Fuck natural order. That's for Ariadna. We PanO types are all about capitalism, there's nothing natural about that. So - there's a sizable demand for Bolt Haris and mixed links. CB should think about supply :P
Well to try and get back on topic: What would actually entice me away from Varuna and get me to play NCA again? That's really good question. I think if the Aquila can find his away into a full core – that would be suitably silly enough for me to try it at least once. I can't feasibly see any non-total-overhaul changes to bolts that would make me want to give them a spin again.
Or give the Aquila Full Auto... that could give some of the same benefits, without looking at B5 BS18 HMGs in their good range band...
Even Bolts with Wildcard just doesn't quite have appeal. The DZ-based Drop Bear tosser is filled by the Friar, and that isn't even a role I'm crazy about. Spitfire pays a lot. MSR and Missile Launcher role can be handled by Fusiliers. Hmm. ...Mine Launcher? Definitely wishful, but Bolts were the first testbed for that piece of equipment.
that's exactly what I want – NCA is supposed to be the best no-frills shooters, give me B5 BS18 with no mods Wildcard, Haris, an ORC can join, ect. every suggestion here is perfectly reasonable – but I still don't think I would play any of it. Just getting Haris still leaves bolts with all the problems they had before and wildcard realistically wouldn't mean anything to me. There's no existing link team I wish they could join. Their flaw runs deeper than just link options – they need a singular profile specific piece of equipment or skill that would nudge me into taking more of them. ala the Khawarij
Bolts were supposed to be like Hudson Hawk. Well.....that was my demand years ago. We got Roomba bullcrap instead. #HudsonHawkNow
I don't think CB would want anyone from going NCA instead of the new shiny VIRD... and also, many people have NCA already so this will really be curtesy update. Not a "faction seller". I don't expect anything really. The best thing we will get is a fusi-linkable HMG ORC. Bolts need a heavy redesign in any case. MO had a big update since the large part of the market did not buy into them and there was enough space to make it worth it, partially because of the rules partially because of the models. They sure got me in with the update, unfortunately.
I could live with that, I'm still playing NCA and I'm not finding it fun like when I started playing NCA, So! now. I'm painting my 300 point box set of MO, It would be nice if CB put the fun back into NCA. Give NCA mixed fire teams. Please!
I think mixed fireteams are a given. Hopefully for both Fusiliers and Bolts. ORCs, Aquila and/or BF are all possible candidates, as are mixed Bolt/Fusilier teams. Bolt Haris would fix a lot of problems simply because we would be able to take a toolbox fireteam without paying for a full Core. What I'd really like is to add Deva to that mix; being able to include one in Bolt Haris would be awesome. Another wish would be to get some proper command skills on Aquila, but no idea if that'll happen.
I don't think we will see orcs with fusiliers in nca. And If Aquila will mix with fusiliers I see orcs leaves nca, orc+fusiliers are a specific Varuna mix ft not something available for all sectorials
what about ORCS mixing with regulars in ASA. ORCs are a universal unit – theyre highly flexible. it makes sense fluff wise to have them mix with our line troops
I would imagine any changes will be focused on Bolts, options to make them more viable, perhaps point adjustments, etc.
I could see attention given to both, probably a mixed link that involves both of them. Bagh and Regulars both got attention in the ASA update, I see no reason why this should be any different
I've tried to imagine, what sort of changes should CB did to NCA to make me play them instead of VRID, SAA or even new shitty MO, and failed. Well, almost failed, but i doubt CB will ever return E\M lgl to Aquila, especially to linked Aquila. Or give Bolts linked baggage.