Do you think that Pandora and Achilles profiles will be same in CA, because I doubt it. Also I expect to see another Avatar nerf, because Avatar is the most problematic vCA unit. IMHO we need to wait and see. Without seeing all vanilla armies and sectorial armies unit list and without knowledge how will profiles of these units look like, we cannot say anything about balance. Yes, it is possible that CA will be stronger, but we don't know.
Where did I say that? Oh right, nowhere... Funny also that you bring back the Ko-Dali thing but not the Uprising. Anyway. I'm just pointing out that soothsayers keep claiming that CB strategy is nonsense, irrespectful, that it makes people runaway, etc... And still, CB is thriving :)
Personally I hope it thrives forever, with all the models I have. However, unfortunately, CB is not immune to the consequences of its mistakes. We want to talk about the reinforcements?
Which mistakes? Was Ko-Dali a mistake? I don't think so. Was the Uprising a mistake? Even less, considering how well JSA sells. And yeah, let's talk about the Reinforcements. Do you have numbers showing that the minis didn't sell well? I don't either but my wild guess is that even if the game mode was crap, the minis sold just fine. Well, then you better learn how to read or get your eyes fixed pal, because I see no such thing :) I'm just enumerating a number of so-called mistakes that were supposed to damage CB (except it didn't), Achilles being the last to date. It will be just fine as well. P.S : and I'm still waiting for that "proof"
Luckily there are those like you who understand and read well, which compensates for those who can't. This is true balance ;).
Luckily, indeed! But it could be you as well, it's not that complicated. Give it a try! :) Let's talk again about that Achilles things in some time, when you'll have realized that just like for Ko-Dali, the Uprising and everything else, CB will be fine. Oh, and I'm still waiting for that so-called "proof" CB is not playtesting, I'm burning with curiosity.
I already wrote it clearly. So you disappoint me, since you, unlike me, can read and understand well ;)
Nah, you didn't. You seem to also have issues understanding the concept of "proof" You're welcome! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll stop this hollow and uninteresting exchange as you have nothing to put on the table. Find someone else willing to listen to your whinings and your wobbly forecasts... :)
You could say that, at the time of her removal she was one of the most broken and competitive combos of the game, a really powerful character, her transition to Yu Jing was not even close to the character she was before that. I seriously doubt CA Achilles will be the same as the one before.
With Bixie we got Ko Dali back beat for beat. Even the poses between limited Bixie and the old Ko Dali sculpt are very similar. I'd think we'll see something similar for Aleph, either in immediate response to the whole Achilles affair or a bit further down the line. It makes for a good narrative and, personally, I think that's very important for the game. CB isn't afraid to do the unexpected which only contributes to the game in the long run.
If they listened to me, they'd get a better game for me (probably-customers are infamously bad at figuring out what, specifically, they want!). If it turns out a whole bunch of people are asking for the same thing, does it mean listening to them will improve the game? Regrdless, we'll never know if nobody speaks up. Frankly, if you are being honest with your consistently defensive attitude, I envy you for finding the perfect game for you. On the subject of replacing Achilles: they kind of have to, or find a new distinct niche for ALEPH. ALEPH was always the top-technology human faction, being able to field a guy who could take on anything was kind of a big deal to make up for the lack of cheap options to provide Orders and defend. I'm not necessarily against ALEPH seeing a repurposing to differentiate it from CA (both are highly elite, similar armies), but the faction's more regular players may have differing opinions, and CB have not been very good lately at rebuilding faction identity when they change something. (Example; Yu Jing. I think it was only last year CB stopped advertising them as the CC faction when the best CC in the whole army was a Crane after Uprising.) On the subject of narrative: I'm not convinced it's all that good of a move, personally, definitely not enough to justify the disruption to the game. Simply put, "human defects to CA" has happened at least three separate times already, there's fatigue over the length and breadth of the CA plotline amongst the community (it's defined the metaplot since I've been playing with the sole exception of Uprising), and they're such obvious villains in what's supposed to be a grey-morality setting that CB has to give them unfair advantages in global campaigns to stop everyone dogpiling them and sending the CA home crying in a very unfluffy total defeat (seriously, they haven't even had a home zone to defend since Wotan). I remember seeing genuine relief and optimism on the forums after the ITS fluff revealed that the war was over, and hope that something new could be explored. Instead, we get more of the same, and that removes any chance I, at least, am actually going to buy the lore book.
Eh... Bixie Ko Dali? No disrespect, but you do know what YJ Ko Dali did? It had nothing in common with what Bixie does. Also, more than 10 years between the Ko Dali removal and Bixie release.
Meanwhile, for what we know from "the dice gods": ALEPH will definitely get another sectorial (3 sectorial is THE number according to Bostria) and PanO is loosing 3 sectorials in one fell swoop (because 3 is the number). I already feel like complaining time is over
I have a feeling the "three sectorials" isn't something set in stone. O-12 has two, and I don't really see space for the 3rd one (I don't mean I'm sure there isn't one, merely that I can't see such). Tohaa have none, and I really can't say I expect them to develop any. Bah, getting re-released in any form would be quite an improvement for the Tohaa already...
Except that not everyone wants the same thing. And "a bunch of people" is definitely not representative of all Infinity players. You really have to stop looking at you belly buttons and realize that what YOU want maybe is not what most people want or what CB wants for its business. We (CB's customers) are not all speaking with one voice. Some are unhappy with the Achilles thing, others aren't. Some are unhappy with Vanilla being trimmed down, other aren't. Etc... That's exactly the point of A Mao Esquerda. Some of you are deeply convinced that you know better what's good for the game. Except you don't. Or at least not better than any other folk, and definitely not better than CB. Which "disruption of the game"? We are talking of a handful of profiles switching sides, that's it. Definitely not enough to talk about "disruption of the game". Thinking that 3 sectorials per faction is the best number and giving 3 sectorials to each faction like tomorrow are two different things.
"Three is the optimal number of sectorials" doesn't equal to "every faction will have three sectorials". Some factions might have four, some might have two. Ultimately it boils down to CB's opinion about design space, game balance, and commercial sustainability for it. Regarding Achilles, between Agamemnon, Hector, Ajax, and Eudoros his role is well covered. I really don't think Phalanx needs a replacement.