I figure this is our best thread to put it up. Adding to the opening post : I don't really like him. But he plays well, and as it is the correct release I'll use it. Although I use the MR. I just need to convert the rocks to fit my Tunguska bases. As others said, with a different paint job, it might work.
I just wish he was using his escrima sticks instead, would be more fitting of either profile. But as is, still excited and gonna buy him!
It's the first time i'm really disappointed by a miniature. I don't like how he stands, i find his clothing poorly rendered compared to the dossier. I will use the Yuan Yuan from red veil instead.
I dont care for the model at all, but really liked the rendering. Looking at it now, though, I realize how little attention I'd paid. What I took to be some kind of cool belted trench are just jodhpurs like model has. The "wings" I could definitely do without, along with whatever it is he's propping his foot on. I don't play Tunguska so unless Star Co becomes more appealing it's a no-buy for me.
My biggest issue with Tactical Rocks/Junk is that CB doesn't seem consistent with what type it is within a faction. Cross faction AVA on some units isn't helping this problem. If all of the Nomads had Tactical Junk, and Ariadna all had Tactical Rocks, I don't think it would bother me as much. Aside from the weird way the seam of his pants is sculpted, I think the model is ok. I'll probably buy it.
I think, I will get the modell and use it as another Bashi Bazouk - as I just finished converting and painting the Akhalis-Guy from Operation: Icestorm. But the new Khawarijs-modells look way cooler than Raoul imho. If the modell has the "wings" attached the same way as the Akhalis Sikh from O:IS, it is quite easy to fit anoher jump pack to the modell. Hellcat Jump pack required nearly zero work.
I would love to see a picture of this conversion as I'd love to do the same thing. My biggest complain about this sculpt is how lame the PanO jump pack is. If he had a Haqq or a Nomads one, I bet it would improve considerably.
You guys really don't like the model? This is probably my favorite studio paintjob in a while. The Pan-O kit looks like bat wings, like he is some cool-ass demon come to rip your face off
A cool-ass demon in his pyjamas... It is not the kit that I don't like (even if i still think the 'ring-thing' from the concept design looks cooler), it's the trousers. And I would have preferred some more active pose with his sticks! That would work for both profiles and would have given us a mini with a unique weapon (so far) in its hands.
Not a fan of the mini, but more to the point: It could *really* come with 2 sets of arms for the other profile. Because that one will be forever without a miniature.
I am debating on modifying him to be holding his escrima sticks, because I think this pose would look great with an adjustment of the arms to a more downward position, but I am waiting until after the Adepticon Seminar to plan any conversions that would be too ambitious.
I'm painting him now and having trouble with all the wide open cloth on his outfit. I am going red cloth, but I was thinking of doing something like a red/grey/black camo pattern to mix up the huge parachute pants and add flavor to the hood. Also I left his wings off, which I may add hellcat wings to replace, but his backpack is big and puffy, not more flat like the hellcats
My plan is to give him this colour scheme. So far I'm quite fast and amazed how easy it is to paint him: