Decoy: one use Holoeco 2 (aparantly it can move) Wild Parrot: Like a fast panda, can be deploy in ARO, no camo, e/m ammunition, intuitive, disposable (dont say how many) Zaper: nanopulser em2 MM X : now can use in saturation and ingnors cover (Teucer is happy) Combat sense: irregular, can be used in fireteam only by the owner NCO: turns the order regular, can be used in a link by anyone in it, dont need to be in the same combat group Explode LX: can be dodged, dmg12 N
Fireteams: 3 fusiliers and up to 2 Orc Kamau is Wildcard Pat Garret is NCO and Wildcard Mechanic can link with kamau (have the special mimetic guy like acon) Clipper can has FUCKING WILDCARD !!!!!!!!!!!!! Aparently ORC got a big big remake and now are GOOD (Hellois words)
Hi I'm one of the colaboratoes on the podcast. Just to clarify, the mechanic having mimetism its just a speculation based on the mechanic in acontecimiento. The core its up to 3 fusiliers and up to 2 orcs. Hellois said that they are now good, but did no say that they got an in dept rework, maybe its more on the skills that they get, but the base may be the same. Regards
what happened was that someone joked on the orc´s and he said "i dont know before, but Varuna orcs are really good, you are going to see them even on the soup" (more or less, the soup part is to the word) It´s true he didn´t specify a big remake, got swipe on the hype
pretty much what I expected. I'm still happy about it though yup, very cool very cool. Her viability totally will rely on what weapon she is packing and what her price point is.... I want to use her. cool, cool. Just makes them a little more viable. although, im not sure how often I will take a pure Kamau Harris/core neat.... I guess. I never really liked these guys tbh. it seems like our other pieces are so much better! Teucer is never happy.... because he is bad.... I like all this, hopefully an ORC profile will get Combat sense to leverage taking them over a Kamau as your attack piece. Also helps Patsy's utility YJ babies are going to be mad.
For what i hear, the Clipper in a link with Asisted fire is really good For 2 points more that a Fusilier ML..... maybe, maybe not, will see
MMX ignores cover bonus? Holy shit. BS23 Feuerbach says hi. Through Smoke. That's CC odds. It might simply allow MMS L2 for the B1 Shot, which would also include Shock. I'm aware I proposed that change (as it's a rather obvious one) still glad they came to the same conclusion. Combat Sense seems a natural candidate for overpriced and underperforming HI - KotHs, Shang Ji, FK, DeFe... let's see. Wonder if we'll see it on a TAG as well, maybe Seraph (questionmark). NCO and Zapper is as expected. Explode LX is still a gimmick and you should propably walk on the table instead of gambling the AD roll anyway. Parrot just having regular E/M unfortunately makes sense (makes the rule text easier, simple reference to E/Mauler) but is disappointing for a potential one use item. Not bad, but oh well, still neat on a Specialist for the jumpscare.
for a way to deliver a HI into the back line, the LiuXing looks interesting, different and good, don´t get why all the hate, the explosion was never about the damage
First, this is not "your forum", as I'm being serious about Varuna looking good and I'm gonna play it.. Second, don't shit it ip yourself with your "Yu Jing babies" comments maybe.
You know who will hate the Liu Xing? Not the fireteams, they'll have SSL2 to dodge/firepower to shoot back, and won't be bunched up that much very often. But remotes... those will hate it. Or light to medium unlinked ARO troops, where you can drop behind one for a decent chance to take it down as you deploy, without spending additional orders for that. Even linked ARO troops won't be particularly happy, if Explode LX won't have Attack label, and won't allow SSL2-triggered shots. Your opponent likes to deploy prone troops on rooftops? Things like linked Kamau snipers, or Intruders, or other similar stuff? Liu Xing will be a serious inconvenience for them. Overall pretty happy about the rumours. Tactical Sense will make some units pretty happy.