oh. Thats an interesting idea. Are you thinking a linkable warband like the Varangian Guard (sans smoke of course) ?
I have no idea really. I'm thinking they may be medium infantry because they seem a bit up armored for LI, but its hard to guess what their role is.
That would be a little disappointing going from two wound fully armored cool kids, to LI with exposed heads.
So.. Who els is thinking that the new Sepulchre is replacing the Tikbalangs as MO small TAG and the Tikbalangs are getting removed from the sectorial?
The fact that the coadjutor crosiers have order sergeant loadouts points to something very different in my mind. I suspect that they and order sergeants will be split into two units. Crosiers seem like they will be the core linkable light infantry (speculation, but my opinion) and order sergeants will be the non linkable escort and specialist profiles that weren’t already pulled into the trinitarians. I can’t speak to magisters and Teutons, but I really hope magisters just because cheap link filler. Give them NWI and shock immunity with one wound and drop their cost to 13-15 so just a little cheaper than tanko. I doubt that’s what will happen, but I would love it.
Hm.... .... but if our (silent) assumption, that Order Sergeants will still be the same troops they are now, is wrong. What exactly prevents them from becoming ... you know... HI with Hyperdynamics ? (ant CCrosiers becoming dedicated and only LI)
You might be right about magisters. I do expect all the Knights to get specialized in some way so the overlap is less obvious. Really interested in seeing what differences and changes we see.
Me. Since we know that the new Sepulchre gonna be S5 and with AP HMG... I dont think the crossiers will be the replacement for the magister... that armor seems like an MI...
Not to mention that the loadouts so far are very different, I don't see Crosiers replacing Maggie Knights at all.
The Montessa Tik and KotHS are the only AP HMGs period, and since the Tik mini is what, four, five years old now. One of the first with the new style HMG, though.
I am pretty sure that Tikbalang is out of this iteration. The KOTHS seems like a TAG, also, when they added the Tik seemed like out of the sectorial concept, same as Dart. I think both were stickers to make the sectorial almost playable. But nowadays, I don’t think that with the new tools Dart is going to stay, same as Tik. Let’s remember that is out of production because it shared box with the Neoterra TAG so, unless it get a resculpt we won’t see him here. Also, the sculpt didn’t match the Knight look. The AP HMG on the Holy Knight should be definitive on this question. Hope a little change on the infiltration profile for Konstantinos to make it more in the Dart role. We have a lack of visual mods. Without smoke or eclipse to advance, we have to depend on trinitaries or the luck on dices against defensive cores with visors, long range weapons with mimetism. This is an assault kind of army without the tools to advance. The mid range weapons on the best troops didn’t help in these, and I still don’t even know why Joanne is so restricted when Sheskiin can make fireteams with cheap troops. The lack of good mi or link options with those, looking at blackfriar MSR, were the things that made the sectorial almost unplayable, or it was designed to commend to god in every die through XD. Just my opinion. Deus Vult