Operation: Blackwind

Discussion in 'News' started by Brokenwolf, Jun 1, 2022.

  1. archon

    archon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Just look at the video and I have to say its a lot of awesome stuff.

    Bixie - I am hyped. Very beautiful mini here - could even be a hunter and competes with it for he most beautiful female Yu Jing CC mini:heart_eyes:

    Next DF box brings us the rest of the Defiance characters, but the civi looks a bit strange. I did not expect new Dactyls but they are very cool, especialy the doc. Oh all that new Aleph stuff will stress my painting time ...

    Blackwind Beyond looks very good for Aleph and the new Haq units with the cape could make me keep the Haq minis ;.)

    New TAGs are also very good - Gator leading at the moment design wise (execpt the wide angeled human arms, looks a bit stretchy for the poor guy/gal.

    Morats are okay, I am still not sure I like this chunky style, but I sold mine anyway. New Suryats are cleary space vikings.

    And finaly: The Karhus, in a box, only two years of waiting for the most desired mini in the whole sectorials, while in the meantime its not so desired even more (the FT rules tones it a bit down), but I am still happy to see them on the table - that makes 4+1+3 = eight models to paint for my SWF oh wait Uma is coming also ;-)
    burlesford and Space Ranger like this.
  2. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    The concept art of bixie seems to have been drawn by the artist who works on Takkure. Maybe it's a sign that Takkure's team will develop Aristeia further. During the last KS of Takkure they said they had a project with CB, maybe that's it.

    gencon 22.jpg

  3. fari


    Feb 21, 2017
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    Can confirm, yes, is the same artist.

    I swear the 1st time bixxie was on screen, i was not 100% focused and think she was a Dorikin from takkure
    nehemiah and A Mão Esquerda like this.
  4. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    I have a theory. In the last years CB has been releasing with each Dire Foes, different versions of their characters from Defiance and their faction tend to follow the C1 factions being released (Jazz and Cadin for Crimson Stone and lately Trisha and Rouhani for Blackwind). Excluding the exception of the Dire Foes 11 Pano/Yu Jing, and if you remove the characters released in blister or pack. It remains only these:
    - Lei Gong (but he will probably be in the AGL/ITS pack of 2023).
    - Kendrat, renegade morat
    - Jaan Staar, spiral corps

    I think for 2023, the next Operation box we have will be a return of the Tohaa versus the NA2. So we'd have a full circle of N4 vanilla, and not a possibility that they' ll skip those factions and reboot sectorials stopped from factions C1 already existing (ex: Merovingian vs Neoterra).
    Lesh' and Golem2God like this.
  5. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    You thinking JSA versus Tohaa for 2023?
    burlesford likes this.
  6. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I'm of the opinion they might not do an Operation box for 2023 instead doing a new Action Pack
    #406 colbrook, Aug 6, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2022
    Golem2God, burlesford and Brokenwolf like this.
  7. Rizzy

    Rizzy Armchair Strategos L3

    Jan 3, 2018
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    New Myrmidon looks awesome and so does the Shujae. Eudoros is cool. But the Makai looks more at home in OSS that Phalanx and I don't know if I like the new Muyib. Also, why are the guns on the Sunduqbut so huge?
  8. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    +1 Damage AP Spitfire is equivalent to the gun on the Shakush.
    Savnock and Brokenwolf like this.
  9. Papa Bey

    Papa Bey Clueless Wonder. Still.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    You must have been that overtly English sounding gentleman sitting in front of me. :)
    #409 Papa Bey, Aug 7, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2022
    colbrook likes this.
  10. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Chances are high :smiley:
  11. HowardDeanFan

    HowardDeanFan Member

    Aug 6, 2018
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    Gotta say. All these new models are really good but I love that new Muyib especially.
    burlesford likes this.
  12. Abrilete

    Abrilete Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Am I the only one that thinks that the gun on the Sunduqbut is oversized and ridiculous?
    What does it shoot? Baseball balls?
    bladerunner_35, Rizzy and Gwynbleidd like this.
  13. Gwynbleidd

    Gwynbleidd Non asto coram malo

    Sep 18, 2021
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    You aren’t the only one. I love the mini but the gun doesn’t match the ammo hopper. The barrel should be smaller. The recoil on a barrel that size on such a small bit would blow it over every time it fired. Otherwise it’s very nice. Will have to convert the gun I think.
    Rizzy and Abrilete like this.
  14. infyrana

    infyrana Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2019
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    That's a box I'd buy ...

    Will Bixie only be available in the ITS box, or seperately later on ? Gotta get me that model purely for the sword hehe.

    The content in the latest video looks great. My only niggles about the entire video would be the size of Qiang Gao's head (+the HVT pilots head) and the fact the Muyib does not look like a Muyib at all. I'll be happy to use him to proxy for something else though, so never a waste.

    Great to see they've already set the Expansion scenery in motion, but aren't we still waiting on the Corregidor expansion scenery set which was also shown a long time ago?

    Whilst I am sad not to see the Ariadna TAG available for USARF, especially with it's obvious reference to the US Claymore text, the fact Ariadna now get an official TAG is awesome.

    Any more models with shields from Aleph and models like the Dactyls and I will be a convert. It's definitely going to be an expensive year by the time it's over.
    Gwynbleidd likes this.
  15. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    That particular Bixie sculpt will be exclusive to the ITS box, there will be a different general release miniature for her after her season has finished.
    It's at least consistent with Qiang's enormous head in Defiance, remember that there's a little shrinkage between renders and final minis too. I actually like the new Muyib design as they look like demolition specialists wearing bomb suits now so it better fits their fluff.
    They held off and manufactured both expansions at the same time as there was fear of a paper/card shortage, especially as Bostria described Spain's current economic situation as "really bad". Turns out there wasn't a shortage but I can't blame them for being cautious at the moment.
  16. infyrana

    infyrana Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2019
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    @colbrook appreciate the heads up, thanks! I'll have to scour around to see if anybody splits out the Bixie model from the rest of the box - have a funny feeling the box won't be cheap, but as I don't compete, there's little other way to source it. Such a nice model.
  17. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    A new review for Operation Blackwind from Warlore channel, with background.

    Something Is Hiding in This Box

    burlesford, Golem2God and Brokenwolf like this.
  18. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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  19. archon

    archon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Dream on :smirk: But I can fuel your hope by pointing out, that Bostria say something like: In the next year something spectacular will happen for Ininity ... but on the other hand: He say that every year. I for my self don´t need something BIG or Groundbreaking, I am happy when they continue to make cool minis and try to make cool rules :sunglasses:

    The three above could make up a special DF box themselfs. Lei and Jaan hunting a loose Kendrat or will she hunting the others? Maybe three missions, were each one of them is the prey :scream::alien::eyes:

    Edith: The big question is: Will CB continue making two player/faction battle boxes? I think they sell well. Code one is finsih with this box. NA2 and Tohaa will not be included. NA2 boxes in general are hard to make, they will include repacks because all of them have access to already existing minis.

    Maybe its time to start the refresh/retirement circle again. Bakunin vs ISS, MRRF vs Onyx, Quapu Khalqi vs Acentecimento. Aleph gets a break and O-12 gets the action pack for their 2nd Scenario.
    #419 archon, Aug 7, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2022
    Wizzy likes this.
  20. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I'm pretty sure they will. I mean, as we say here, you don't slaughter a hen that's laying golden eggs, right?
    I agree with you: C1 release cycle is complete. So CB will have to invent something to keep the game - and two-player starter boxes - relevant next year.
    Or, to be honest, I think they already have that invented, they just aren't telling us.
    If it was me, I'd be releasing a refresh of the O12 vs Combined (it was the first one, right?). I sincerely hope the CB have a better imagination than me :D

    I think it is not the model CB are following. In fact, the old (pre-C1) Operation boxes were vanilla, more or less, rather than a specific sectorial, IIRC. Maybe except for Red Veil. They switched to re-releasing a sectorial once a year at Adepticon, but this in turn means that with the existing number of sectorials, the re-release cycle would be over 30 years - and that ain't gonna fly.
    So they are up to something.
    Keep in mind Bostria marked the Essen Spiel event on the timeline, so we might be getting a third event a year to mark something significant (in addition to sectorial re-release at Adepticon and Operation release at GenCon).

    I mean... I don't really know. But I'm willing to wait and see :)
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