Why on Earth would you want to spend almost 200 of your 300 points to put Achilles + an Avatar in a list? Enjoy filling the rest of your 15 slots with almost useless sub-10 points cheerleaders and getting your ass spanked because you have zero defense... :)
Because it's portrayed as a massive threat in the setting and makes people slaves of the Combined Army.
Because if you are the EI and the iconic defender of humanity and the star of their biggest TV show decided to betray everything to work for you... You would have to be pretty naive not to tag them with a septizor 2-300 times. To keep them honest. Y'know. Before he decides to go back to humanity for the Myrmidon Wars' next season or whatever.
Yeah, but it's already been mentioned in the video that he joined of his own free will, because Pandora convinced him. It's actually all a setup for N6 where Aleph takes EI down because all the "oops switched sides" Greeks didn't actually switch sides...
I played more than you (that's not difficult to be honest, probaby anyone in this forum played more than you) I can critizise the game, because i know what is happening in the tables and i dont limit myself to whine in the forums and in telegram groups
It would also be worth noting that lol of the e we have of Sepsitorization have been barely functioning zombies, while we have two instances of folks being convinced of the EI’s rightness, and one hinted at of another (Pandora). Frankly, if you were Pandora v1 and left behind to see what resources might be available to you as part of the EI, why not stay and look for opportunities to increase your standing in the EI’s ranks? Suborning Achilles would the coup of all coups.
I think you know very well that this was an assumption. Anyway we can be pretty sure, that A will not be downgraded. He might not be as good as an silverprime overlord but ... good enough to fit my scenario. Most double TAG lists do work like this.
Most double TAG lists don't include a 126-points / 3 SWC TAG, which is why they work. Because they can put a bit more than just sub-10 points almost useless cheeleaders. But go on, be my guest, spend 200 points and 4.5 SWC on two minis, go to a competitive tournament and let us know how it went :)
In theory, yes. But how do we explore the design space of "Achilles, but CA". Maybe I should ask my shas playing friends?
Ask me, We do not want him in Shasvastii Expeditionary Force and thankfully we do not have him, Onyx and Generic List can have him.
Thank you for illuminating my point as always. Shas has an "Achilles but CA" already, Sheskiin was two attempts at the concept already. And behold, she is in Vanilla as well.
Correct it reminds me the old MK1 and MK2 choice he had in Aleph, maybe a bit better executed if profiles remain the same, but we do not know how profiles will change.
Honestly the whole thing is exceptionally disappointing for me. As a fan of Greek mythology since childhood, Achilles was basically why I was playing Steel Phalanx in the first place. It feels very gratuitous and a "BIG SHOCKING REVEAL!" because assuming everyone has ADHD seems to be the standard of storytelling nowadays. It also make ALEPH look exceptionally incompetent, once again. I mean, sure they could be double agents, but that's really stretching it, and Achilles is not exactly the kind of guy for that sort of job. But yeah, I really hate it, and it just completely murderized my desire to continue playing/collecting SP. Ah well, I still have OSS, JSA and Military Orders.
As a player that play both Onyx and SP I am really disappointed. This decision to me has no meaning both from a lore and from a marketing point of view. Thematically Achilles has nothing to do with Onyx that has bugs, Monkey/Oni/Morats and other things. Lore wise I remember something like cube 2.0 or so that was created to avoid other armies to septorize/steal recreation. If the great plot twist is a) that Achilles is a secret double agent (a Troy horse in CA), b) that the two A.I. are planning to cooperate for the ascension or whatever this is poor writing! As for marketing CB is taking away (or allow another army, we still need to see if SP still has the profile) a unit that represent the concept itself of the sectorial (they are based on mythological heroes) and that ,despite maybe recently was not deployed often people love it and asked many time to update (even with threads in this forum) and make slight change to make him more competitive IN THE SP sectorial. This for what? To make a new profile/mini with dreads and different skin tone (this is really funny) and sell it? Do they think that someone that already possess Achilles v1, V2 and 10th Anniversary edition will now buy the rest of Onyx to be able to play? Do they think that Onyx player that probably are playing Onyx sectorial since they like the idea to be able to use the elite of the EL (alien) units will be happy to deploy Achilles and Myrmidons? I honestly don't know what people at the developing team think, but frankly recently I think that CB is making many mistakes and disrespecting their old customer. Try to invest more money to hire good writers and improve your lore and background with books and nice stories. There is a different between a lore inspired by the movies and literature that still keep its unique vibe and a poor copy and paste with lazy "shocking plot twist". And even if some sectorials (JSA, nomads just to name two) or idea sell more and you rightly want to push more on that to make more profit at least try to understand which move make sense and keep always respect for the old customer that invest in the past their money and kept the company alive
It's a twist for the sake of a twist which is... less than good, specially when you have already done it. But after "bad alien overlords join the U.N. because we don't know how to write ourselves out of the hole we created with our all out intergalactic war in an anime cyberpunk setting" I don't have a lot of faith in the lore Edit: it seems the only double agent (in this story, because in the Human Sphere you can't throw a rock without hitting one yet nobody ever catches them) is Pandora, she swayed Achilles by just whispering sweet nothing in his ear. Peak storytelling. Also, Achilles has dreads because Kerrigan, whom Blizzard OBVIOUSLY plagiarized from CB's Ko Dali, had dreads, so now every alien spy/turncoat has to have dreads Second edit: I see there are new players thinking CB disrespecting its consumer base is a recent trend, but I can tell you they have pulled these kind of stunts since the start, it already happened with Ko Dali and Uprising. It's just YJ players aren't the ones getting bent this time around.
You talk about it, as if you have already read the lore. Until now, there were only two quotes from a haqqislam source and an early army chart from generic CA (plus the information, team Achilles is in Onyx). I can see, you don't like the implication of that scenario (most of us don't), but your analysis is a lot of your speculation taken by yourself as fact. Please don't talk bad about the guys behind the writing.
To be fair you never had faith in the lore and whatever CB does is in your eyes, inferior, overdone and badly executed.
Tons of people on this forum apparently accessed this new lore before it's published. The same often also had access to the full N5 rules AND the new Army version with everything up to date. I have to say I'm a bit jealous...