I tried two three-man Zhayedan fireteams today and was quite content with them. Against targets in cover you're getting the same mileage as a full core. The HMG works really well on his own too. It's a bit expensive, but a sniper, sniper, ML haris makes a nice defensive haris. Spice it up with some Fanous remotes, and you got a good defensive line going on.
Im 90% sure it doesnt cause things like breaker are now ap vs bts, you move it to arm its still halving values
I think it's still unanswered, but the consensus in the rules forum seems to be that RAW it does work that way. I haven't read the wording carefully myself, I'm waiting for an answer from ijw and not worrying about it until then.
Like you said, it is how RAW reads now... but I am assuming there will be a whole lot of FAQing going on between now and November, when the other armies left out get their rules
So it depends on the ammo, no idea with Mono and K1. AP: After a successful attack using AP Ammunition, the target must make a Saving Roll per impact suffered, using half his ARM or BTS value (ARM/2 or BTS/2) as specified by the weapon being used. E/M: After a successful attack using E/M Ammunition, the target must make two Saving Rolls per impact suffered, using half his BTS value (2 x BTS/2). By the wording of AP, it seems one could use bioimmunity to escape E/M, and I am assuming potentially K1/Mono?
That´s how people are reading it right now... I am assuming it cannot be THAT flexible, but so far I am not complaining
I'm not sure that this is how I would interpret Bioimmunity rule itself though, seeing how it just allows you to use different attribute to make the same roll (consequently, with same results on failure). Maybe there's something that supports this interpretation somewhere else, but I'm too lazy to look that up. I have a feeling this will be FAQ'd.
Same here but not using the Visor because we can run a muktar for 36 points instead 38 -_-' Better don't talk about tariqs dead TT When they fix it in the army then its playable, just like hunzakut boarding shoutgun Regular (hunzakut must be all reagular now I think no space for irregular orders now in haqqislam its a litte waste) this is so optimistic from you. if kawaris were cheaper like the new PANO/YU JING superjump troops maybe but i wont pay 30-38 points for that guy. We got a tag for 20 more points or just jenizar for 41 points.
I kind of like the new Khawarijs. My preference would have been less skills/gear and lower price than adding stuff to justify the price, but both they and the Zhayedans came out well. They are saddled with some CC stuff that the Vargs and Ye Maos don't have, but that was never going to change. Will I be playing them? Probably not as long as Mukhtars exist.
I would like make note that the Kawarji HRL is a DMG 15 template maybe not enough to take a full link of them but worth considering imo.
IMO a full Core of Khawarijs is too expensive to be worth the hassle. Maybe a Haris of them, but not a full Core. But the beauty of the situation is that you can have a Khawarij in a Core Fireteam without having it full of Khawarijs :)
You can have a core Ghulam fireteam without any Ghulam. I think the possibility to mix your fireteam as you need it, is the main strength of Ramah.
Did someone found any restriction for the deployment of an Hakim with nasmat. Under N3 we had the rule that you have to deploy them on the same table segment. I couldn't find any rule about this in N4. So I would say Hakim and Nasmat could be deployed on different sides of the table. Which would make the nasmats more useable.
What do we think about Al Fasid versus Skakush? TAG is only 5 points more than HMG Fasid, getting a little more of most skills and Tac Aware versus losing Veteran, Mines, and smoke. Both can duo - Leila is a perennial good choice. Unfortunately RTF has lots of 'counts as Ghulam/Janissaire' but not many Wildcards.
On a normal list I'm takingthe Fasid unless there's a TAG mission on the table. On a list made to support the Shakush then I'm taking the Shakush, obviously. But I feel like they fill very different roles
I can see uses for both. The Shakush is a no frills assault piece, especially the AP Spitfire. The Al Fasid still brings smoke on the HMG profile and mines. I see them as toolbox-y HI. Sixth sense and veteran protects them against jammers/oblivion and shots fired through smoke. I'm personally most interested in the HRL profile now that it got an extra burst. 45 points for a long range template slinger is pretty good.
I agree, both have different functions. I never played the Al Fasid in N3, because I was pretty sure that he would die a horrible crit-dead. I hope I can change that with the new rules. The HRL Profil could be a reliable roadbock thanks to six sense. The old six sense Lvl1 was to situational. The AP Spitfire on the shakush seemed to be very interesting. He is fast and can take some hits. AP ammunition seems to be a must have in N4. Now TAGs and HI will dominate the tables, I think.
They might have kind of different functions (as far as two heavyish guys can be), and most lists will have one or the other. I agree at least that +1B HRL is a bit more interesting.