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QK predictions/wishlist

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by HaqqHack, Oct 23, 2020.

  1. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I'm not sure we could expect new troops in the QK.
    But we could hope for new profiles in the existing ones. And definitely updated AVA and Fireteam options.
    Cannon Fodder likes this.
  2. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Here are my predictions.

    Fire teams
    Ghulam - Core
    -- NCO profile available
    Djanbzan - Core,Haris
    Sekban - Core, Haris, Duo
    Azrail - Haris, Duo
    Odalisques - Core, Haris, Haqq Wildcard
    Hafza - Wildcard, Haqq wildcard
    Kaplan - Core, Haris
    Druze - Core, Haris, Duo
    Shatanyah FTO - All Wildcard
    Leila - All Wildcard
    Rahman Roulani - All Wildcard

    The Alquaciles, Mobile Brigada & Wildbill will be able to join Druze & Kaplan Fireteams.

    I would love to see the following but don't expect it.
    - Scareface and Cordialia special Duo
    - Azrail in a Fireteam Core.
  3. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Azra'il Haris doesn't make any sense, unless you pump the team up with cheap Wildcards, eg. Hafzas.

    Otherwise you'd be burning through SWC like crazy, and spending oyur points pretty quickly, too. Azra'il - even if they get MOV 4-4 (and I believe keeping the at 4-2 is a good way to give justice to their old model power armors) are not exceptionally mobile, and in N3 they were equipped for long-range fire support.

    Yes, N2 Azra'il were a general-purpose lightweight HI (S2-sized), with long-range (Feuerbach), mid-range (Spitfire) and close-in, cheap link filler loadout (AP Rifle + LFT & Panzerfaust) who were able to operate in Core Teams. But those models are long out of production, and apart from grognards like me, who still have theirs, virtually a no-no for players. N3-era Azra'il are out of production, too, thus releasing a new weapons loadout is not likely to be accompanied by release of a model. And therefore makes little sense.

    I'd expect Azra'il to see an update, keeping the two weapons packages that existed in N3, with maybe some extra tricks up their sleeve that don't need to be represented on a model. Maybe given some new skills & equipment to bump up the cost. Maybe an option of joining a Fireteam of some sort (given all the Azra'il are, fluff-wise, former Janissary palace guards, I always wondered why they lack Religious skill and can't join Janissary fireteams..).

    But Azra'il Haris? Nope. I don't see a point in that.

    Of course, that's just theorizing. We'll see what CB haf for us there in a few weeks.
    Ariwch likes this.
  4. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    That is the point. Back in early N3 there was a Fireteam Core of azrail. You added 3 Hafzas as cheap filler. It was nerfed in mid N3 and QK lost the azrail Core fireteam. While other sectoral for mixed Fireteams, QK lost 1. I figure the Haris is a decent compromise instead of going back to a full fireteam core.
  5. Cadwallon

    Cadwallon Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    You forget the janissaries, who wold have haris and core like RTF.
    I hope KQ include hortlak janissaries, who count has normal jani for fireteam propouses.

    CB tend to give our large HI fereteam duo with optional link rafiq fto. Like Al fasid in Rt is what spected for azrail. I spected for veteran infantry like them habilities such veteran, marksmanship, +1burst in CD...
  6. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Well we already know what these guys look like;

    Bashi Bozouk
    Kaplan Tactical Services
    Mobile Brigada
    Scarface and Cordelia
    Yuan Yuan
    Leila Sharif

    So we have Djanbazan, Sekban, Hafza and Azra'il in terms of troops we need to see profiles for. Now I reckon I could make a pretty awesome list with the choices above and just the existing link team options as they were already fantastically flexible (two Hafzas in a core, and one in a Haris, plus Wildcard Leila!) but here's what I am hoping for with the remaining troops;

    Hafza; actually I would be pretty happy with these guys largely remaining the same. It'd be cool if they just got Wildcard for simplicity's sake if nothing else, but yeah. Fine with em.

    Sekban; Mov 4-4 is basically guaranteed. Other than that probably just a generic re-pointing. I think they are pretty decent as is. I dunno what I would specifically do with them.

    Djanbazan: Basically the same as the Sekban

    Azra'il: I'd like the Azra'il to get ARM 6. Basically become a brick. That's what I would do. But realistically I don't expect it to change a lot either. Also if it got some sort of Haris option that'd be very cool. Maybe the ability to join a Sekban or Djanbazan Haris? Actually yeah that'd be sweet! I'd put that in.

    Generic linkability; an AVA 1 Mobile Brigada with no link options is basically a worthless option. Give it Wildcard, or at least the ability to join say a Janissary team. That's actually relatively useful because of the Tinbot (-6) option, and the Hacker option. Alguaciles similarly kind of useless. Maybe just give them core? I think that'd be cool. Why not?

    With those choices and generic re-pointing I think that QK would be solid. I might hope for more, but not with any kind of solid reason. One thing I would say is that for me if I can give the Azra'il Feuerbach/HMG +1 B I would be very happy, because I think that AP options like that are key for anti-TAG ops these days. A Sekban Haris with an Azra'il AP HMG or Feuerbach would be sweet af.
  7. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    If they make the azrail too good they'll have to re-release it.

    I was thinking about the druze\Kaplan firearms and if they are mercs or not. I posted that they should have merc wildcards, but I think CB will just drop the whole merc idea to simplify the rules for qk.
  8. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    I hope the Azra'il is good! Honestly it could remain as it is and just get a Haris option. I just think AP is so useful and good these days, and ARM is where it is at. For me if I was making Azra'il profile though...

    4-4, 15, 13, 14, 14, 6, 3, 2, 5

    Fireteam: Duo, Courage, Dodge (PH=11), BS Attack (+1 DAM)

    CCW, Heavy Pistol, AP HMG - whatever pts, like 40-45 probably, 1.5 SWC
    CCW, Heavy Pistol, Feuerbach - whatever pts, like 40-45 probably, 1.5 SWC

    *Up to one Azra'il can join any Djanbazan or Sekban Fireteam: Haris.

    PH=11 Dodge and BTS 3 represents how this is older, less advanced Armour, built for extreme resilience more than anything. Courage because these guys are all ex-bodyguards, trained to put themselves in harms way. Duo because they can work in small teams, and can join a Sekban or Djanbazan Haris because these are professional and expert military units that the Azra'il might train with (unlike the mercenaries, or line troops). BS Attack (+1 DAM) represents that these guys are carrying HEAVY weapons man.
  9. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Because that's how things were since 2ed. Alguaciles and Brigada being non-Linkable.

    Alguaciles and Brigada had subtle, situational advantages back then. Alguaciles were bringing in Regular Orders cheaper than Ghulam (if memory serves me, basic Ghulam was 14pts in 1/2ed! Alguacile was 10pts), as well as some inexpensive specialist profiles that made thme worth consideration.
    Brigada were just as good solo HMG platforms as Janisssaries, but having the edge of Courage rather than Religious troop. A situational advatage, yet an advantage nonetheless. They were also one of the three flamethrowers in QK back then, with the Multirifle profile. N3 added a resilient Hacker Brigada to the equation.

    Whether Alguaciles in the N4 environment will be still a viable choice for QK, we are yet to see. Tactical Window becoming the default game mode reduces the need for numerous inexpenisve Order generators (and with no Hacker requirements for our REMs, a Kameel & Fanous Order battery should do that well enough. Especially given that Fanous dopped in cost by 1 pt. If the CB keeps the AVA, we'll be able to field 5 Regular Orders for 37pts. That's kinda hard to beat... and Fanous always made for a decent long-ranged ARO), as 20 Order lists aren't going to be that common.

    However, Brigada vs Janissary? Brigada is better armored (ARM 5) and faster (MOV 6-2) than Janissary. Janissary is a better shot (BS 14) and has superior BTS (6). For a HMG platform, that's an interesting choice. For a specialist, it depends on what you want of your specialist HI. Still viable, in my opinion - and not clearly cut into better / worse. Of course save for one wanting to run a Pain Train of HI, but that's how things always were.
    AssaultUnicorn likes this.
  10. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    I think those are fair comparisons (esp in older eds, I remember those days and used to take the Mobile Brigade in QK myself!), but are you really going to put 1.5 SWC and that many points into a solo HI which isn't linked? I just don't see it.

    Mobile Brigada linking in with even just Janissaries would be cool, then it would be a viable choice!
  11. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Same way as you wouldn't field an Azra'il, unless he'd become linkable?
    Because that's another 1,5 SWC and similar amount of points for a solo HI. I did fielded Azra'ils in N3, as I did with Mobile Brigada.
    I see no reason why lack of linkability should force me to not do so in N4...
  12. AssaultUnicorn

    AssaultUnicorn KTS is the best unit

    Mar 8, 2019
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    I'd love to see the mixed Druze+Kaplan fireteam, regardless of how unlikely they are to work together for fluff reasons!

    As for Mobile Brigadas not being used in QK: sometimes I did run the MB with MULTI Rifle + Light Flamer because a two-wound Lieutenant with a direct template weapon is hard to kill and can also utilize the Lt. order that doesn't get used much in QK outside of the Ghulam NCO. So the Lt. may become an order-efficient DZ protector if you start your turn with some impersonators or infiltrators in your DZ (which happens half the time when playing against Ariadna/ALEPH/O12). So I wouldn't underestimate him, even as a lone model.
    #52 AssaultUnicorn, Oct 28, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2020
  13. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    I would hope to never see it fluff reasons!!!!

    I would say that like many things in Infinity, the lone MB in QK is not bad so much as it is not really doing anything particularly.

    That said, there is a MOV 6-2 HI hacker, which is potentially strong.
  14. AssaultUnicorn

    AssaultUnicorn KTS is the best unit

    Mar 8, 2019
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    Come on, it would be hilarious to see the two units in one Fireteam and trying their best to not rip each other's throats out
  15. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    You'd need a new skill.

    Animosity (trooper): When in Loss of Lt, unit is treated as impetuous and attacks listed trooper. Ignore Veteran skill.
    AssaultUnicorn likes this.
  16. TenNoBushi

    TenNoBushi Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2017
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    Considering the attitude of the Druze during the siege of Ghezirah (Saladin talking about betrayal from them in N4), it could be possible that QK decide to stop working with them.
    Maybe not in the update of november, but it could be a futur development for the sectorial.
  17. Fenrir

    Fenrir Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2018
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    there's no point to Azarail djanbazan, sekban, hafza stay the same, QK was in a bad position in N3 at lattest as merovingia, because of the power creep, CB needs to check the basic troops of the sectorial to feel update and competitive.
  18. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Well realistically

    Janissary HMG - 41 1.5
    Janissary Missile Launcher 38 1.5
    Janissary Doctor 38
    Hafza FO 17
    Hafza lt 16

    Djanbazan HMG 34 1.5
    Leila Sharif 20
    Hafza FO 17

    Al'Hawwa Minelayer 23 0.5
    Al'Hawwa Hacker 26 0.5


    Yuan Yuan 8
    Yuan Yuan 8
    Yuan Yuan 8

    That's 294pts/5.5 SWC and just thrown together. And I'd say that's a pretty nasty force, probably needs some adjusting, but you have a really heavy link, a solid B5 Djanbazan, some good midfield presence and a wide amount of specialists... seems competitive to me. The Yuan Yuan are as good as they ever were...I reckon that QK just needs the troops updating and some little tweaks here and there such as giving MB a role (I'd personally happily have the MB Hacker instead of the Janissary Doctor there for example
  19. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Might be.

    Then again, Druze Shock Teams were known for being less than nice guys years before the EI War era - as stormtroopers in mafia wars, as mercs for the PanO megacorps on Dawn, and generally self-proclaimed Bad People (but we can be worse!). That didn't stopped QK from hiring them. And at the same time, didn't stopped QK from hiring the Sultan's Tigers of the Kaplan Tactical Services, mercs with strict code of honor and uprightness.
    I think Druze will remain in QK employ. After all, QK does represent not only Sultan's official military force as we understeand a state-operated military, but also corsair outfits operating under Sultan of Funduq's letters of marquee. And while these have to pay at least lip service to the rules of engagement, they are, after all, essentially pirates with a license (well... more or less). I believe that there are some pretty rough individuals among some of the Qapu Khalqi Armada's corsair ships. Yuan Yuan are considered to be pirates. So are Bashi Bazouks. Having some disciplined, professional mercs with a nasty reputation on your payroll might be quite an asset for a corsair captain.
    After all, if you are known to be nasty to freighter crews who put up a resistance - yet at the same time don't bother those crews who do not resist (just taking their cargo and maybe ships), you might be able to actually ply your trade along the space lanes without having to do those nasty things very often...

    Saladin might be a paragon of a Haqqislamite officer, and certainly can handle a Starmada operation - but Qapu Khalqi is run by the Sultan of Funduq (and, of course, Silk Tycoons. Unofficially, that is). Have you noticed there are no Khawarijs in the QK, either...?
  20. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    To be fair, if I could trade Druze for Khawarijis in QK, I would totally do it.:wink:
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