Hmm, the link wasn't inactive, just largely immobile. The Dakini HMG (and occasionally the other troops too) did great at hanging around my deployment zone and gunning down literally anything that dared step out of total cover. The HMG tore up basically an entire Ghulam link and did significant work against the Tohaa. I think the HMG was absolutely vital because it allowed me to pick off models that could otherwise put a crossfire onto my Proxy2 or skirmishers. The Sniper was good at dissuading attacks perhaps but definitely played second fiddle to the HMG.
Yes, but the list functions better when going second anyway. The mentor is in there because it's a cheap Camo LT, not for Counterintelligence.
On single combat groups: the guy who came in first with OSS used two single combat group lists as well: Two top players isn’t that much in terms of statistics, but it certainly motivates me to run single combat group lists as well in the next tournament.
It's lovely seeing stuff like this because I know for a fact if those lists were posted up on these forums, they'd all be tweaked to include 5 man teams, Naga etc etc etc. Good to see the unorthodox doing the job nicely. What were your MVPs?
Been talking to my local meta a lot about how you don't need 5 man links to take advantage of sectorials. The 3 man link was more maneuverable and got the job done, allowing more points to hit other areas of the game. MVP was 100% my Rudras, the Climbing Plus and shock from the red fury made moving up the board easy, cleaning out flanks where I needed. I play them very aggressively but keep at least 2 orders back to make sure they end up in a decent spot.
I'm really enjoying my Yadu list that starts as a 5 core and then breaks into a defensive 3-man core and a 3 man aggressive Haris. If going first I get even more flexibility to deploy too.
I'm really surpised by those lists. Especially by the second list as it's very unorthodox. Also: OSS LI lists are "cheating" a bit with Proxies ;)
Hi @Phlyk! Congratulation for you result, it's great to see you here again. Enviado desde mi Mi A1 mediante Tapatalk
Congrats on both your successes! I've had similar success with my rudras, in a similarly built last with a trio of Yadu and a rudras and I'm glad that its not just me in love with the practical applications of our hefty bot!
Those are definetly some cool list ideas. Don't know if i feel comfortable with it but i'll give it try.
@Vohlere and @Phlyk did you face many order/camo spam lists? how do you manage that kind of lists? My zone meta is dominated nowdays with that kind of lists and I fear that with only 10 man list is dificult to control the punches of the enemy. Anyway, I feel both 4 lists are pretty solid and show how hard and nasty Aleph can be. I'm more biased towards Achilles and/or 14-15 orders SSO lists, but definitely i will try some of your ideas preparing for Interplanetario. Hope to see Aleph fellows there!
I didn't face any Camo spam over the weekend, but every list had ~15 orders in it or so. I felt moderately confident against Camo spam on account of the two MSVs and Sensor in the first list and three MSVs in the second! My troop quality was just so much higher than my opponent's in many games that I didn't feel particularly deprived of orders. Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean?
Thanks! sorry, I mean using both Naga killer hacker device instead of dasyu and Naga. Enviado desde mi Mi A1 mediante Tapatalk
Ahh I see, I just like the reliability of the Dasyu. There were many situations where the Naga went Dogged and could then be ignored whereas the Dasyu is harder to kill, has a DTW and is more difficult to fully remove. The Dasyu just does so much work.