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Second PBP game

Discussion in 'Modiphius Entertainment' started by inane.imp, Mar 12, 2018.

  1. Beodren

    Beodren Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Here lies Alistairs pride, stomped by a catgirl!
  2. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Tony: Betty, run the odds will you?

    Betty: *sigh*

    Analysis test with 1 success: 18, 3
  3. Beodren

    Beodren Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I mean, Alistair saving grace is fact he doesn't generate heat by his declaration of defense, while Murderous catgirl does. Soooooo he technically stands a chance, especially since he has enough vigour to withstand going second.

    ... I think. correct me if I got the rules wrong.
    stevenart74 and Golem2God like this.
  4. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @Danger Rose & @Beodren . . .Well, I think that Dreanna is a clever and competent Catgirl, and could be quite optimized for "Quick Dexterous" Combat so if Alistair is STILL in Dogface Form (wielding just a "Sawed-Off Rifle-S.M.G." or a Teseum Dirk Dagger) all bets are off. . . . .But when a Veteran Dogwarrior is in "Full Crinos Warform" with a Cyberarm in "Extended Shield Configuration" and wielding a T.A.G.-sized Blade AND a "Enhanced Molotok" then I feel. . ."Prudent" for the Bakunite Feline Lady to run INSIDE Her "Balrog" Suit and start pumping Dragonsbreath Shells, Incendiary Rockets and Liquid Napalm. . .!!

    . . . . .

    To @ANYONE. . .

    I started to wrote some of the Introductory Posts and then I felt that We are all better served by having a "Personalized Custom Intro" for EVERY Character on its own, even if they will ALL go towards a "Common Area" (the meeting between the two "Nomad Mothership" Expats and the Planet Dawn Crew on the Astroport Tarmac). . .

    I will thusly start to insert some "Potential Leads" that will help the Goals (either Short Terms or with far longer reaching consequences !!) and also give further options to acquire "Specialized Equipement" and forge potential alliances with useful Contacts & Allies amongst the Minotaurs (and even Beyond !!). . .

    This will need a little more lenghty work on My part, but I believe the Campaign will start even better and more amusing. . .!!
    Golem2God, inane.imp and Danger Rose like this.
  5. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Yeah, well, I was expecting Dreanna to have some luck with Alistar being in Dogface form, but the second he transformed, she would run to the highest possible spot with a puffed up tail and hissing, before calling for help. (So much for the "I'm not a "defenseless flower" stand)
    stevenart74 and Beodren like this.
  6. Beodren

    Beodren Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    @Danger Rose

    Number wise in Dogface form, Alistair is two points weaker fighter, with a different set of close combat talents. So i wouldn't talk about luck, it makes sense math wise. Admittedly I could have drafted him better especially with the "Cameronian" career from Ariadna supplement, (As it for some reason allows Close combat as basic and electable skill), but I am okay with his current state. After all dules between characters never end well, while we are to cooperate.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  7. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Yeah, the last thing we need is those two fighting like cats and dogs

    Golem2God, inane.imp and stevenart74 like this.
  8. Beodren

    Beodren Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I mean I can easily agree that you are the party wearing pants here.
    cause true men wear kilts.
    #288 Beodren, Apr 19, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2018
  9. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Yeah, I wonder what the two Nomads "Fresh Recruits" will say of some kind of "Social Faux Pas" when addressing Caledonians like:

    "What ! Ariadnan MALES wear Plaid Skirts there ?? This place is Nutter than Vaudeville !!!"
    Golem2God and Danger Rose like this.
  10. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    O.K. Ran in some snags for the writing as now have some "Last-Minute" family issues (nothing serious, just some "Emergency Babysitting" for a little Nephew that fell ill !!) and so had some lateness in the Introductive Posts. . .

    I think that anyway will frame it for the specifics of each Character:

    1°) @inane.imp Player Character, Tony the Mechanic will be in the Cargo Bay of the Nomad Spaceship that Just arrived with a Circular in the Dawn Star System and is supervising the Loading of Gecko Spare Parts and Frames (enough to sustain its own Yet-Extant Exo-Frame and "scratch-built" the Balrog Suit of Dreanna, along with many useful stuff) in the Orbital Shuttle that will bring them (and assorted useful Nomads Tech) down toward New Knossos Island. . .

    Could be useful to frame some requests, strike Work Contacts with the Crew of the Nomads Spaceship that will stay in Orbit (Geo-Synchronous over the Minotaurs Base) to relieve the Haqqislamite "Heavily Armed Cargo Freighter" as "Geo-Stationary Satellite" over the Mercenary Company "Home" (usually are 1 Haqqislamite Merchantile Ship and 1 Nomads Orbital Repair Tender that rotate that necessary burden) and also send some useful Arachne-Links to His Allied pal back on Corregidor. . .

    . . . . .

    2°) @Danger Rose P.C., Dreanna the "Pyro-Catgirl" probably will be busy putting Her (meager) belongings on the Shuttle and also busy reconfiguring Her Comlog and Geist to perfectly function in the specific "Minotaurs Arachne Sub-Web". . .

    Same possibility to strike Bargains & Contacts with the Ship's Crew, along with minor tweaking and selection of Gear and Stuff !!

    . . . . .

    3°) @loricus P.C. probably will be in the T.A.G. Hangars and / or "Firing Lanes" to check on the latest modifications of the personalized custom "Heavy Sniper Exoskeleton". . .

    Some optional possibilities to start to search for the Fates of the other surviving A.A.D.D. Members and also the possibility of knowing a little more some potentially useful Mercs Contacts; from this very probably the Scene will evolve to being asked to go to the Old Tarmac Airport to be part of the "Welcome Committee" for the two Nomads that will be the next recruits in the budding "New Experimental Assault Squad". . .

    . . . . .

    4°) @oldGregg P.C. will be probably in the Kum Section of the "Biker Gang" Section of the Minotaurs; very probably conversing with Layla Bey, Commander and Sub-Khan of the Haqqislamite Half of the Bikers. . .

    That powerful, dangerous Chieftainess will be probably very eager to know more a similar "Alpha Assett" as the Kums never before would have a similarly devastating Hacker + Paramedic + Support Techie that is ALSO a "Stealth Runihura". . .

    For giving a frame of reference it would as when in the "Outrage" Manga the Druzes obtained Jericho, a Cybernetically Enhanced Sniper that had the BEST Training and Tech that Pan-Oceania could offer. . .

    There will not even needed a "Location Change" as the Biker Gang usually squats in the Old Airport Complex of the Island, where they have put their Bike Pit-Stops and Chop-Shops, their "Combat Drugs Meth Labs" and the Antipode Kennels + Pupnik Pits that their partnership with Ariadnan Wulvers, Chimera Doctors and Nomads Morlocks had established. . .

    . . . . .

    5°) @Beodren P.C. will probably in the very advanced Medical Complex of the Minotaurs, where a Cyber-Doctor (could be a Bourak Hakim, a Nomads Praxis Scientist or even one of the rare Tohaa "Renegade Docs") will be eager to test if the FIRST Prototype "Teseum Morphable Cyberarm" is functioning perfectly. . .

    Possibilities to wander around Med-Labs and strike Contacts with the Support Personnel. . .

    Not only He is a Veteran Dogwarrior, but also a Caledonian Noble sworn to Lord Grey Graywulf as "Battle Brother" and so will be probably asked to come to the Airport as "Honour Guard" for the High Officer Cadre. . .

    . . . . .

    6°) @Golem2God P.C., the Daturazi-Krakot, will be probably doing some "Family Interlude Scene" but Duty will call; not only He is Raktorak "Battle Butler" for the Volkova-Graywulf Family, but also His wife is Squad Commander of a Metro / Loup-Garou Squad of the Merovingian Section of the Ariadnan Branch of the Minotaurs and so PERFECTLY suited to be "Security Detail" of the Welcome Committee. . .

    Options of start to solving some "Family Issues" and also create a stable, steady, reliable "Network of Contacts"

    . . . . .

    All these "Script Frame Ideas" could be tweaked further to allow a desired "Roleplaying Direction" that any given Player Character could desire in a specific direction. . .

    After the "Introductory Posts" (something that will be quite the "Cyberpunk Mercenary" Version of the old trope from Fantasy Dungeons & Dragons of the "Adventurers-For-Hire Meet in a Crossroad Tavern" !!) and as soon as I had time to review ALL the Player Characters Sheets then the first "Combat Scenes" (intersped with further R.P.G. Narrative) will be of the "Squad Bonding" during Live Fire Training. . .

    As the Minotaurs H.Q. is aware that putting together so wildly variegated "Colorful Characters" could be quite a tough solution, then it will be "Paintball Simulations" against other living, breathing Mercs AND "Live Ammunition" against Sacrificial Drones and cheap copies of Karakuri Synthethics (but rather than Gynoid "Robo-Geishas" these will be rusty "Android" vaguely similar to "Elysium Policebots" / Chappie of the "Humandroid" Movie by Neill Bloomkapf). . .

    These "Simulations" will be done on Foot (usually S.W.A.T. Assaults inside Abandoned Houses) AND with T.A.G.s and Vehicular Support (in the Open or in Industrial Junkheaps with Cargo Containers) and will give any Character some first X.P. and knowledge of the Tactical Flexibility of the New Squadmates and also give the Players some ideas about perfecting Gear Loadouts and Choices. . .
    Golem2God, Danger Rose and loricus like this.
  11. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Ummm, you're letting a character with 14 Thievery and known links to smugglers handle intergalactic cargo shipments?

    And here I thought this was just going to be a meet and greet session. ;)

    In all seriousness I have 2 questions:
    A) do you want me to be acting as a mule for Mateo
    B) if yes, who's my contact on this end?

    Because given that set up, I just can't believe Mateo didn't go 'well since you have access to the cargo and you're going that way anyway...'

    Easiest way for me to do it is have the contact walk up to me in the cargo bay, and we secret hand shake and I tell him which crate needs to fall off the back of the truck?

    That'll make it a simple hand off, but I need to know a little bit about the contact?

    Or I can just set it up so that you can walk the contact up to me?

    Edit: I've worked out how I'll run it, I'll just set it up so you can provide me with the information I need in character.
    #291 inane.imp, Apr 20, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2018
    stevenart74, Danger Rose and loricus like this.
  12. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Pretty sure dudes in skirts is Tuesday on Vaudeville.
  13. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    To be honest the Mods are just happy that they're wearing something: it gets weird for the newbies when extreme body mods meets public nudity.

    The phrase 'you could poke someone's eye out with that' isn't a euphemism.
  14. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Tuesday is also Modesty Day.
  15. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I'm an NCP?:flushed:
    #295 Golem2God, Apr 20, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2018
    Danger Rose and stevenart74 like this.
  16. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @inane.imp . . .

    Go for it; You can describe everything about Potential Contacts in the manner that You'll prefer, what will be the Stuff and what will be the results of a "Well Done" Mission. . .

    @Golem2God . . .

    Do not understand Your question (N.C.P. is the same as "Non-Player-Character" ???); I'm aware that Raktorak is ALSO the Name of a Morat Character, but with others of them, it seems that the "Name" and "Military Rank Title" are somewhat interchangeable. . .

    Wanted to just convey the kind of Character "Class / Role" based on that Miniature Description. . . . .!!!

    . . . . .

    The sheets You sent are good, will provide Extra Perks and Stuff when I can (was thinking to give Your "Geist" some Medical Skills and Geist "Talents" as obviously Daturazis have a LOT of Anathomical Knowledge and "Scar Treatment" in their Backgroud; You could also act as "Assistant Paramedic" to the "Stealth Fremen" that will be the Squad "Main Healer"). . .
  17. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    @stevenart74 I just wanted to make sure/clear if I was playing/acting a Non-Player-Character besides Morat Monk. It was a statement of happy surprise. I'm sorry if it sounded like I was complaining.
    That could be a good idea. Thanks for the heads up.
    Danger Rose and stevenart74 like this.
  18. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Honestly I did not felt it "Complaining". . .

    ANYONE feel free to write and stats ANY Numbers of "P.C. related N.P.C." that they feel comfortable, as it will ONLY flesh more the realistic purview of the Game (Contacts, Spouses, Mates, Battle-Brothers, Friendly Rivals). . .

    Even if they are JUST fluff descriptive text is easy to add a "Character Class" to them (especially the Non-Combat Ones, but still very Useful such as "Mayanet Expert & Lawyer", "Civilian Hacker", "Paramedic Nurse", "Corp Lobbyst & Finance Brocker", "Media Entertainer"). . .

    These could be useful also to somehow "Play a Secondary Character" when the Primary is gravely injured or impossibilitated to Join that Specific Action in that Specific Place in that Specific Timeframe (so COULD be wise to have a "Combat Pal" ready, if at all possible). . .

    @inane.imp has statted its Corregidoran "Shady Smuggler" Contact, while You are yet at "4 Specimens Number" (the Wife Arabelle, the two Adoptive Sons and maybe even Mistress Jasmyne, if You feel inclined to do so). . .
    Golem2God likes this.
  19. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    If I feel like it I might start writing up a small rival merc faction so we could have other character TAG pilots with unique TAGs to fight/rival against. We could use them in mini campaigns.
    stevenart74 and Danger Rose like this.
  20. Beodren

    Beodren Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Perfect! I can't wait to start! I think when it comes to professional biomedicine, doctor from Bourak would be best option. Also, Alistair would likely get along well with most haqqislimites due to his appreciation of tradition.
    #300 Beodren, Apr 20, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2018
    stevenart74 likes this.
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