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Robot_Jones Fan Art

Discussion in 'FanArt' started by robot_jones, Nov 24, 2017.

  1. robot_jones

    robot_jones BEES!

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I imagine Odalisques walk like runway models. The Spitfire is just showing off some attitude by flicking her hair
    Golem2God and stevenart74 like this.
  2. Crion

    Crion Member

    Apr 26, 2018
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    Awesome! Very nice job)
    robot_jones likes this.
  3. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Good Call on the Odalisques. . .

    On the Haqqislam Manual of the Infinity R.P.G. they are described as "Part Courtesan, Part Supermodels and Part Elite Bodyguards". . .

    There is also some hints about "Male Odalisques" as beautiful, young and attractive "Male Supermodels" that fits equally nice as their counterparts. . .

    And NO they are NOT "Magic Mike styled Male Strippers" or "Deuce Bigalow, Gigolo" as much as XX-Chromosome Odalisques are NOT Poledancers or Street Hookers. . .

    They take a page from the "Companions" of Firefly / Serenity, educated and costly Courtesans that are AS MUCH valued for their Biosculpted Looks AND for their graceful, cultured demeanor AND for their lethal prowess in defending their charges. . .

    Could be an interesting idea for You to explore for a drawing @robot_jones . . . . .???
    Golem2God, robot_jones and Xeurian like this.
  4. robot_jones

    robot_jones BEES!

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Here's a little redo of bunny suit Atalanta ;)
    #84 robot_jones, Nov 5, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2018
  5. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Very nice. . .

    And if someone will "Cancel" the Fishnet Pantyhose, recolouring it (and make the Body not silky but rather Metal) STILL will resemble MORE SENSIBLE as a Combat Suit than ACTUAL true Uniform of the leader of the Agema Marksmen. . .

    Seriously the "Sailormoon Schoolgirl Skirt" ON A FUCKIN GYNOID ASSASSIN is reaching the absurdness levels of "Fap-Inducing Highlander-Volunteer Street-Hooker" or "Dildo-R.P.G. Stripper Dozer Female". . .

    Your excellent Art is very oftne Sarcastic if not downright Humorous, but what is the purpose of that kind of "OFFICIAL Attire" in SUPPOSEDLY Black Ops Elite Specialists hailing from the FINEST Forces of the Human Sphere. . .

    Make stupid hormone ridden "Teen-Boys Child-Soldiers" be aroused and NOT shooting an Enemy. .?

    Make TRUE Warriors like Morat Aliens or Warrior-Monks (Your choice, Pan-O Knights or Yujingese Shaolins) piss themselves in laugh at the absurd audacity of a similarly attired Female Soldier (and so MAYBE being shoot in the head while they are rolling in the mud, laughing their asses off). . .??

    Or PERHAPS the "% Majority" of Infinity Wetworks take place in Red Light Districts where abound Barely-Legal Prostitutes dressed as Hentai Manga-Idols, OR in a Comics Conventions where Anime Cosplayers Abound and so it is effectively a CAMOUFLAGE. . .!!

    . . . . .

    This is FAR more Absurd of a Haqqislamite Fireteam assaulting a Space Station and loudly proclaiming:

    "Hi, I'm an Azrail, look at My H.A.L.O.-Spartans Outfit ! Look at Your bullets bouncing off My chestplate and DESPAIR. . .!!"

    "Hi, I'm an Odalisque, look at My Stripper Poledancer Outfit that Your wife will NEVER wear properly (albeit for You; MAYBE for the Postman She WILL WEAR IT), and EITHER Fap Yourself. . .Or DESPAIR !!!"
    helsbecter likes this.
  6. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    In case was nor clear enough I was criticizing NOT the excellent Image by Robot Jones, but rather the Idea about the attire if OFFICIAL Atalanta Minis. . .

    Infinity is NOT "There is ONLY War" 40.000 and there is PLENTY of occasions for Civilian / Paramilitary miniatures on the Tabletop, even dressed / attired in a VERY casual, if not downwright impractical, manner. . .

    But sometimes "Tongue In Cheek" fanservice make weird figure for SUPPOSEDLY "Elite Covert Team Black Ops". . . . .

    There are
    helsbecter and Golem2God like this.
  7. robot_jones

    robot_jones BEES!

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Fanservice is as part of the game as much as coffee is part of my life: vital especially if the game doesn't want to be cranky in the morning :P. Also the miniature isn't really all that fanservice-y to me. She's in a competent yet boring pose, no cheesecake or pinup elements, etc etc. Sure it's covert ops, but with cute animal robots, giant mecha, space knights, werewolves, etc etc. A skirt (and high heels for that matter) doesn't seem too out of place especially consider all the influence/inspiration from anime.

    The only thing I cannot stand is the MCU/DC crap. It's the sole reason I don't want to play Nomads - (which isn't all that bad honestly, since I'm already super busy with USARF, Haqq, SP, and now OSS lol)
  8. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Some people prefer unit models to be more realistic in design and I can understand that. One thing that I don't get is why alot of the female models have high heels. Those have to hurt after walking/running for awhile and would be counter productive to combat situations. You can still fix that model-wise as cutting off the heels and filling the remaining foot with Apoxie Sculpt to make a boot isn't that hard to accomplish. If someone dislikes the breast plates of the female models then placing some Apoxie Sculpt in the middle to create a single chest plate fixes that "problem". A good number of models can be fixable for those who dislike some of the design choices. All that is required is the time and effort it takes to edit the miniature.
    emperorsaistone and stevenart74 like this.
  9. MrMorphine482

    MrMorphine482 Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    Speaking from experience in a sword school where a significant percentage of the students were female, it IS possible to fight, run, etc. in heels, but it does take a small but noteworthy bit of practice and provides no particular advantages apart from kicking ass in all one's finery. It IS useful for people whose tendons have shortened due to constant use of heels, but those folks tend to not be regular frontline combatants anyway.
    stevenart74 and Golem2God like this.
  10. robot_jones

    robot_jones BEES!

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I suspect the reason female minis have heels and smaller guns is purely because it looks good. It doesn't need to have an explanation other than that it looks good/cool/sexy/etcetc. For me it doesn't break immersion nor do I want Infinity to become ultra realistic operators operating operationally. The game may have historical and some realistic elements and simulation; However, it's mainly a game with anime influences, and none of the things mentioned are outside of that realm (besides the MCU/DC crap)
  11. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Thanks for mentioning that. I guess then combat heels can be useful to some female combatants who have shortened tendons.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  12. MrMorphine482

    MrMorphine482 Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    Trust me, it's an experience sparring against a beautiful woman in heels and a cocktail dress.
    Section9, robot_jones and stevenart74 like this.
  13. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    I LOVE Animes and Mangas, but what I CANNOT stand is "Kawaii Cuteness" that is PURELY fanservicey. . .

    My kind of Japanese Comics tends to be gritty and hyper-realistic like "Blade of the Immortal" and "Berserk"; other examples are "Red Eyes" and "Eden" who have their shares of Feminine and Sexy women in their APPROPRIATE Roles (in Eden, one of the protagonists of the first half of the Manga is a Southern American Prostitute that is strong willed and resourceful, able to cross half of a Postapocalyptic Continent, but when She try to shoot down some enemies Her combat effectiveness is subpar). . .

    Nice women in Nice Dresses could be EVEN effective in some combat situation (the Action Scenes of "La Femme Nikita" of Luc Besson are inspired in reality with some lethal She-Killers of the Mob, C.I.A. and K.G.B. able to execute targets EVEN "Dressed for the Red Carpets") and there is NOTHING that does say a Woman that is beautiful could NOT be able to FIGHT effectively. . .

    Take the athletic and muscular Gwendoline Christie (Brienne of Tarth in "Games Of Thrones" and Captain Phasma in the latest two Jedi Movies); while She would be A TERROR to fight in hand to hand / melee if dressed in a Gym Attire / Martial Arts Gi, EVEN with a Miniskirt, Body and 12cm. Heels would be a "Woman To NOT Meddle With". . .

    Is the "High School Fap-Drama" kind of absurdity that I CANNOT stand; Sailor Moon Outifts are TOO MUCH for Me to be present in a Battlefield with Giant Mechas and Powered Armour Soldiers. . .

    Maybe I'm a little too tired of IMPRACTICAL representations of Fighting Women as represented in Comics that are aimed to Immature Teenager Males with weird fetish fantasies; GANTZ is too much, and "Appleseed" is for Me what could be done to represent a BELIEVABLE battlefield of Cyberpunk-Levels. . .

    Too much stuff in Animations, Oriental Mangas & Manwhas or Western Comics with Sixteen Years Old prom queens with a body of a Surgically Altered 25 Years Old Pornstar and the COMBAT effectiveness of K.G.B. / Mossad VETERAN Agent Ladies. . .

    . . . . .

    I'm recently started to read the manga "Ex Arm" of the artists Shin-Ya Komi and HiRock; it stay JUST at the "Razor's Edge Level" for Me; it is a Cyberpunk Story that when diverges from "Alientech Artifact" levels plot McGuffins have good and believable combat scenes, UNFORTUNATELY countered by many, Many, MANY "Ecchi Level" idiocy of the "Moe Style"; one of the protagonists, called "Alma", APPEAR to be a Teenager Girl, but is in reality an Hyperadvanced Gynoid Combat Police Model and so, in the comic context, believable even when battling Cyborg Mobsters EVEN in a BUNNY SUIT. . .

    Is the OTHER Female Protagonist that I CANNOT stand; called "Minami" is an "Adorable Clumsy" barely-twenty Japanes Cop Babe, good enough in Close Combat AND Shooting AND Hacking AND Investigation AND Psychological Casing AND other needs of the plot; while APPARENTLY a "Total Klutz" in relationships and sex end disrobed or in compromising positions FAR MORE than the Female Droid (that anyway had to go UNDERCOVER in a Gynoid Brothel WHILE brain-linked to the Male Protagonist). . .

    JUST a little more "Fanservicey Moe" and I would have NEVER considered buying and reading that Japanese Comic; maybe I'm a little too cranky and old-styled, but when I want HENTAI then I search fro proper "Hentai Porn" and when I search for "Action Comics" then I do not want too much commixtion. . .

    There is a FAMOUS scene in the FIRST Ghost In The Shell drawn rendition by Masamune Shirow, with the 100% Cybernetic protagonist, Major Motoko Kusanagi of the Tokyo Special Police (recently HOMAGED in the Ryuken-9 S.M.G. Babe) engage in a torrid "Virtual Lesbian Orgy" with other Cyborg Ladies in a shared, private cyberspace, but it was GERMANE of the Manga Topic to showcase the extent of powerful Cyberbrains "Recording" all-sensorial multi-spectrum "Datasphere Porn" to gain an ENORMOUS Quantity of Money (and a difficult role to do; in the Comic Universe should have been a 4-Ladies Orgy, rather than mere Threesome, but one of them was blocked by some "Anti-Porn Editor Program" that the other overcame being an "ALPHA+ Class Militay Hacker" and two VETERAN "Cybernurses"). . .

    But if there was ONE similar porn scene in ANY of the Episodes then it would have been TASTELESS to the extreme (in fact Masamune Shirow stopped ALMOST exclusively drawing "Realistic Combat Scenes" and is paid HANDSOMELY to do EXCLUSIVELY Hentai with a lot of C.G.). . .

    . . . . .

    JUST in a Bakunite Nomad Army COULD have been an ENTIRE Squad dressed as if for the WHOLE gamut of "Porn Paraphernalia" (Robot Jones kind of Bunnysuit; the Sexy Nurse; the curvaceous Mature Teacher; the "Barely Teen" Highschooler; the Sexy Librarian with Glasses and the Miniskirt Cop Lady and OBVIOUSLY the Leather-Latex Clad DOMINATRIX with Zip-Tied Balaclava, Strapbelts everywhere and some kind of "Neuroshock Whip") without too much of an hassle. . .

    . . . . .

    I previously derided the Odalisques, but their Attire, like the Miniskirt C.S.U. Babe, is PERFECTLY Suited for Bodyguards that WOULD NOT find themeselves in a Paramilitary Engagement, but are ANYWAY there. . .
    helsbecter likes this.
  14. ev0k

    ev0k Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Except she shoots more bullets with her first magazine than Tchecky Karyo tells there is... (IIRC 14 instead of 12)

    "Realistic" and "175 years in the future" just don't match. Why wearing armors as there could be portable individual force fields ? Anything about "realism" concerning a miniature game is pure guess. You can like it or not but nothing tells us that the design choices are wrong.
    Jaaqob44, robot_jones and Foxep like this.
  15. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    And in Nikita infamous restaurant shootout there is also the Bodyguard shooting Her with the Assault Rifle with a M203 Underbarrell Grenade Launcher that is LOADED from the barrellmouth with what seem a Mini-Mortar Warhead; EVEN MORE STUPID that Unmodified Revolvers with Silencers !!!

    Luc Besson could be quite a smart director for Action Scenes, but French Movies everywhere are worldwide renowned for "Gun Coolness TRUMPS Reality" (the first one is a VERY old Police Flick, with Jean Paul Belmondo shooting with a Beretta 93R Machinepistol with a 21-Shot Magazine more or less 35-40 shots before reloading). . .

    At least in some Western Movie You could infer that a "More-Than-Six Bullett Peacemaker" was loaded BETWEEN Action Scenes (even the firrst Prototypes built by Reverend Samuel Colt had a sort of "Bullett Dent" to load INDIVIDUALLY bullets, extracted from an Underbarrell Lever, into empty chamber) . . . . .but in other there were Cowboys shooting from 7 to 9 bullets IN A SINGLE SCENE. . .

    . . . . .

    Yep, I would like MORE a Naked Atalanta with believable Anathomical Details (Nipples, Pubic Hair and so on) covered by a "Prototype Forcefield" (maybe shown in Miniature Painting in some "Hex-Shaped Skintight Holo") rather than an USELESS Schoolgirl Frilly Skirt worn OVER a Metal Bodysuit. . .
    helsbecter likes this.
  16. ThananRollice

    ThananRollice Your Friendly Neighborhood Locust

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Well, anyway. Great job on your art, as always @robot_jones! I've been inspired to start drawing, myself, because of your art!
    Jaaqob44, robot_jones and stevenart74 like this.
  17. ThananRollice

    ThananRollice Your Friendly Neighborhood Locust

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Also, have you thought that maybe she wears the skirt because she wants to? In the fluff, Atalanta is a known ice-queen, so it's not unreasonable to assume she could wear the skirt to be more modest or "traditional". Besides that, she's a clandestine sniper assassin. She's not going to need to be in close combat very often, and probably gets more leniency on her uniform because of it.

    Infinity is a game inspired by over-the-top anime tropes. Trying to make it extremely realistic is against the spirit of the source material.
  18. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    I love all the artwork and models including the combat heals. Love the anime aesthetic and over the topness. Its what "drew" me to infinity :P
    Pen-dragon and robot_jones like this.
  19. robot_jones

    robot_jones BEES!

    Nov 24, 2017
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    This is going to be pics heavy: People seem to dig WIP or rough ideation stuff, so here are just a few pics that was scrapped or "didn't make it."

    I first started with a colored painting of Emily and Uhahu. I just wasn't feeling it, so I started sketching and refining until I got what I posted a few pages back. Had so much fun that for a while I just stuck with loose drawings and refining them
    Here are a few others
    With this version of Paree, it just wasn't how I imagines her personality (cheerful and curious). Too melodramatic and solemn
    I'm already working on fixing that Odalisque haris, because I know I can make it better.
    And finally I did this fun sketch last night
    Anyways I thought I share some of the roughs. Hope you all enjoyed!
  20. Koni

    Koni BanHammer
    CB Staff

    Jan 25, 2017
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    (You should draw Dart in Aristeia outfit in the future :D)
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    We are a company founded in 2001 in Cangas (Spain), and devoted to design and manufacture games and figures. Our main product, Infinity the Game, was born with the ambition to satisfy the most demanding audience, offering the best quality.


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