For your information, this new videos tutos has been added: -Should YOU be Spending More Time on Your Minis? Cassandra Kusunagi - That Mr Shy
For your information, this new video tuto has been added: - Painting the Bakunin Observance Action Pack | Corvus Belli Infinity - Ph3lan's Miniatures
For your information, this new videos tutos has been added: - Hard Mode: Red, Yellow and White Infinity Nomads - That MrShy - Painting the new Nomads STIGMATA in Corvus Belli's Infinity | Bakunin Reverence TAG - Ph3lan's Miniatures - Corvus Belli's Event Exclusive miniature was a joy to paint - Zombie Sashimi
For your information, this new video tuto has been added: - Nomad Alguacil Medic - Infinity - Corvus Belli | Vallejo Paint Set Exclusive - Reaper0ll
For your information, this new videos tutos has been added: INFINITY THE GAME: (NOMADAS TUNGUSKA-SECURITATE) FAST 10 MIN PAINT. Como pintar-HOW TO PAINT EspaƱol - MINIATURAS ESTADIO WARGAME
For your information, this new videos tutos has been added: - How I create miniature dioramas for display and competition. | Journey In Paint.
For your information, this new tuto has been added: - Tuto Bakunin in Old school scheme / belloflostsouls
For your information, this new tutos has been added: - Nomads Painting Journal in Magenta Scheme | Soapdodger