@robot_jones. . . Sorry for the misconception, it is caused by My very scarce knowledge of "Cloud Hosting" of the modern Interweb. . . When You posted the link of Your excellent "Art Dossier" in the other Fan Art thread, I saw the extension of the file as ".nz" and so immediatly went to the idea that You hailed from "Kiwiland". . . I'm a very old timer of partial knowledge of the Web and so did not realize that probably You did not hailed from New Zealand but simply found expedient to employ a Hosting Site that was phisically (or at least "legally") from that Nation. . . You could say that I am truly an "Atek Ignorant of the Human Sphere Maya". . . It is simply that I had a fascination for that Nation that is the direct "Geographical Antipode" from Italy when I live. . .
Here's a couple of requests from /tg/ I finished most recently. 1/?? 2/?? Still working on the others. I was going to post them all at once, but I'll post them as I finish Thanks for looking!
I see stuff like this and I wonder why the heck CB hasn't hired you to draw for them? Maybe not even for finished book at but at least for conceptual stuff? *mind boggled* awesome work!
@robot_jones , as usual extra cool stuff and I concur totally with @stargorger's assessment. . . Not only You are very talented for the finished colouring piece, but Your "B.W. Linearts Roughs" are exceedingly crisp, clean and anathomically perfect. . . For drawing awesome new and believable "Concept Dossiers" (especially NOT in static "Fashion Model Poses" but rather some very nice "Actual Mini Actions" like You have done in the past) could be a lifetime's calling. . . Actually, if I'm not mistaken, @stargorger is a Miniature Sculptor / Modeler, and maybe a collaboration between You two could be useful for both. . . Maybe a very cool Sci-Fi "Cyberpunk Soldier" Miniature that could be generic enough to be used for other purposes, but still with "Enough Infinity Visual D.N.A." to be a good, well-balanced "Stand-Off" for something that would be released in the far future. . . It not need to be existing not even in "Solid Real World"; just a sketched rough from @robot_jones, further and further reworked with P.M. Discussions betwen both of You (with some of the best Conceptual-W.I.P. shared Here for the Forumite's perusal and constructive judgement) to arrive to a finalized "Miniature 3D Print" potentual possible casting. . . Of course a similar "Pipe Dream" of mine have to assume You both will have time to collaborate factually. . . . .!!!
Your Janissaries Man, I just love them SO MUCH! Janissaries are my favorite unit in this game, and by far. The model, the lore, I just love everything about them. And your gave them real tribute, they look absolutely bad ass. Thank you, job well done!
Haha maybe. No promises though. I'm still working on a few others. I want to take a break and draw other stuff. Did some FGO doodles -that I want to finish- and was planning on some Torchstar fanart actually.
Do you have a Deviant Art or other profile that you put all of your art on that I can bookmark and always forget to look at (haven't visited DA in 3 years, I can only wonder at how much stuff is in my inbox)?
I do yeah sure. mynameisrobotjones.deviantart.com and I have a its-robot-jones.tumblr.com. I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of either of those sites lol. I only really started them, because people kept asking back when I did drawthread requests on /tg/
Sounds interesting. Looking forward to seeing your take on her. If you are willing or want to ever take a request feel free to pm me since I got a few unique/interesting concepts that you might like or want to draw. stevenart74 can attest to that. My friend says the same thing.
EI Husks has a dire lack of qts. But y'know?...I just thought of an interesting... Thanks! Ended up doing Shadowsun first :P