Can somebody tell me what % of all the revealed N4 profiles don't get either Mimetism or NWI+Shock Imm? Boy I'm glad denesting skills gave us so much design space Ohh, look at that non hackable better Zencha Nomads got!!! Or is that actually a non hackable Dao Fei? On the other hand, I love the remotes as they feel really Nomad-y
If correct, it seems like a clear example that in N4, Hackable provides a significant point discount. Also, I am loving the Cheerkillers Box and the Razor!
It's not even so much the points, outside of being hackable which is an add-on of HI, why is one HI and the other MI?
They theoretically said something about many more things being affected by Hacking in N4. Maybe that's why.
Oh ffs, I'd really, really, really like to see less stuff that isn't a light HI and gets NWI+Shock Immunity. Sombras would be just fine with NWI alone. Evaders being so much cheaper shows 1) the price tag on Sombras' skill set, and 2) that hackable might actually provide a bigger discount. Still, I really don't like non-hackable troops encroaching on HI territory when it comes to durability. New combat remotes are cool, I hope other factions will get some too. For now YJ and Nomads got into this game. New Shas models are awesome, especially the new Noctifier (I suspect that their tactical rocks are CB's idea of a joke by now :P Tensho looks great, too. Here's hoping that it'll get reworked in N4. New skill versions: Guardian is cool, much easier to use now, and quite climatic. Terrain is... weird. Troops getting faster in difficult terrain? Still, I'd like to see how N4 terrain will work in the first place.
Hmm, every unit has Haris as skill. Either this is new in N4 that every unit that can Haris, has it in every profile. Or its Corregidors new shtick.
Also, MI Sombras 39-43 pts, HI Evaders... 23-34 pts? Are we sure they didn't mix MI/HI up? I love all the new O-12 sculpts.
Doesn't seem like it. I also realized that one of the reasons I was happy to get Defiance for Shas were the six Taighas. And now we live in a 15 Order world... Sad Taigha noises.
Syndicalism in action ;) They're hackable. Sombras have a bigger skill set, while Evaders are hackable. It just hit me - what if we'll see HI Supportware in N4? It'd introduce an interesting angle to balancing them against ultradurable MI.
All I know is right now Nomads have/keep having the best HI game in town, and using MI for it. I wonder what kind of design ideas got the guys at CB thinking "we need a role for MI, so let's make it so they take the role HI were supposed to have"
I won't be upset missing out on the Grenzer after seeing the model. Bleh. That said: I like the Evader, I think? My Spanish is awful. Sombras are cool. Booster Packs look neat but feels hindered by the fact that Defiance is still a millstone 'round the neck.
You mean the better Zuyong/Haidao? I mean, unless suddenly Zuyong/Haidao cost less than 20 points, which I somehow doubt
It was mentioned, but extremely briefly. Having the right Terrain Skill gives a +1”/+1” MOV mod (very similar to how it worked in last year’s online campaign missions). Not having the relevant Terrain Skill gives a -1”/-1” MOV mod.
I don't like seeing NWI medium infantry get shock immunity. In fact I really hate it. Also why is the medium infanty quite a bit tougher than the HI? Deigns on them look good. I think the Evaders look sick, and even though I don't play nomads I'll be picking up their box. The Sombra,s looking like mini Kriza Boracs confuses me a bit. Seems that design would be a bit more fitting in Tunguska. New Guard rule is sick. mmmm that is gonna be fun. That is the boost those guys really needed. Damn is the Alpha gonna be dangerous now. New Terrain rules are a welcome addition. The Lynx Sniper looks slick. Been getting some good use out of them lately, Will be glad to add one to my collection. The Psi-Cop looks a bit strange too me. I wasn't expecting her to be wearing so much on the ehad and shoulders, but light everywhere else. Guess they look like they'll fit in with the Bronze. Mind you I like his non coat design much more. Little disappointed they went with the hacker over the marksman rifle. Guess they gave her a pistol to cover everything. But that jsut makes me feel like we're never gonna see anything else of them. Razor looks great. On theme with the Lynx, but distinct enough to stand out. And as a bonus they actually made a model of the one myself [and I assume most others] use the most. mmm that sweet minelayer ughhhhhhhhhh.... Why did the Nyoka have to look so stupid. That is probably the most ugly unit design I've seen in a long time. Just everything about them looks unappealing. What the hell is that rediculous thing around his neck. They also seem grossly under geared and armored for 'Assault Troops' CB please consider redesigning the Nyoka, or at least maybe giving them another going over. I think it will take a miracle to make these things look good in 3D. The Shasvastii designs all look pretty cool. Was hoping the noctifer might be the missile one.