I think only the JSA and Spiral had a big box... and I doubt any NA2 has 2 "basic troop" units (in fact, most use the Brawlers, or one of the mix&match), so I never even considered that a Kosmorregidor NA2 would necessarily include all from the Operations box. Furthermore, I don't see a PanO+Nomads, ISS+Haqquislam, TAK+OSS, O12+Shasvastii, etc... NA2 available ^^
Ok, 2 basic Infantry (Brawlers and Securitate/Ghulam)... but just looking into the Securitates makes ForCo a mess of boxes to get into if you wanna use Securitates, frankly. Dashat, on the other hand is better streamlined regarding buying the troops.
I love Fiddler and want (no; need to) play her on my Start with Tunguska....but not the new mini with this liddle wheel. She looks like on a circus. But I am happy that I have the apegirl from Aristeia. Bigger wheel and the pose above looks cool. All I need are the jackbots. Bot-Markers are boring. ^^