Hey all, this is just something I wanted to get some clarity on since I'm not totally clear on it from a RAW perspective: what rules, if any, prevent declaring an ARO? (as opposed to allowing an ARO to be declared but causing it to become an idle if the requirements aren't met at resolution) Stealth? Cautious movement? Others?
We know that Stealth prevents declaring AROs: https://forum.corvusbelli.com/threads/interesting-dodge-mine-interaction.39274/#post-392274 The Cautious Movement rule says that it "generates no AROs" which is even stronger language than Stealth's "grants no AROs" so I think we can be confident that Cautious Movement also prevents declaring AROs. Silent is the strongest language of all, explicitly saying that certain troopers "cannot declare AROs", although how it works in practice is a mystery to me: https://forum.corvusbelli.com/threads/silent.39185/ There aren't any others that I can think of.
Prevents all AROs from being declared: Silent Stealth Cautious Movement Holding onto a vertical surface (without C+)* All Null states except Possession and Sepsitsored Prevents certain, but not all, AROs from being declared: Engaged State IMM-A and IMM-B Camouflage Impersonation Stunned G:Jumper Lack of LOF * "As long as the user is holding on to a vertical surface, he cannot declare any Skills other than Climb." Climb is not an ARO.