and needed to be transformed into Chimeras to survive. . .!!
    Golem2God and Danger Rose like this.
  12. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    There are a lot of LESSER CHARACTERS that aren't part of the "Officer Cadre" that could be Pro / Against ANY given Character, but are the one before to have "Casting Vote Decision" (should You want to write a "Joining Introduction Piece" with a Personal Interview, done QUANTRONICALLY for ones that started away from Dawn, in a Nomad Mothership or on Bourak). . .

    Those that follow are “Peers Equals” that ARE technically the SAME rank of Your Character; they could not “Pull Rank” if favouring or disfavouring, but are considered EMINENT EXPERTS in their chosen field of Specialization, so WHATEVER they say will be SERIOUSLY considered by the Command Staff. . .

    Krakot-Urtak (roughly translated into "Renegade Warboss") Gukh'Ta'Rakh "The Swordsmith", 57 Years, is the ONLY other Morat in the Minotaurs and would GLADLY have “Finally Warriors Worthy Of My Blades"; is one of the most proficient "Teseum Blacksmiths" between the Minotaurs, fusing stolen, Reverse-Engineered "Voodootech" with ancient "Quenching in Apex Predator's Blood" kind of Rituals that PREDATES the Knife Renaissance of the Morat Culture; He simply LOVES to be a Mercenary Morat on Dawn (this place is a little like Home !!). . .

    Shares a “Fraternal Blood Bond” with Kurt “Snowpiercer” Tereshchenko, 42 years, an Ex-Nisse Hacker of Pan-Oceania that “Went Rogue” appalled by the poor conditions of Syndacated Work for the Miners of Svarhalheima (Kurt is an EXPERT in Grenade Launcher Ammunition; His specialty is Hacking Evo-Repeater Ordnance fired by a Standard 40mm. Grenadier) and its “Bethrothed”, Istilah Shevchenkova, an Ex-Odalisque of 38 Years that married Her “Sultan Client” and also gave Him a Male Heir, only for Husband and Child to die in a Svengali-Related Terrorist Attack; She petitioned to enter the Hashashin Lasiq and swore to avenge that with Total De-Rezz of a “Virtual Monster” that is an ACTIVE THREAT to Humanism and Post-Humanism. . .

    Gukh'Ta'Rakh ended as “Prize Prisoner” in an Asteroidal Mining Prison (on the outskirts of Dawn Solar System) controlled by a Yujing Triad that was in realty a front for Svengali wierd fixation on acquiring the most Teseum possible; here He met Kurt (hailing from Svarhalheima following the trail of Smuggled Neo-Material) and Istilah as they sprang a Captives Revolt followed by Prisonbreak; was also instrumental in make the two Humans admit their feelings, even if BOTH swore they will “Officially Marry” only AFTER Svengali is vanquished. . .

    Giorgio Santi "Saint George the Dragonslayer" of Genoa, 44 Years, totally crazed Ex-Templar of the Pan-Oceanians Military Orders of Italian Origins, considered "Dangerous Heretic" because refused to hand down the I.A. Blade that He consider "Hosting the Voice of Archangel Michael, Leader of the Malakites Warrior-Angels"; between them the "Bible Apocalypse" I.A.is the MORE sane and rational of the pair. . . . .while ALMOST “Stark Raving Mad” is also the PREMIERE expert in A.I.; has been given “Backdoor Privileged Accesses” and “Source Codes” for H.I.V.E.M.I.N.D. in the unthinkable possibility that Svengali. . .or A.L.E.P.H. . . . . .or even (!!!) the Ur Evolved Intelligence SHOULD EVER manage to defeat and suborn; for the same motivation the “Dragonslayer” has “No Cube Implanted” policy of safeguard, relyiing on the “Sentient Sword Companion” for whatever Comlog / Geist / Cube needs exists. . .

    "Smiling-Buddha-With-Brass-Hands", 53 Years; Yujing Expatriate that chafed under the oppression of Buddhist Faith in "Rationalist Confucian Communist" State-Empire; quite silent on its past is considered to have been BOTH a Shaolin Monk that replaced both Arms with "Industrial Cybernetics" AND a proficient Guijia T.A.G. Mechanic; similar to the Templar Knight shares some “Special Security Concerns” (inherited by customizing “Hypersecure T.A.G. Slaved Overminds” !!) ; if a P.C. need special Cube 2.0 Security “St. George” write the Software and “Brasshands” implant the Hardware. . . . .!!!

    Finally the most sinister of the “Specialists”, the Tohaa Renegades Leader (of a small group numbering in more-or-less Ten) known simply as "Doktor Splicer" (age indeterminate, rumored to be 125 Years Old), that is VERY interested to "Experiment". . . . .Errrrm, "Medicate" on "Fresh Genome" (for Altruistic Medical Purposes, OBVIOUSLY); considered one of the foremost experts on “Radical Tohaa Symbiotics” this weird scientist will NEVER go back to the Trinity Labs as has finally found kindred spirits in the Top Elite Medical Staff of the Minotaurs (that are TECHNICALLY under Doktor Splicer "Supervision"):

    Doctor Hannah Trofymov (Kazak Wulver, 33 Years); foremost Ariadnan Expert on Wulver Genetics; it was Her theories that drew the “Tourists” to risk everything on Bakunin, She is working endlessly to “Unlock The Holy Grail” that is viable fertility for Wulvers and feel shame & fondness for the “Gene Mods” she was contrained to do on Shawna and Siobahn. . .

    Professor Fatymah Amzarhoud (Haqqislamite, 41 Years); aristocratic, beautiful, noble and graceful, nonetheless is a proud Hunzakut that will do EVERYTHING to make the native Sakhts of Bourak (the endangered Feline Apex Predator is Her “Clan Totem”) a thrive and survive; even creating Clones enhanced by whatever Implants could be conceived to act as “Anti-T.A.G. Bioweapons” for the Minotaurs and the Hashashin Bahram (Her Not-So Secret Backer & Handler). . .

    Doctor Pauline Moureau (Nomads, 19 Years); a genius child prodigy, offspring of two Radical Praxis Scientists that modified “In Vitro” their own child to be the “Perfect Black Labs Genengineers”; She is coldly amoral and ALMOST sociopathic, and was the “Real Mastermind” between the Horrors of Malfeas Module, but ONLY because “Cold Rational Fringe Science” is ALL that She was TRAINED FROM BIRTH to understand; when Her parents were killed by an “Escaped Freaks Revolt” She needed powerful backers to “Finish What They Started” and was financed by unscupolous Bakunin Slavers (in reality duped Fronts for the nefarious schemes of Svengali), whose Chimera Pit Fights and Furry Catgirl Bordellos were continuously “Fueled” by Her warped creations; but She was duped too and as MUCH as a Victim as the Monsters that she created, by leading to believe they were ALL volunteers. . .

    What is worse is that it was Her own Clone-Sister, Callysto, to have been duping Her; of Equal Age but apparently far more mature because conceived by the Moreaus as “Perfect Bodyguard” for their “Girl Genius”, also “Dark Queen Callysto” was a WILLING PAWN of Svengali once addicted to the Protheion and Morpho-Scan “Skills” that She acquired when the Rogue I.A. started to furnish them with Shaasvastii Corpses and frozen Spawn-Embryos. . .

    Vanquished by the “Ariadnan Tourists” and the Moderators / Observancers “Task Force” ONLY THEN Pauline understood the depths of the Horrors that She helped to perpetrate; devastated by the discovery She asked to relocate away from Bakunin (where She was ANYWAY dubbed “Terminally Dangerous To The Social Energy” A.K.A. Pain of Final Death !!) to continue Her research in more meaningful, useful, constructive ways. . .

    She regards the other Medical Doctors as the “Family that She Really Never Had” and is looking at “LaTigre Balam” (that had the most recent 25% of Her Biografts customized by Pauline Herself) as REALLY what the “Chimera Subculture” would be; Layla Bey and King Mynos also are very fond of Her, because without Her radical therapies both Karanos and Pasyfae would have succumbed to Gene-Warped Diseases. . .

    . . . . .

    And in the MOST secure Subterranean Vaults of the Medical Comples of New Knossos Island then Doctor Pauline Moureau keep still, safely frozen UNLESS needed for difficult missions, Her Clone-Sister, Dark Queen Callysto, hoping to cure Her of the Protheion Addiction; that horrible “Shaasvastii Chimera Hybrid” is Field Deployed ONLY under supervision of the most stable and powerful of Pauline “Creatures”, a couple of Non-Dawn Native Dogfaces that were Infected in an Artificial Womb with the Antipode Cuckoo Retrovirus and then FURTHER modified with A LOT of Silk-Based Combat Biografts. . .

    Known ONLY as “Codename: Hydra Warpwolf” (a Nomads “Orphan Fetus” that is essentially a PERPETUALLY Berserker Dogwarrior with incredibly enhanced Regeneration Capabilities, to the point of continually extruding sharp Bony Spurs from every part of the anathomy; usually kept docile and pacified by painkiller drugs, when outside a Battlefield) and “Codename: Anubis Jackal” (an “Unborn Haqqislamite” with serious inbred genetic desorders, is now an incredibly calm and detached Dogwarrior “Sufi Bladedancer” that found solace and calm, by studying Swordmanship and Haqqislamite Phylosophy under the “Red Turban” Khawarjis of the Minotaurs). . .
    Golem2God and Danger Rose like this.
  13. Beodren

    Beodren Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Not so surprisingly I think Alistair will be a sergeant with a reputation of strict discipline and efficiency within company. With so many rowdy and less disciplined members with a gang history he would likely need to be an enforcer of the strict part of the group.
    Probably he would have a fierce rivalry with Karanos, as he would be one of few people capable of physically challenging him.

    He would likely try to protect Siobahn himself, an look to teach her how he controls his rage, after all, he learned how to let his instincs go to the front, without turning into vile beast. Especially since she is certainly "more honorable" in his eyes than her sister. Which would make him very agreeable with Wayah. Her sister would likely be someone he treats with respect, but would be deeply saddened by how far Shawna fell from proper tradition and clan heritage.

    I could see Alistair being not only member of Lord Grey Honor guard, but also one of most reliable soldiers of Colonel General. As a Scots Guard, Alistair learned to respect French tactics a lot. I could see him being very respectful towards the woman and more than willing to teach discipline anyone challenging her.

    As for Tigra and him: I am sure there would be some legendary brawls, especially after he had his arm replaced, and proud Scot would make sure that pesky woman would be unable to boast being able to seduce everyone.

    His by far most toxic and unpleasant relationship would concern Moonsweeper. Alistair was a part of O-12 commissioner personal task force and firmly believes in playing by the book. War criminal would be someone he would need a direct order from either Lord himself or Marianne to cooperate. I could see open hostility here.

    Edit, as for Haqqislam:

    The Scarlet Crescets, and especially Al-Shazam would have respect and obedience of Alistair, who would be more than appreciating of professional soldiers like him in the mix. I could see him more than happy to cooperate here

    Mistress Jasmyne... oh boy. Alistair knows what Odalisque are, he cannot help himself but admire them. What stops him from giving in is only his discipline and fact, he knows his children will be inheriting the title and continuing the lineage. Still if someone is able to convince theScot to turn a blind eye or get a favour out of Alistair? it would be liely mistress or one of her apprentices.

    Anubis Jackal. If Alistair would meet her, he would be dying to simply talk to her. Dogface warrior woman, that has honor, fighting skills and serenity to her? Talk about perfect woman, sadly as noted, she is unborn and that is a big issue.

    Rest of the camp would likely know him as a very reliable soldier, that more than gladly settles dispute who is to be obeyed, is very professional about his work and tends to be unconquered fortress relationship wise. He is usually too much of professional to do so, and no one managed to tempt him so far. Though he admittedly cannot help but observe Odalisques.

    I think best summary is: "By the book Gunny" He will maul your ass if you do not follow orders and rules, but if you get on his good side, he will shield you personally.
    #353 Beodren, May 5, 2018
    Last edited: May 7, 2018
  14. Yasashii Fuyu

    Yasashii Fuyu Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Just throwing this in....if there is a chance for it, I'd love to join in!

    I already talked to stevenart74 a bit about it, but I just wanted to let everyone else know about it as well.

    I already came up with a character concept as well which I showed to steven, so should there be a space for me (be it now or in the future) I'll hopefully have a suitably "crazy" character ready to join this mad endeavour :-)
  15. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I vote yes to that. The more the merrier. Whoever you come up with I'll be excited to see him/her.
    stevenart74 and Danger Rose like this.
  16. Beodren

    Beodren Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I see nothing wrong with one more player.
  17. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Oh man, that would be awesome!!! A BIG HELL YEAH!!! from me.
    Golem2God and stevenart74 like this.
  18. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Sounds good!

    Re: the Minotaurs internal politics.

    Tony: “Oh FFS. Just pay me, and I’ll do my job. I’m just not interested in this bullshit.”

    Betty otoh will be trying to ensure that whoever has the most pull to get Tony back into more official Corregidorian merc work is on his side.

    Edit: do I get bonus points if I manage to piss off the entire heirarchy?
  19. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I've been thinking about NPC interactions, and since Dreanna is just a newcomer, I'd expect everyone to remain Neutral to her (how LaTigre Balam will react to sneaking into Dreanna's bed, and having a startled Dreanna light it up in flames, is anyone's guess.)

    However, since Thomas Silvestri's backgroud is Moderator, he could have Dreanna on his "Usual Suspects" list; since she gained Criminal Connections as a trait. I also expect Dreanna to be weary of him once she learns of his Moderato background.

    Alternatively, his life story is very similar to that of Dreanna's Uncle Levi; so I wouldn't put it past her to warm up to him once she gets to know him.

    Also, I expect Dreanna to do frequent visits to the Morias for Confession. ("Bless me Mother, for I have sinned. I ACCIDENTALLY set a communal laundry load on fire. Again...")
    Golem2God and stevenart74 like this.
  20. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I have been as well. Uja'rak Se'ok (the Morat Monk) is new to the island too. However, being a Morat is going to make things tougher to be accepted. He will need some allies in this cluster of crazy personalities to even the odds a bit.
    As for not opening up further about my character I've been conversing with stevenart74 about my ideas. This will be my first foray into a RPG of any kind. So I'm basically a fish out of water and he was gracious enough to give me a hand. I defiantly talk about Uja later but I wanted to let the group know why I haven't shared anything yet with them.
    Danger Rose and stevenart74 like this.
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