Yes, that's how EM CCWs work. Their ammunition is N+EM. As per the Combined Ammunition rule (the same in CodeOne and N4), this means that you apply the effects of both Ammunitions to every Saving Roll: So in the same way that AP+DA means that you're making two Rolls (DA) against halved ARM/BTS (AP), N+EM means that you're making two Rolls against halved BTS which can cause isolated and IMM, which also remove a point of W/STR (Normal ammo).
Did you use the kawaris in CC? i played more than 200 at least, but kawaris or tariq only engage 2 or 3 times. But now are unplayable, they cost so many points, and the superjump bug its seems to stay, kawaris jumping and ghulams cant move... in the other hand we have to remember that the superjamp is nerfed too so... Now I think that i prefer running jenizaros that cost more or less the same with 2 wounds and BS14 or zeyedans.
Yeah it's a fault that your enemy leave something that kawari could kill in CC, is that what you mean?
Yeah, they are really expensive...perma ARM 3 and the CC buff are nice, but the SJ issues and their price make them not as desireable as their competition. Its a real shame, cause the models are gorgeous.
The khawarijs were a must take in Ramah for me for sure in N3. Definitely not in N4. Now I might take the MSV one, but there are better options. Same with Tarik. Immunity total would help him I think.
I mean, i used to use khawarijs in cc all the time. Maybe not as much since ramah dropped and fat2/msvm12 became a thing, but id use superjump and cc to get the drop on units that didnt usually expect it. My OG facemasked khawarij has a lot of yan huo heads under her belt.
I will have to agree here... also, Tarik not having all the skills of the minor Khawarij seems just odd Bioimmunity seems like it wouldfit there
Yes, but with bioimmunity he would be able to better adapt... AP shot, uses BTS, E/M shot, goes for ARM, and so on... Plus the ability to deal with K1 and Monofilament
There's too much ghafla in you, o brother... The sectorial fireteams chart speaks clearly: Khawarij count as Ghulam for Fireteam purposes. As do: Naffatun, Namurr and, obviously, Ghulam. Therefore, any Fireteam containing at least one Khawarij, or Naffatun, or Namurr, or Ghulam, is - from a legal standpoint - a Ghulam Fireteam. Except for a Fireteam with a Namurr, which can be a Janissary Fireteam as well (and then include Wild Bill and / or Hortlak, as both Wild Bill and Hortlak count as Janissaries, and one Namurr can be part of a Janissary Fireteam). Spice to taste with Wildcards. Yes, this means you can have a fireteam made up of Wild Bill, Layla, Tarik, dr. Rouhani and Yara Haddad, and legally it will be a Janissary Core Fireteam. Swap Wild Bill for a Namurr, and it will be a Ghulam Fireteam.
With the cost and profiles of new ghulam and new profile for light shotgun, is woth take a naffatun in a ghulam fireteam? Compensate +1 point?
I don't think I've seen anyone mention it, but I'm excited for the cube addition on Janissaries. Unless I'm mistaken, we should really get to see the +2 wound (Akbar) doctor skill shine in Janissariy links, now that we can re-roll those failed doctor gambles
Large Direct Template Weapon w/ Continous Damage. Or Small DTW w/ Continous Damage & Grenades. I'm not saying it is the bee's knees - but some people in some situations might find it useful to have these options included.
It compensate the lose of versatility. No more +3 heal, but for healing another Janissaries is superb.
Sorry, I was being a bit over-sarcastic, but it was also a serious point. If I've got a Fireteam including Khawarij, then it's likely that they're pushing up the field, which means they're likely to be facing skirmishers, which are generally hard to shoot* but squishy in combat, and Ramah has enough reliable sources of Smoke to get into CC, especially with Super-Jump to get up onto rooftops where Skirmishers might be hiding. And CC is definitely worth using, especially if you're putting down Smoke anyway to cover your advance. Take a semi-typical skirmisher like a Scout. N3, fully linked Khawarij with Light Shotgun, within 8", against Scout BSG, both in cover: Khawarij causes damage/no effect/Scout causes damage 63/27/14 N4 equivalent, assuming the Scout doesn't just template you: 55/34/11 N4 Khawarij (by himself) in CC vs CC 54/36/10 So CC is as effective as shooting in this situation, but you can do it in Smoke and ignore the chance of someone templating you. And there will be a bunch of templates in the midfield in N4. If the skirmisher has Mimetism (-6) then it obviously goes more in favour of CC. Natural Born Warrior also means that they can even take on high-tier CC Specialists like Ninjas on a roughly even basis. *Obviously there's the Mk12 MSV2, but he's not in all lists, or he might have died already.