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Nomads, BS attack -3 is back but not for you

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by D_acolyte, Mar 19, 2024.

  1. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I'd consider it if you ever stopped posting utter garbage.
    Lesh' and AlphaStrike like this.
  2. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    As much as people have a lot of schadenfreude against Yu Jing and Uprising gave room for it, I think people are now afraid that it will happen to their collection, now that CB has shown they are willing to do it. However, this has happened a lot to the Yu Jing collection, more than just Uprising, that if you collect Yu Jing with any sort of passion you are used to it. Perhaps the Yu Jing side of the community is just bad at complaining.

    There is a lot of units and factions that need maintainance that CB isn't maintaining at the moment, and I think the huge catalogue of stuff is definitely to blame for it.
  3. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Good, start your considerations then, because I am not posting "utter garbage".

    In a related note, as you have been asked several times already tone down your language.
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  4. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Buddy, all you ever do is post garbage. The fact that you don't realise it's garbage ain't my problem.

    You are incapable of approaching anything from a critical mindset.
    Lesh' likes this.
  5. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    I am, the main problem is that your perception of the discussions revolves around you been always right, never wrong, and if the rest of the forum disagrees your defense is to insult any and every one who disagrees with you.

    It is an unacceptable behavior and one that discredits whatever you might say that could be right.

    Eventually most people ignore you because the majority of what you say is insults towards other forum members.
  6. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I have repeatedly disagreed with the opinions of other people in this thread. Go back and read it.

    The only person I have called out here for posting garbage is you.

    This is very much a you problem.
  7. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I know. I am one of these entrenched legacy players myself. Cue my comment about my N2 Azra'il.

    Yes, I agree it is an imperfect solution.
    On the other hand, we do have unit bloat from CB, and replacing units one-to-one (Haramaki-to-Tanko style) does nothing to help that. Yes, it keeps folks who already own Haramaki models happy (kind of, as some are going to still be annoyed).

    From our discussion on that topic I see a number of possible solutions:
    • keep all the old units and profiles in the Army, ad inifnitam. Do not add any new ones, to avoid further bloat. Result: game gets stale and unchanging. Fans are irritated.
    • keep all the old units and profiles in the Army, ad inifnitam. Do add new units (and models for them). Result: profiles bloat to untenable level. Models for old units are unavailable, because the company has moved production capability (which is always going to be limited) to the new stuff.
    • Replace existing units with new versions, keeping the old models valid (Haramaki/Tanko way). It is essentially a variant of the two choices I've presented above.
    • Axe units and make space for new ones. Preferably axe those whose minis are long out of production. Result: people who had the old minis will get angry. But the game will have the breathing room to keep growing.
    • Axe units, suggest the legacy gamers what to use their old models as from now on. They'll be angry (at least some of them will), but they were at least given some consideration.
    No, I don't think any of the above solutions is perfect. None will make everyone happy.
    I dunno, maybe I haven't found some solutions. Maybe one of those I'm missing would be the perfect one that would make everybody happy.

    But CB have a choice - keep advancing the game, or let it stagnate. And to keep advancing, they need to keep adding shiny new stuff.
    And bloat becomes a problem at some point.

    Ah, that's two separate problems.
    Not being a PanO player I don't really know whether Squalo Mk.2 is better than Mk.1. And I don't think it really has any meaning for the problem here.

    See, to rebase a model you need to remove it from the base it has. That's a risk:
    1. The paint may scratch and chip, the model may break or even fall apart.
    2. The new base might not fit (gen.1 Squalo was intended for a 40mm base, but I guess most of the people angered about the change have a gen.2 Squalo sculpt - which was intended for a 55mm base. Will it fit - reasonably - on a 40mm?)
    3. Getting the new base painted is, again, a risk of damaging the existing paintjob.
    From a modeller's perspective - quite some job. Let's hope the paints I have used back in the day to paint it are still on the market, so I can repair any damage.
    From a non-modeller's perspective - man, I have to find someone who can do it for me. And pay them, likely. And it may not end up fitting the colors to my existing army.

    Add to that any base that is not the basic, plain CB plastic base: any 3rd company or even scratchbuildt scenic base.

    I went through it at the N2-N3 change, rebasing my Iguana from a 40mm base with a custom extension (because the thing was far too big for the 40mm base TAGs used back in the day) to a 55mm. Though I had the advantage of being able to build and paint my models myself.

    I have a buddy in my local community who can't do the same: no idea about what is wrong with his hands, medically-wise, but I've seen models he tried to assemble, decades ago. He can't do it. Fullstop. I'm quite sure he isn't the only guy around who has other people build and paint models for him.
    #127 Errhile, Apr 17, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2024
    saint, SpectralOwl, xagroth and 2 others like this.
  8. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    See axing units to make space for new ones is a reasonable compromise provided the axed unit can reasonably proxy for them. If the Squalo was axed to make way for a new S7 TAG, suggesting that the Squalo act as a proxy for it is reasonable. The affected player has a choice, they can buy the brand new TAG if they want. If they don't, then that's ok they can keep using the model they sunk time and money into.

    Axing the Squalo for a S6 TAG is a scumbag move that doesn't give the customer that same courtesy of choice, and then suggesting using it as a proxy for another TAG you probably already have is just taking the piss the same way all the CB fanboys were when they were suggesting the O-Yoroi be a Guijia proxy during Uprising, or Storm's latest garbage suggestion of "just rebase a 55mm model onto a 40mm base it doesn't fit on".

    There is absolutely no reason the Mk2 Squalo could not have been a S7 model, and historically other TAGs have scaled up in size, the Seraph was supposed to be a S6 Stingray type TAG but miscommunication in design made it end up as S7, and it was a similar story for the Bultrak who started out life as a S6 TAG as well. CB made a deliberate choice to try and screw people over with the Mk2 Squalo.

    It's about a measure of respect for the player and customer. I expect CB to act in a way that respects the consumer rather than trying to fuck them out of as much money as possible. I will happily buy duplicate models of shit I don't need without complaint, like I just bought a whole extra Mowang just to get a single extra pistol arm for a Haetae conversion.

    Meanwhile I'm still fucking pissed off about their bait and switch shit with the Shikami.

    I don't think it's too much to demand that they don't pull that kind of shit and fuck over players. Be better.
    #128 Triumph, Apr 17, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2024
  9. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Your extensive posting history exists, I am done discussing this, you have been given an overtly generous period to change your posting attitude and behavior.

    I can relate, I think I have build all the old Aleph remotes that exist in this country...

    In any case what I said is my opinion, what I thought and my surprise that what I thought was proven wrong.
    A Mão Esquerda and Errhile like this.
  10. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    And, well, actually, at the same time, no, not exactly.

    As it would require the designers to make new units to match old sculpts first and foremost.
    Yes, I'd love to find that my old, axed N2 Azra'il found a new light HI successors in N3 QK, ones packing rifles / panzerfausts and Feuerbachs. ;) oh and Spitfires, 'cause I've converted one to fit a profile that didn't had a sculpt released ;)
    However, that doesn't really help us with the bloat.

    What I mean to say: I agree with you on the emotional level.
    I can't, however, see it happening in reality on any significant scale on the rational level.

    Trust me, you have stated that clearly enough for everyone to see.

    I would go with a different choice of words, but I support the general sentiment behind that statement.
  11. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    I also generally agree with the sentiment, but I also believe the MkII is a good variant of the Mk1. S6 is much easier to maneuver and hide than S7. One of the improvements over the life of N4 has been CB showing a greater understanding of the values of Size. An example is the improvement of Bikes as a whole.

    I hope that potentially in the "Think Big" event, two things happen: another S8 TAG is announced and Maggie gets a price cut.
    Stiopa, tacos and Errhile like this.
  12. tacos

    tacos Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2022
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    Here's hoping!
  13. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    See that's not true at all, it just requires CB to plan and organise themselves better. Those S2 Azra'il? Well guess what QK is packing now. Yeah, the Burkut. There was clearly room for them to create these profiles at the time. It just requires CB to make an effort and plan accordingly when they are preparing to make that kind of change.

    Before you go apologising on their behalf, no no, that's too far in the future how could anyone predict this. Please, give me a break. It's not hard to make a decision that "Hmm, yes, there is indeed room in QK for another S2 profile probably in the next decade for when we get around to redoing QK." There's no reason that an early version of a Burkat even needed to look like its final iteration or play the same on the tabletop.

    CB are terrible at organisation and should strive to be better. Right now they do things like have the Shang Ji go through an entire edition, 3 different profile overhauls, and have not 1 but 2 sectorials release for them before they have even a single miniature release for them. If they actually put some effort in and fixed that level of operational inefficiency (for example stop failing at MO overhauls for the 3rd time and just get it right the first time) they could make better focused changes to sectorials.

    I could, it'd just takes CB not being ass at their job. You people put CB up on some pedestal with the idea that what they do is so difficult and so hard and takes so much forethought and 5d chess planning.

    I disagree. It merely takes someone with wrinkles in their brain and some actual proper testing done by people capable of delivering critical feedback instead of being useless yes men. Weathercock cranked out an entire TAG concept from artwork to profile in a matter of days in his spare time, not his job, if you want an example.

    This really isn't rocket science here.
    #133 Triumph, Apr 18, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2024
    Modock, burlesford and Daireann like this.
  14. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Can't argue with that - CB's level of organisation and forethought leaves much to be desired.

    Well, I guess we've reached the point where we should agree to disagree.

    I was writing some game rules in my day (RPG, not wargaming, so kind of a pretty different beast), and getting stuff to work as a system / within an existing system wasn't that easy. I suppose it is similar with a wargame, tohugh of course here you can't count on a GM to fudge things on the fly.
    Though having a sensible test team / proofreaders defintiely does help with it, you're absolutely on point with that.
  15. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Maggie is one of those loadouts / units in need of maintenance. Specifically, the 360 visor. Those visors are overpriced on S2 units, and it is the only device that could possibly push the Maggie that far above Squalos Mk1. There's a few other TAGs that needs hammer or grease; Gator has set a bit of an expectation on existing TAGs, exposing that Lizard, Guijia, and a few others are overpaying (which I think we already knew given that we don't use them on the table anywhere near as much as e.g. Szalamandra or Avatar). At the same time HRMC TAGs have shown on the tables to work a little too well, particularly the ones with higher ARM.
    It's not a performance issue, they don't need to be crammed with more stuff to work better, they just need to have their footmark during list construction adjusted to reflect performance. Generally speaking, these are mostly systemic issues; you can hand-adjust them as some suggest, but after you've hand-adjusted 19 out of 20 Eclipse Grenade units upwards, and every other 360 visor units down, you should be noticing some patterns.
    See? I almost managed to stay on topic of Nomads not being allowed abilities they used to have by mentioning Lizard!
    SpectralOwl, burlesford and Modock like this.
  16. Ktulhuist09

    Ktulhuist09 Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Imho part of a problem that with n4 game was very simplified. I understand that's a good for newbies and etc, but now we are at situation when almost every new profile is just mem\msv combo of different lvls (as i mentioned before) or 2 wounded impetus guys with 2(+) templates.
    I miss old knife fights, nullifers, sniffers and weird hacking
    Tristan228, Stiopa and Triumph like this.
  17. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    On the other hand, since I started playing in early 2015, I've never ever seen her on the table aside from one video in YT (N3, as a Lt option for some reason). So yeah... anecdotical evidence. So let's check OTM:

    https://infinitythemeta.com/unitPopularity?faction=steel-phalanx lists that Alke has a showing rate of 8% in OTM-submitted lists dor seasons 13+14+15 at all point levels, and I can see 1176 instances of thorakitai in games against 78 for Alke.

    I'm aware, they had to do something with the Enomotarch characters. Leaving aside Pure composition (which means a +1to BS for all SP pure links, nothing to scoff at), what does she bring to the table? I see only her 25pts profile truly being interesting (the spitfire ones compete with the more expensive but more loaded Makhe and Hoplite, for example, in fireteams, not to mention the HMG thorakite costing 22pts anyways), and even so the Makhe FO is just 5 pts more expensive, she really brings only a +1DMG MULTI Rifle in a 25pts platform, since she has the cheapest one in ASS and with extra damage to boot (the Hoplite, Achiles and the Agema are more expensive, even if the Agema's is a Multi Marksman Rifle)

    To be fair... few people want to do it. People lend to WYSIWYG and conversions.

    We got the YJ unit usage around Uprising giving a quite strong "opinion" there that people do not proxy, I remember the most used units in the timeline (which "casually" started with the release of Red Veil until that point, 1-2 years later) were precisely those in YJ's part of the Red Veil box...
  18. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Maybe in theory.

    We have a lot more exceptions now. We see the old N2 and N3 era units by how little word sallad there is on their profiles. With every other new hacker having an upgrade or custom modification, the game hasn't in reality gotten simplified.

    Meanwhile, a lot of what was cut from N3 were non-choices or stuff that was complicated for no good reason. E.g. when people pronounce "Redrum" or " oblivion" wrong and accidentally say like "carbonite" or "trinity". After crunching the numbers on a lot of these things, I'd honestly say N3 mostly had complications for the sake of complications, but the meaningful choices are about the same or better in N4.

    That is not to say that everything cut was a good decision. Remember Burnt state? Bring back Burnt state!
    Likewise, Sniffers were probably cut for being under-utilized, and there are good reasons they were, but since Targeted now sticks, I think value in Sniffers has reached a point where they are worth using.
    Errhile and burlesford like this.
  19. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    She's a cheaper NCO option and better at pressing buttons with a better WIP stat, that's literally all she needs to be to justify her presence in a fireteam. I don't think it's a controversial take to say people like looking for the cheapest NCO options they can find to stick in fireteams.

    And again, also a wildcard so she can link where Makhe can't. For example Dactyl haris to act as a Hippolyta delivery mechanism.
    Errhile likes this.
  20. Ktulhuist09

    Ktulhuist09 Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2019
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    The counter-argument that people were confused about program's names certainly sounds funny) I am talking more about balance a variability. Now every HD got very strong oblivion by default 16 dam ap that stops almost everything and almost useless carbonite with dam 13. Why we cant get weaker oblivion on HD and get alteranative AHD with something like "oblivion +1 dam" "carbonite +2dam" (it's already exist btw).
    Same with trinity, we can get it every device with dam 13 b2 for example, but cool hakers will get strong upgrades like +dam, +b, AP, DA, shock etc.
    But now strong default programms force CB to make new profiles with ridiculous high stats, like TB, where is everyone got 6 bts + linked tinbot.
    Lesh', AlphaStrike and burlesford like this.
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