Looks like the Beyond box will have Sheskiin, Messer and something new(?). Not sure what the top logo is for
Also check the pauldron of the Caliban on the Operation box and army ;). Would it be weird that they put a Caliban in both the battle box and the beyond box? Are we sure that's what we're seeing here? TBH I initially thought that too, but I'm not so sure anymore.
Did we catch what O-12's might be? If you haven't tried Warp Lightning, you need to. It's like nostalgia in a paint pot. It is somehow brighter than Hexwraith Flame. It's crazy!
Yeah, you might be on to something. Does anyone have the Operation: Coldfront booklet to compare it to? That said, swap out the Caliban for a Jayth Cuthroat and that would be my ideal Beyond box. That or Jayth, Sheskiin and a Malignos.
Bostria mentions O-12 working with Dakinis and Deva Functionaries at around 3:20 in the video - I wonder if we'll be able to use them in the faction (it would be odd, but not unprecendented, now that both vanilla CA and Tohaa have Greif Operators), or if they're hinting towards it in future sectorials.
You said it: sectorials. O-12 is a faction not a sectorial and there're no faction rosters featuring units from another faction. That's the point here.
My google translate says "uewerhaus" for Luxembourgish. Google tends to erase the dots over letters during searches to accommodate the letter-deprived ASCII users. Looks like a case of "dots for cool" more than anything, unless it's named after a Dutch biologist... which is the only result with any degree of relevance I get that doesn't look like people misspelling "Oberhaus" other than Infinity.
I'm thinking that Riotstopper is going to be a stun template weapon. Just a matter of what flavor. Regular Stun, Imm1, or maybe some form of ranged electropulse. That last one would be nasty.
Seems like O-12 will get lots of SMG otions. Also Eclipse Grenades on Hyppolita looking interesting. EXP CC weapon and Myrmidon background promise at least MA L3.