Or a MULTI HMG? But I'll take DA HMG any day of the week. Yu Jing SWC weapons look very similar to Aleph SWC weapons.
He might be some kind of Yan Huo after all, his left arm wears the same armor and he looks rather big. The weapon, I'm not sure to know what it could be... Based on the Guija model, the Multi-HMG looks exactly the same as the normal HMG, just a lot bigger. I hope this is truly something new inside the faction. And deadly overall. Mostly deadly.
DA HMG sounds a bit broken to my noob ears... This guy would hit like a group of trucks full of bricks (assuming he's based on current Yan Huo)! Unless it is significantly more expensive, and then I would rely on the HRMC to do the job because of the points savings... I guess?
You are, of course, correct. That's a Multi Rifle+Multi Rifle, which shares the same burst, ammo, swc and points cost as the Multi HMG, but a slightly shorter rangeband.
The chest plate and shoulders look almost like a Hac Tao... Our boy sure is an odd combination of parts. I wonder how many automedkits he'll get.
I... hmm.... I’m pretty sure I’m misremembering quite a number of really great units/profiles. I guess I need to report to Satori for re-education or something.
To me it looks overall closest to a Mowang, given the "Command" role he's supposed to be taking, the look of the chest and bulky armor. But the color scheme doesn't match that, nor does his left Shoulder pad. All in all it's probably a mixture of modular armor pieces so that he isn't meant to be a single unit. The gun does look closest to a MULTI-HMG (and MULTI-Rifle) though I have some minor hopes it could be a Red Fury or Spitfire. Overall dig the look, and I'm hoping they're throwing a bone to Yu Jing by having him be a good guy willing to fully cooperate and a leader (as the others don't really seem up for the leader role). I'm a little tired of the "shifty rival" trope. Qiang Gāo always leads with a gun in his hand, fighting shoulder to shoulder with those under his command. The overwhelming superiority of his weaponry and armor is the edge that his troops need to achieve their objectives. “We fight together, we win together.”
I think maybe we're being too hard on the automedkits considering our lack of doctors... but I couldn't help but laugh at that.
I know it was a bit of a side thought, but still I'm willing to bet that something like Aristea-style character pack with some stereotypical Haqq character will shortly follow the release of the game proper.
Except for the chestplate, that's Yan Huo armour. I think the best and most realistic we can hope for in this release is a character Yan Huo, tbh. This can be Cheeseskin great or it can be a Kritical failure.